USMB Coffee Shop IV

Going to Indy 500 qualifiers this weekend....And I probably will be picking up a new (to me) motorcycle for good measure.

Wound up in the er today. I'd been a little sick at my stomach, but the pain in my chest wasn't good and the doctor sent me here.

Hi, 007! Good to see you again!

I bought a few flower pots, but have been so unwell they didn't get much attention except for watering. One grew 4' tall and has a beautiful lavender circle of flowers on top. Now I'm in the hospital and wishing I had spent time planting flowers, but with all this pain, it didn't happen.

I hope you will tell us more about your garden stuff, so when I get back home I have a springboard for digging and completion of canning. We missed you around here, Mr.007.
You're in the hospital? Splain.
You're in the hospital? Splain.
Called my doctor about several problems, acid stomach, allergies, severe upper back pain and chest pain on the left side. She told me to go to the hospital forthwith. I woke up the next morning with chest pain, and after a few tests, it wasn't a heart attack at all. The doctors in the hospital thought that I would be better served by going home with the warning to take it easy, avoid stress, and get plenty of rest, because they weren't quite certain about muscle pain v. stress of which I had a full plate of lately. I just took some time doing stuff I like to do. Right now, my goal in to do cotton crotcheting of mug rugs for the church to protect plastic tables in the social hall, and so far, have only crocheted 30 mug rugs, and my goal is to complete 300 of them and let the cooks decide. I also developed a way to make burnless potholders I first designed in the 70s at Casper. SUNDAY, I turned over 17 mug rugs, 4 double-sided burnless potholders to protect the people who cook Sunday meals for the congregation.

My stress was over whether to send Ken and son packing due to his unendearing habit of negativity. I had a realization that I can stop wanting him to act more kindly by doing good deeds myself, and quit stressing over stuff I am not going to listen to again. So far he has accepted paying for his share of the electric bill, which caused me to bounce 4 checks & experienced over-the-top stress. Each bad check cost 28 dollars, and I had to pay over a hundred dollars for the mishap. It's my responsibility to pay my expenses, however, but my credit rating has been practically destroyed. Lesson learned. I'm going to do better accounting if I can. My late husband never had one mishap when he was making ends meet with perfect accounting for 46 years.
So, I hope my paying closer attention to checking disbursements by buying less and making sure Ken pays his fair share of the electricity for his rvs, running water for 3 days straight, because the well pumps my water by using electricity for the power..
Called my doctor about several problems, acid stomach, allergies, severe upper back pain and chest pain on the left side. She told me to go to the hospital forthwith. I woke up the next morning with chest pain, and after a few tests, it wasn't a heart attack at all. The doctors in the hospital thought that I would be better served by going home with the warning to take it easy, avoid stress, and get plenty of rest, because they weren't quite certain about muscle pain v. stress of which I had a full plate of lately. I just took some time doing stuff I like to do. Right now, my goal in to do cotton crotcheting of mug rugs for the church to protect plastic tables in the social hall, and so far, have only crocheted 30 mug rugs, and my goal is to complete 300 of them and let the cooks decide. I also developed a way to make burnless potholders I first designed in the 70s at Casper. SUNDAY, I turned over 17 mug rugs, 4 double-sided burnless potholders to protect the people who cook Sunday meals for the congregation.

My stress was over whether to send Ken and son packing due to his unendearing habit of negativity. I had a realization that I can stop wanting him to act more kindly by doing good deeds myself, and quit stressing over stuff I am not going to listen to again. So far he has accepted paying for his share of the electric bill, which caused me to bounce 4 checks & experienced over-the-top stress. Each bad check cost 28 dollars, and I had to pay over a hundred dollars for the mishap. It's my responsibility to pay my expenses, however, but my credit rating has been practically destroyed. Lesson learned. I'm going to do better accounting if I can. My late husband never had one mishap when he was making ends meet with perfect accounting for 46 years.
So, I hope my paying closer attention to checking disbursements by buying less and making sure Ken pays his fair share of the electricity for his rvs, running water for 3 days straight, because the well pumps my water by using electricity for the power..
Well mercy. Hope everything works out. So Ken is still with you? He's not in the hospital anymore?
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This age gig s*cks, i've had a bum knee now for decades that puts me down, then i pretend i'm tying my shoe........~S~
Aw. Can't you get the knee fixed? You didn't injure yourself I hope.

I remember the first time I squatted down and was unable to stand up unassisted again. And joined the LONG list of seniors who know you don't get down without a good plan of how to get up again. I used to be able to sit on the floor with my legs and arms cross and stand up easily with no assistance or props. But I can still do 2-1/2 to 3 mph on the treadmill for quite awhile and do the things I need to do and most of the things I want to do so I feel blessed. But yeah, in that regard getting older does such.
they did 'fix' it......

Sure i did FF, i was the good lords biggest 'eff up as a youngster , takes me a while to recall all the broken bones , near death experiences, etc.

my prob is, it's all cacthing up to me now....... :oops: ~S~
I took my Aunt Betty--she'll be 98 in September--to a doctor's appointment this morning and returned her to the independent living facility where she lives. This woman is usually upbeat and pleasant and optimistic about things but she called this afternoon all down in the dumps. She had gone to some sort of music program and it got some old tapes running apparently and she was just miserable and feeling hopeless and frustrated with the world in general. I let her talk for awhile until it was time for her to meet her best friends for dinner there and they should cheer her up I hope.

And another friend called this afternoon and was frustrated and upset that she just couldn't seem to multi task or cope with things or solve problems lately and wondered if she wasn't losing it.

Yester Hombre, my hubby, was depressed and moody and just didn't feel up to coping with anything for awhile.

And now you seem to be frustrated with life in general as well. And in truth my own mood hasn't been the best or my tolerance at its normal levels.

Maybe it's the solar flares that have been hitting the Earth this week and affecting all our moods?

What I'm suggesting is that everybody take some deep breaths and this Friday do absolutely nothing that we don't feel like doing or want to do. Just pamper ourselves a bit and let the world go by. This too shall pass.
Well mercy. Hope everything works out. So Ken is still with you? He's not in the hospital anymore?
He's the picture of health right now. We patched things up. Right now we are having flooding. They said there would be flooding in Walker County, so I figured it was like other warnings, but NOT SO.
I went to Denny's for supper earlier this evening, but when I got back home, I had been through half a dozen areas in which the water was rushing, and some were a foot deep in flooding the road. (I was released from the hospital yesterday and drove myself home). So some of the rain I came home an hour or so ago was hitting pretty hard on the windshield of my truck. Hope nobody gets hurt in this strange storm. I called all the people in the family, and everyone is okay. But every one is getting the hard rainfall. Counting my blessings.
they did 'fix' it......

Sure i did FF, i was the good lords biggest 'eff up as a youngster , takes me a while to recall all the broken bones , near death experiences, etc.

my prob is, it's all cacthing up to me now....... :oops: ~S~
Sending up to the man upstairs to send a guardian angel to heal all you are dealing with, Sparky, and good thoughts coming your way from my smart phone. :thup:
He's the picture of health right now. We patched things up. Right now we are having flooding. They said there would be flooding in Walker County, so I figured it was like other warnings, but NOT SO.
I went to Denny's for supper earlier this evening, but when I got back home, I had been through half a dozen areas in which the water was rushing, and some were a foot deep in flooding the road. (I was released from the hospital yesterday and drove myself home). So some of the rain I came home an hour or so ago was hitting pretty hard on the windshield of my truck. Hope nobody gets hurt in this strange storm. I called all the people in the family, and everyone is okay. But every one is getting the hard rainfall. Counting my blessings.
Be safe. And dry.
Speaking of ailments..I have a new one. I'm turning into a scaley fishlike lizard on one arm. Dermatitis I guess. And when I am not scratching the huge rash that started on my elbow and is now eagerly eating its way down to my wrist...its my nose going hog wild. Either all stuffed up or running like a leaky faucet as I sneeze continually. Never had allergies before, but since I have moved from the coast, its been nothing but stuffed up head. And now scales on an arm.

Growing old ain't for sissies.
Don't mean to butt in, but I have never been one to keep my mouth shut. From what I have read about this man that you have shared...he is the picture of health because he is a energy soul stealing vampire and he is gobbling up yours.
Thanks, Gracie, but I failed to tell yall but annoying an annoying old guy has its humorous side. And I'm having a good time of it. Furthermore, my puppy Beautiful is having her babies right now, and she's very busy cleaning and nursing the first three. She has been washing their birth dew off for the last half hour. Oops, it looks like another birth is coming Miss Beautiful's way. The first three look like Ringo, who is waiting outside the Music Room's door. Her sister, Miss Princess is being warned to back off,, and Miss Beautiful growled at her mama, Songie too. Oh, the rambunctious one is trying to fall off my comfy chair I gave their Mommie Ms. Beautiful half an hour ago. The second group is not showing up. The grandma and mother of Beautiful had litters of 14 and 12, respectively.estimated.
Have to put Princess out again. She is acting jealous because her babies are still refusing to come, and she has been warned by her younger sister LOL
lAsk your new physician if a prescription called Montelukast would relieve your symptoms. Your area might or might not be the place for the kind of allergies I have in Walker County, TX. Oh, and I'm allergic to everything. LOL But it seems to be true. :dunno:
I bet you're gonna be a winner! Go, Oddball!!!】
Don't mean to butt in, but I have never been one to keep my mouth shut. From what I have read about this man that you have shared...he is the picture of health because he is a energy soul stealing vampire and he is gobbling up yours.
I deal with one issue at a time. The way my instructions are understood, it's best to avoid judging others until I've walked a mile in they shoes.
I have 3 dogs that are preggers, and only one of them dominoesd this morning. She's acting like her sister Miss Princess is Simon Legree himself. :auiqs.jpg: I haven't checked Miss Songie for a population count if she had a litter out back, so BBL
Speaking of ailments..I have a new one. I'm turning into a scaley fishlike lizard on one arm. Dermatitis I guess. And when I am not scratching the huge rash that started on my elbow and is now eagerly eating its way down to my wrist...its my nose going hog wild. Either all stuffed up or running like a leaky faucet as I sneeze continually. Never had allergies before, but since I have moved from the coast, its been nothing but stuffed up head. And now scales on an arm.

Growing old ain't for sissies.
I do hope you have an appointment with your doctor. So sorry that is happening but you do need medical attention. And I so wish USMB would give us a CARE response button along with all the others like Facebook has when the smiley face "Love" button and "Like" just don't say it.
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