US withholds thousands of bombs from Israel

lol I bet you think you're being clever.
here, is this the story?

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Obama administration acknowledged late Tuesday that its transfer of $1.7 billion to Iran earlier this year was made entirely in cash, using non-U.S. currency, as Republican critics of the transaction continued to denounce the payments.
Trump had a plan. Get the civilians out. Get the weapons out, most of which would have gone to what passes for Afghan military. Last would be the military. Fuckwad Biden took the military out first. Because he didn't want to follow the Trump plan.
He also never told any of our allies, He betrayed them

This is impeachable, right?

Biden is holding back appropriated aid to Israel. Trump was impeached for even discussing withholding aid to Ukraine.

Biden is withholding aid to Israel.

THEREFORE, APPLYING THE SAME STANDARDS, BIDEN MUST BE IMPEACHED. (Yea, I know he is losing and we do not want him impeached…I am merely pointing out the obvious double standard)

WTF are we giving military aid to a fascist, apartheid country that deliberately murders innocent civilians?

Biden should be given a medal.
WTF are we giving military aid to a fascist, apartheid country that deliberately murders innocent civilians?

Biden should be given a medal.
like Ukraine? I completely agree. I bet you think any country dropping bombs never hurts anyone!!!!!! War is sooooo coool you know!!!!
Like when Trump called for an investigation into the 2020 election?

Every report of election interference and fraud was investigated by the DOJ, and they found nothing significant. Bill Barr said that Trump's claims the election was stolen, were false. The whole operation was overseen by Homeland Security, and they called it the cleanest and fairest election in American history.

Trump promised that the courts would decide the outcome and the Secs. of State in every state in the Union, ran their elections so cleanly that not one election was overturned because of irregularities or fraud. And that includes all of the states which ran "Cyber Ninja" audits.

Even the 3rd party citizens rights groups from Europe pronounced it a fair and honest election.

Then we have a former President facing 88 indictments over his role in trying and failing to steal the election from Biden.
Alright, you fucking piece of shit, I will say it another way, it is illegal to target civilians.
The only ones who targeted civilians were the Muslim savages on October 7th.

Your blinded by your bias against the Joooo country.

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