US charges WikiLeaks founder with publishing classified info

the other mike

Diamond Member
Jan 5, 2019
Secret City under Denver Airport
WASHINGTON (AP) — The U.S. filed new charges Thursday against Wikileaks founder Julian Assange, accusing him of placing the United States at risk of "serious harm" by publishing thousands of secret and classified documents, including the names of confidential sources for American armed forces.

In an 18-count, superseding indictment, Justice Department prosecutors allege that Assange directed former Army intelligence analyst Chelsea Manning in one of the largest compromises of classified information in U.S. history.

The case presents immediate questions about media freedom, including whether the Justice Department is charging Assange for actions — such as soliciting and publishing classified information — that ordinarily journalists do as a matter of course. Department officials said Thursday they believe Assange strayed far outside First Amendment protections.

The new Espionage Act charges go far beyond an initial indictment against Assange made public last month that accused him of conspiring with Manning to crack a defense computer password.

Wikileaks caused particular harm by publishing the names of people who helped American forces in Iraq and Afghanistan and U.S. diplomats around the world.

The new indictment says Assange conspired with Manning to obtain and disclose classified national defense documents, including State Department cables and reports on the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Prosecutors say his actions "risked serious harm" to the United States.

Assange, 47, is in custody in London after being evicted from the Ecuadorian Embassy in April. The U.S. is seeking his extradition.

US charges WikiLeaks founder with publishing classified info

If we allow assange to be crucified here, we will be a crucial step
closer to being ruled under a totalitarian state.

By thrusting the truth upon the people of earth, WikiLeaks helped create movements worldwide like the Arab Spring and Occupy. And don’t forget, at first WikiLeaks and Assange were celebrated for their amazing work. In 2011 even Amnesty International hailed WikiLeaks as one of the Arab Spring catalysts. The Guardian said: “The year 2010 may well be remembered as a watershed year when activists and journalists used new technology to speak truth to power and, in so doing, pushed for greater respect for human rights. … It is also the year when repressive governments faced the real possibility that their days were numbered.”

So why have so many outlets and people turned against Assange and WikiLeaks? Because it turned out he wasn’t revealing only repressive Arab regimes. He also revealed U.S.-backed coups and war crimes around the world. He exposed the criminality and villainy of the American ruling elite.

Nothing published on WikiLeaks has ever been proven untrue. Compare that record to CNN, MSNBC, Fox News or any mainstream outlet. Assange has been nominated for multiple Nobel Peace Prizes, and nearly every respected media outlet has used source material from WikiLeaks in their reporting. Yet after all this and after seven years in captivity, the man who laid bare our criminal leaders and showed each one of us our chains is not receiving parades and accolades. He and those who helped him reveal the truth are the only ones endlessly punished.

We are all Julian Assange. As long as he’s imprisoned, we can never be free.
It's very strange that the US, under Donald Trump's leadership, would be piling on more charges against Assange.

this is simple---if he published classified/etc stuff- he should be charged
It's very strange that the US, under Donald Trump's leadership, would be piling on more charges against Assange.

If Trump's still president if and when Assange comes here, I believe Trump will pardon him.

If Trump was going to pardon Assange, why would he be bringing even more charges against him?
It's very strange that the US, under Donald Trump's leadership, would be piling on more charges against Assange.

If Trump's still president if and when Assange comes here, I believe Trump will pardon him.

If Trump was going to pardon Assange, why would he be bringing even more charges against him?

Trump is the one bringing charges ? I didn't know presidents get to be prosecutors too.
It's very strange that the US, under Donald Trump's leadership, would be piling on more charges against Assange.

If Trump's still president if and when Assange comes here, I believe Trump will pardon him.

If Trump was going to pardon Assange, why would he be bringing even more charges against him?

Trump is the one bringing charges ? I didn't know presidents get to be prosecutors too.

The Justice Dept. is part of the executive branch of government. I would be inclined to think the President has the ear of his Attorney General.
WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange indicted on 17 new charges under Espionage Act

WikiLeaks founder indicted on Espionage Act charges, raising issue of press freedoms - CNNPolitics

WikiLeaks' Julian Assange charged with 17 new criminal counts, including violating Espionage Act

If you want to challenge the constitution, you take the least sympathetic character you and find and charge them with espionage for publishing classified material and if you convict, you can go after every newspaper, radio and TV station in the United States.

The government can classify anything. Even retroactively. If the new Republican Supreme Court agrees, that will be the end of a free press. We will become Russia. The Constitution shredded. The end of America as we know it.
Remember who Trump calls the "Enemy of the People".

Trump has the Justice Department and the Republican Party on his side.

Will the Supreme Court side with Trump against America?
Old news deanie boi… Google Sharyl Attkisson or James Rosen for entertainment...

2013 articles about the Department of Justice investigations of reporters - Wikipedia

An editorial board of the New York Times wrote: "With the decision to label a Fox News television reporter a possible 'co-conspirator' in a criminal investigation of a news leak, the Obama administration has moved beyond protecting government secrets to threatening fundamental freedoms of the press to gather news."[14]

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange indicted on 17 new charges under Espionage Act

WikiLeaks founder indicted on Espionage Act charges, raising issue of press freedoms - CNNPolitics

WikiLeaks' Julian Assange charged with 17 new criminal counts, including violating Espionage Act

If you want to challenge the constitution, you take the least sympathetic character you and find and charge them with espionage for publishing classified material and if you convict, you can go after every newspaper, radio and TV station in the United States.

The government can classify anything. Even retroactively. If the new Republican Supreme Court agrees, that will be the end of a free press. We will become Russia. The Constitution shredded. The end of America as we know it.
WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange indicted on 17 new charges under Espionage Act

WikiLeaks founder indicted on Espionage Act charges, raising issue of press freedoms - CNNPolitics

WikiLeaks' Julian Assange charged with 17 new criminal counts, including violating Espionage Act

If you want to challenge the constitution, you take the least sympathetic character you and find and charge them with espionage for publishing classified material and if you convict, you can go after every newspaper, radio and TV station in the United States.

The government can classify anything. Even retroactively. If the new Republican Supreme Court agrees, that will be the end of a free press. We will become Russia. The Constitution shredded. The end of America as we know it.

Dear deanrd
Thank you for posting this.

To encourage adherence to the Constitution, I would urge the prosecution to focus
on just the illegal HACKING and conspiracy to crack password access, which are
unlawful security breaches NOT related to the publication of materials after the fact.

You are right, this should be carefully distinguished so that we do not violate
the Constitution or GIVE APPEARANCE of regulating freedom of the press through Govt.

It should be legally clarified that the wrongs be addressed as breaches of Govt security
through unlawful hacking and conspiracy to commit such violations.

Frankly deanrd
I wish you cared this much for Constitutional due process and freedom of the press
when it came to Clinton smashing drives to thwart investigation.

The day we decide to unite, and agree to police all such questionable acts or obstructions,
we will no longer "fear our government" but the "government should fear the people."
Such a terrible injustice. It is obvious government is taking out a whistleblower with fraudulent charges, and the MSM is fine with it. Proving the MSM is controlled by big government.
We are all Julian Assange. As long as he’s imprisoned, we can never be free.


Just hold onto your shorts.

It's going to be rather entertaining.

WASHINGTON (AP) — The U.S. filed new charges Thursday against Wikileaks founder Julian Assange, accusing him of placing the United States at risk of "serious harm" by publishing thousands of secret and classified documents, including the names of confidential sources for American armed forces.

In an 18-count, superseding indictment, Justice Department prosecutors allege that Assange directed former Army intelligence analyst Chelsea Manning in one of the largest compromises of classified information in U.S. history.

The case presents immediate questions about media freedom, including whether the Justice Department is charging Assange for actions — such as soliciting and publishing classified information — that ordinarily journalists do as a matter of course. Department officials said Thursday they believe Assange strayed far outside First Amendment protections.

The new Espionage Act charges go far beyond an initial indictment against Assange made public last month that accused him of conspiring with Manning to crack a defense computer password.

Wikileaks caused particular harm by publishing the names of people who helped American forces in Iraq and Afghanistan and U.S. diplomats around the world.

The new indictment says Assange conspired with Manning to obtain and disclose classified national defense documents, including State Department cables and reports on the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Prosecutors say his actions "risked serious harm" to the United States.

Assange, 47, is in custody in London after being evicted from the Ecuadorian Embassy in April. The U.S. is seeking his extradition.

US charges WikiLeaks founder with publishing classified info

If we allow assange to be crucified here, we will be a crucial step
closer to being ruled under a totalitarian state.

By thrusting the truth upon the people of earth, WikiLeaks helped create movements worldwide like the Arab Spring and Occupy. And don’t forget, at first WikiLeaks and Assange were celebrated for their amazing work. In 2011 even Amnesty International hailed WikiLeaks as one of the Arab Spring catalysts. The Guardian said: “The year 2010 may well be remembered as a watershed year when activists and journalists used new technology to speak truth to power and, in so doing, pushed for greater respect for human rights. … It is also the year when repressive governments faced the real possibility that their days were numbered.”

So why have so many outlets and people turned against Assange and WikiLeaks? Because it turned out he wasn’t revealing only repressive Arab regimes. He also revealed U.S.-backed coups and war crimes around the world. He exposed the criminality and villainy of the American ruling elite.

Nothing published on WikiLeaks has ever been proven untrue. Compare that record to CNN, MSNBC, Fox News or any mainstream outlet. Assange has been nominated for multiple Nobel Peace Prizes, and nearly every respected media outlet has used source material from WikiLeaks in their reporting. Yet after all this and after seven years in captivity, the man who laid bare our criminal leaders and showed each one of us our chains is not receiving parades and accolades. He and those who helped him reveal the truth are the only ones endlessly punished.

We are all Julian Assange. As long as he’s imprisoned, we can never be free.

I agree that Assange should be let go, in the interest of justice. Obama let Bradley Manning skate on related charges- and Mr. Manning had special obligations to America as a member of our military.

I would definitely want to question Assange and make a deal with him for no jail time, if we would turn state's evidence and help resolve the Murder of Seth Rich case. If Assange knows who might have done it, it would be great if he could give America that names of the usual suspects so the FBI can squeeze out a confession.
I agree that Assange should be let go, in the interest of justice. Obama let Bradley Manning skate on related charges- and Mr. Manning had special obligations to America as a member of our military.

I would definitely want to question Assange and make a deal with him for no jail time, if we would turn state's evidence and help resolve the Murder of Seth Rich case. If Assange knows who might have done it, it would be great if he could give America that names of the usual suspects so the FBI can squeeze out a confession.
What's most shocking, although not surprising anymore, is the silence from the mainstream media.
And the ones even mentioning it, the so-called journalists are disowning and condemning him, from Chuck Todd to Geraldo.
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We have learned a great deal about government and the MSM, from the treatment received by Assange and Manning. Unfortunately, it’s all bad.

The USA and other western governments are becoming more and more tyrannical and much of the MSM is SUPPORTING this tyrannical movement by government. It’s most disconcerting and disgusting.
this is simple---if he published classified/etc stuff- he should be charged
Manning was charged with the crime.
This is an attack on the First Amendment and you're a blind, sleepwalking sheep
if you believe otherwise.
Manning was charged with stealing the information.

These new set of charges against Assange relate to publishing the information. And that truly is an attack on the first amendment.

It seems harmonica and his ilk are pro government, enemies of the people.

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