Zone1 "We live in a society of an imposed forgetfulness, a society that depends on public amnesia."

I think you need to leave the we want to punish whites alone Coyote because what you're saying to me is that blacks should stil

Blacks are born into deficits we did not create while whites are born into benefits they did not create. Therefore blacks are being punished while whites say how they should not be punished because they didn't do it, even as many have the same atitudes of the past as is displayed here consistently. Both sides must be considered in this argument, not just how whites feel.
I’m going to disagree here because I don’t think you are considering the white side. The idea of privilege is not uniform, not every White benefited from “white privilege and not every Black experienced deficits and you are going to have a hard sell trying to convince a poor jobless white Appalachian living in a fentanyl hell hole that he somehow privileged by accident of birth and he needs to shut up about “white victimization”.

I do see where being white carries a privelege: Ahmed Arbery would not have been lynched if he were white for example. But I’m also seeing it being used as a bludgeon against people who have never seen the privilege they were supposed to have been born into and are supposed to remedy.
But you're the one lying. Today the KKK and white supremacists in general align with the Republican party. You should know that since you're one of them. Deal with it.

In 1964, LBJ and Barry Goldwater ran for President; one was a white Conservative, the other a racist, Southern democrat peckerwood who called every one a ******.

Who was the white Conservative?

Who was the racist, Southern peckerwood democrat who called every black guy a ******?
I’m going to disagree here because I don’t think you are considering the white side. The idea of privilege is not uniform, not every White benefited from “white privilege and not every Black experienced deficits and you are going to have a hard sell trying to convince a poor jobless white Appalachian living in a fentanyl hell hole that he somehow privileged by accident of birth and he needs to shut up about “white victimization”.

I do see where being white carries a privelege: Ahmed Arbery would not have been lynched if he were white for example. But I’m also seeing it being used as a bludgeon against people who have never seen the privilege they were supposed to have been born into and are supposed to remedy.
Your argument ignores that the case is against the gvernment and not individual whites.

I consider the white side Coyote. That poor jobless white Appalachians living in a hell hole in many cases are racist and believes they are superior to blacks. Not all of them, but enough. I live in a rural state too, and rural whites iving in Kansas meth hell holes are as racist as they come, yet they will support policies that take away opportunites for non whites even if it means they lose too. This has always been the case. During Jim Crow, poor whites faced poll taxes but they gladly joined the KKK and terrorized blacks trying to vote or live decently.

What is the demograohic make up of MAGA, poor, white, low educated. SWorking class whites have from the beginning been trcked by those in power who used race to con them into being robbed. In the begnning of this country blacks and whites didn't have a problem, but rich white planters feared a worker revolt and had to do something to make sure they could control the workers in order to make money. They used race and poor or working class whites have used race ever since.

Lerone Bennett, The Road Not Taken

Martin Luther King told working class white jailers in Birmingham that they had more in common with blacks than the whites that told them how they were better than blacks, but those working class and poor whites didn't listen. Today they are not listening. Instead they make the argument you are making when the opposition blacks have has nothing to do wth the poor white individual. Rev. William Barber has the best strategy and it's time poor whites acted in solidarty wth us.
In 1964, LBJ and Barry Goldwater ran for President; one was a white Conservative, the other a racist, Southern democrat peckerwood who called every one a ******.

Who was the white Conservative?

Who was the racist, Southern peckerwood democrat who called every black guy a ******?
Barry Goldwater voted against the Civil Rights Act because he thought civil rights was a states rights issue. Lyndon Johnson called every black guy a ***** and signed the Civil Rights Act. Blacks didn't give a damn what Johnson said, just as long as we had civil rights.
Barry Goldwater voted against the Civil Rights Act because he thought civil rights was a states rights issue. Lyndon Johnson called every black guy a ***** and signed the Civil Rights Act. Blacks didn't give a damn what Johnson said, just as long as we had civil rights.
Ike passed Civil Rights in 1957
I’m going to disagree here because I don’t think you are considering the white side. The idea of privilege is not uniform, not every White benefited from “white privilege and not every Black experienced deficits and you are going to have a hard sell trying to convince a poor jobless white Appalachian living in a fentanyl hell hole that he somehow privileged by accident of birth and he needs to shut up about “white victimization”.

I do see where being white carries a privelege: Ahmed Arbery would not have been lynched if he were white for example. But I’m also seeing it being used as a bludgeon against people who have never seen the privilege they were supposed to have been born into and are supposed to remedy.
That does it, IM2 is going to call you a racist now that you have disagreed with him.
Again, the Eisenhower Civil Rights Act did nothing. And the fact that this is the Republican plan if Trump gets elected:

Trump allies plot anti-racism protections — for white people​

Tells me that you need to STFU.
I’m not surprised that you are angry about this. What Trump intends to do is eliminate race-based preferences and level the playing field for all Americans. No more affirmative Action, no more set asides for minorities. You’ve had preferences for over fifty years, it’s time to end them and let everyone compete. Affirmative Action was never intended to run forever, bot setting a sunset date on the original legislation was a major mistake.
"White privilege" is merely a propagandistic and inherently racist term that attempts to obscure the fact that in every society majorities tend to favor themselves and benefit more from the things that society has made than minorities have. China and Japan have disparities between groups even in the absence of "whites". Hutus and Tutsies have differences without "whites". Majority advantages exist; "white privilege" exists only as a pejorative term with racial division as goal..
Blacks are born into deficits we did not create while whites are born into benefits they did not create. Therefore blacks are being punished while whites say how they should not be punished because they didn't do it, even as many have the same atitudes of the past as is displayed here consistently
Methinks you'll find just as many white,yellow,red folks born into poverty IM2

Sorts that had no more an advantage OR disadvantage that pulled themselves up and out of it via their own merit

They understood personal responsibility is strength , were blame shifting is weakness

I’m not surprised that you are angry about this. What Trump intends to do is eliminate race-based preferences and level the playing field for all Americans. No more affirmative Action, no more set asides for minorities. You’ve had preferences for over fifty years, it’s time to end them and let everyone compete. Affirmative Action was never intended to run forever, bot setting a sunset date on the original legislation was a major mistake.
Yup. Jews immigrated here fleeing Russian pograms and European antisemitism, arriving penniless and uneducated, and not even speaking the language. By the next generation, their kids were college-educated professionals or small business owners - and they did it WITHOUT the help of Affirmative Action or special set-asides from the federal government.

And now we have DIE programs, run by anti-white racists, where blacks are given MASSIVE priority over whites: if an exceptionally well qualified white applies for a job, and a basically qualified black applies, then the job goes to the black. Trump is going to put a stop to the racism.
Oh, if only that were true! :FIREdevil:
Anyone who knows history knows the enshrined HATE for Blacks of the Democrats, enshrined in 3 amendments



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