US Supreme Court allows Louisiana voting map with two Black-majority districts

The GOP can't get it's senators elected in Georgia.

How does that happen ?

Why do they care about this ?

Go to Georgia and behave like a party that WANTS TO WIN.
The assumption that political demographics based on skin color is a blue state victory translates to plantation politics.
So the assumption that whites vote republican is plantation politics.
Racial gerrymandering is still gerrymandering
Racial gerrymandering is what caused majority black districts to be diluted, which is what this decision ended. It's time you guys on the right stopped pretending that this has not been the case.
The court presumes, correctly, that Negros are too ignorant to vote based know...issues, candidates, credentials, and things like that; they will vote according to the color of their skin and the color of the skin of the candidates.

So think about this: The legislature is prohibited by the Constitution from discriminating on the basis of race, but they are required by legislation to discriminate on the basis of race, so that the voters can discriminate on the basis of race.

How fucked up, exactly, is that?

Or is it conforming to the Voting Rights Act?

Changes nothing

Gerrymandering is the re-drawing of districts to one party's favor. In the case of Louisiana, the Democratic party is the beneficiary, but that was not the intent. Racial equity in our political process is the intent, and it looks like some folks might be getting just that..finally~

Does this look like an unbiased map to you? This is worse than the current.


And why is it that only a black person is somehow able to represent a black citizen? I can't think of a time in my life I've ever had an Asian representative and yet, we don't sit around whining about it.
People that area? Plantation politics?
IMO…no. The term is getting deliberately misused.

Some here use that term a lot, so I looked it up to be sure of the meaning.

Plantation politics: … “Plantation politics” …the psychological and political warfare Black people are subjected to in traditionally white institutions that render them invisible while exploiting their labor for profit.

If a new district is created in rural white WV, what party do you assumed they will vote for? How about white Evangelicals in Alabama? Why, on the one hand, if it assumed the new White districts (on the prior map) will vote Republican, that is not a problem but if it is assumed a new Black district will vote Democrat…it is “Plantation Politics”?

On the other hand, Dems have, for a long time assumed Blacks will vote for them in a block and with assumption ignored them. It should give Republicans an opening but they’ve failed to form a coherent message that addresses their concerns as voters without also repelling them.
IMO…no. The term is getting deliberately misused.

Some here use that term a lot, so I looked it up to be sure of the meaning.

Plantation politics: … “Plantation politics” …the psychological and political warfare Black people are subjected to in traditionally white institutions that render them invisible while exploiting their labor for profit.

If a new district is created in rural white WV, what party do you assumed they will vote for? How about white Evangelicals in Alabama? Why, on the one hand, if it assumed the new White districts (on the prior map) will vote Republican, that is not a problem but if it is assumed a new Black district will vote Democrat…it is “Plantation Politics”?

On the other hand, Dems have, for a long time assumed Blacks will vote for them in a block and with assumption ignored them. It should give Republicans an opening but they’ve failed to form a coherent message that addresses their concerns as voters without also repelling them.
Actualy Democrats have done a ot for blacks, Republicans have never wanted blacks in the party since Lincoln freed us. Check out the Lilly White Movement.

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