Welcome to the Bull Ring Discussions and Call-Outs Forum!!!


Platinum Member
Apr 9, 2012
The Bull Ring is now open!! Let the challengers challenge and the debates begin!!!! Remember folks this forum is a catch all for all Bull Ring related topics. This is the place to discuss past, present and future debates between members and/or teams. Have someone you want to debate one on one? Call them out and see what they are made of. Enjoy!
I agree with Amy! All 3 have to be agreed upon by both parties? Frankly, I think we definately need winners. I obvioulsy have a gambling problem, because betting was my biggest turn on.. lol
The challengers could pick 3 judges who will decide at the end who won.

It’s unfortunate there can’t be a consensus as to three judges who are fair, impartial, and objective to monitor all the debates, as that likely won’t be the case with ‘judges’ selected by the opposing parties.

Thats why both parties should agree

LOL the process of selecting three judges will take a 20 page thread.
What will the criteria be for judging?

Facts provided?

Depending on the topic opinions may simply rule the match so perhaps a set of criteria to aid the judges?
Thats why both parties should agree

LOL the process of selecting three judges will take a 20 page thread.

PM is the way to go for that.
Exactly they can do that behind the scenes.

@Dreamy in regards to guidelines on how they should judge we are going to leave that up to the parties to decide. Its their debate, they make the rules and we get to break out the popcorn and watch :)
LOL the process of selecting three judges will take a 20 page thread.

PM is the way to go for that.
Exactly they can do that behind the scenes.

@Dreamy in regards to guidelines on how they should judge we are going to leave that up to the parties to decide. Its their debate, they make the rules and we get to break out the popcorn and watch :)

Okay. So the judges will judge based on what the parties in the match tell them to judge?
I think we should just stick with reps and thanks totals to declare the "winner". Seems like whomever can get two of their online freinds to be judges is gonna win no matter what.
The Bull Ring is now open!! Let the challengers challenge and the debates begin!!!! Remember folks this forum is a catch all for all Bull Ring related topics. This is the place to discuss past, present and future debates between members and/or teams. Have someone you want to debate one on one? Call them out and see what they are made of. Enjoy!

How do you start a call out and what does it mean by 'read only'?

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