US, Australian surfers were likely executed in vicious carjacking in Mexico

What is there to say?

Its too bad they are dead

But its their own fault for being in Mexico to begin with
It is all too common to try and blame the victim aka oh well it was his fault for being born blahblahblah idiotic thinking.
It is all too common to try and blame the victim aka oh well it was his fault for being born blahblahblah idiotic thinking.
Vacationing in mexico is dangerous and stupid

The 3 men were asking for trouble

What is there to say?

Its too bad they are dead

But its their own fault for being in Mexico to begin with
It is crazy to do that now for sure. But I lament the loss of what Mexico used to be, a wild undeveloped country that you could travel without fear. But it started going downhill around 20 years ago and now it's a crap shoot if you make it back.
Vacationing in mexico is dangerous and stupid

The 3 men were asking for trouble

Nonsense thousands of people go to Mexico and have no trouble...however the cartels should be eliminated....the U.S. should tell mexico either you eliminate them or we will.

Some of the border towns are pretty tough. I drive to and from Mexico three times a year, so pass through the border towns 6 times, and my spidey senses are on alert. Nothing bad has ever happened, and in fact a couple of times I’ve gotten lost and asked for directions, and cars have said “follow us” and have led me to the highway — so even in tough towns, it’s worth remembering that 95 percent of the people are good.

As with most cities on Earth, there are sections of big cities one oughtn’t venture into. But no tourist ever would, any more than you’d go stroll around a Bronx or Chicago or Detroirt or our capital city.
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There are some in DC on our side.

---A growing number of prominent Republicans are rallying around the idea that to solve the fentanyl crisis, America must bomb it away.---

Hopefully it will someday occur to our leaders that the only way to combat the cartels is to lock up our drug addicts.
yay just what we need ....another govt agency to handle that....
Not really. Just reassign present law enforcement resources to detain addicts instead of dealers. Kill two birds with one stone. No addicts to sell drugs to, dealers disappear.
yea im sure that will work.....
Nothing works until tried. ;) Addicts are low hanging fruit. The streets are filled with them. The street gangs that deal the drugs are as well. All can be rounded up under present conspiracy laws. Remove the street gangs and the addicts and the war on drugs is over.
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