Zone1 "We live in a society of an imposed forgetfulness, a society that depends on public amnesia."

Angela Davis said the words in the title and articles like this prove just how deep the Amnesia is.

When Do I Get To Stop Apologizing for Being White?
My white “privilege” has not exempted me from racism; it came crashing through my car window during the L.A. riots, carried on a brick to the tune of, “white fucking bitch”. My white “privilege” has not made me complacent to the catastrophic consequences of racial injustice. My white “privilege” is not a gift that I had asked for nor is it one that I feel the need to apologize for. Being white is one element of many that helped to form my character and I do not see it as a flaw that needs to be excused, prize that needs to be exalted, or a privilege to be responsible for. White privilege is a regional advantage that fades or disappears into a liability depending upon where in the world you are, based upon the filters that that communities residents share. I am aware how ideological this sounds, but race privilege is an illusion that is perpetuated by the filters that were formed by a community’s experience.

Just as I do not think it is equitable to ask men to apologize for their economic/social advantage or my Germans friends to apologize for the holocaust. I look forward to the day when I no longer have to apologize for being white.

I think those are good points and it isn’t “victimhood” but asking for a reasonable middle ground between history and personal lived experiences. Should people feel they need to apologize for something they had no part in or an identity that is an accident of birth or a privilege they did not ask for or have choice in?

It is better imo, to put energy into making sure we teach an accurate history of race relations and not attempt to white wash it by banning books, and intimidating teachers. If
I think those are good points and it isn’t “victimhood” but asking for a reasonable middle ground between history and personal lived experiences. Should people feel they need to apologize for something they had no part in or an identity that is an accident of birth or a privilege they did not ask for or have choice in?

It is better imo, to put energy into making sure we teach an accurate history of race relations and not attempt to white wash it by banning books, and intimidating teachers. If
The problem as you have seen here, is that people are doing the very same thing that was being done in the past. Why should we as blacks be saddled with deficits we get born into because of that past while whites who didn't continue benefitting from what they were born into?
No, she meant conservatives. Democrats were the conservatves at that time.

We know you carry democrat Party bags and don't know which end is right.

No use explaining to you again

I know you're lying, you know you're lying, you have to keep playing the part. Have fun
We know you carry democrat Party bags and don't know which end is right.

No use explaining to you again

I know you're lying, you know you're lying, you have to keep playing the part. Have fun
I am right. I don't need your explanation Republican white racist.
It’s a stupid deflection and speaks of a desperate attempt to white wash their own history doesn’t it?
Yes it does. It is a dishonest attempt to fool blacks into joining the Republican Party.
Yes it does. It is a dishonest attempt to fool blacks into joining the Republican Party.
It’s weird magical thinking: conflating southern Democrats in that era with liberals (who were mostly the northern Democrats)…what they want you to believe is the south was liberal until it became Republican and then it magically switched to conservative. That’s quite a sell considering the ideology was conservative throughout.
  • Fact
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The problem as you have seen here, is that people are doing the very same thing that was being done in the past. Why should we as blacks be saddled with deficits we get born into because of that past while whites who didn't continue benefitting from what they were born into?
I think that is spreading a lot of blame on people who had nothing to do with it. Interestingly, it has a bit of a Marxist slant in that it kind of sounds like you want to punish white people who did not cause the deficits because they are white as opposed to something they’ve done.
It’s weird magical thinking: conflating southern Democrats in that era with liberals (who were mostly the northern Democrats)…what they want you to believe is the south was liberal until it became Republican and then it magically switched to conservative. That’s quite a sell considering the ideology was conservative throughout.

Yeah, the tale has so many holes in it that you have to be a dunce cap to fall for it.
No. I mean White conservatives.

You mean democrats then and now

I know you're embarrassed to support the Party of Jim Crow, slavery the KKK and forcing Republican President Ike (was Ike a democrat????) to send 101st Airborne to Little Rock to force democrats to desegregate.

That's not my problem and that doesn't give you and IM2 an excuse to LIE about Conservatives
I think you need to leave the we want to punish whites alone Coyote because what you're saying to me is that blacks should stil
I think that is spreading a lot of blame on people who had nothing to do with it. Interestingly, it has a bit of a Marxist slant in that it kind of sounds like you want to punish white people who did not cause the deficits because they are white as opposed to something they’ve done.

Blacks are born into deficits we did not create while whites are born into benefits they did not create. Therefore blacks are being punished while whites say how they should not be punished because they didn't do it, even as many have the same atitudes of the past as is displayed here consistently. Both sides must be considered in this argument, not just how whites feel.

You mean democrats then and now

I know you're embarrassed to support the Party of Jim Crow, slavery the KKK and forcing Republican President Ike (was Ike a democrat????) to send 101st Airborne to Little Rock to force democrats to desegregate.

That's not my problem and that doesn't give you and IM2 an excuse to LIE about Conservatives
Now you are just being silly. Does it embarrass you to self identify as a KKKonservative?

Can you explain the magical overnight ideological transformation of the south?

It’s pretty amazing…I mean there they were happily chugging along for a century as racist liberals when boom, they transformed into proper conservatives. Without changing a single idea in the process. Sorry dude…you can’t get enough whitewash for this magical make over.
  • Brilliant
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You mean democrats then and now

I know you're embarrassed to support the Party of Jim Crow, slavery the KKK and forcing Republican President Ike (was Ike a democrat????) to send 101st Airborne to Little Rock to force democrats to desegregate.

That's not my problem and that doesn't give you and IM2 an excuse to LIE about Conservatives
Coyote didn't lie about conservatives. You are. You cherrypick things boy. For example during the great Misissippi flood Republicans were in charge and put blacks affected by the flood bascally in concentration camps. So just stop lying about the republican party. Both parties were complicit and it is very cear that today the republican party is anti black, anti woman, and anti non white..
Now you are just being silly. Does it embarrass you to self identify as a KKKonservative?

Can you explain the magical overnight ideological transformation of the south?

It’s pretty amazing…I mean there they were happily chugging along for a century as racist liberals when boom, they transformed into proper conservatives. Without changing a single idea in the process. Sorry dude…you can’t get enough whitewash for this magical make over.

This is EXACTLY why Zone 1 sucks.

You Progressives can LIE about conservatives all day and night

dems = KKK Deal with it
This is EXACTLY why Zone 1 sucks.

You Progressives can LIE about conservatives all day and night

dems = KKK Deal with it
But you're the one lying. Today the KKK and white supremacists in general align with the Republican party. You should know that since you're one of them. Deal with it.

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