United States Imperialism

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Yet, you used that as your argument. I find it funny that you first asked me what propaganda you used, then you admit it was propaganda.

Thank you for making my point for me.

And it's kinda hard to point to the source of your propaganda, when you yourself do not cite it. Maybe next time if you cite the source of your propaganda, I can tell you what it was. But it was your claim and propaganda, don't ask me for your sources.

And I get enough of that kind of stuff from Press.TV, SANA, WAFA, and a dozen other "information" sources I visit on a regular basis.

You should try reading that stuff sober once in a while.
wrong again----I posted that which is the current islamic partyline---which---according to the background YOU CLAIM----you should know. I did not post it as FACT --which is why I called it PROPAGANDA

That is not what you said.

wrong again----from the standpoint of UMMAH vs the world ----it is STILL ----six of one and half dozen of the other. The Shiite/Sunni divide is a very internal issue

Look, I really do not care one way or another. My only real interest here is accuracy and honesty. I am not picking sides at all, but I can tell propaganda, and when somebody is twisting and turning repeatedly.
That is not what you said.

Look, I really do not care one way or another. My only real interest here is accuracy and honesty. I am not picking sides at all, but I can tell propaganda, and when somebody is twisting and turning repeatedly.
where do you see "twisting and turning" ---I, CORRECTLY, stated that the FACT that
there is a long-term animosity between the "shiites" and the "sunnis". I will ASSERT
that failure to understand that FACT is vital in understanding the dynamics in the
"MUSLIM WORLD" ------just as important as recognizing that the ISIS people,
and such luminaries as Bin Laden and Sadaam Hussein are sunnis----and IMPORTANTLY
that both Sadaam Hussein and Gamal Nasser were Baathists. Now for my "propaganda"
as you incorrectly term it. I noted in my interaction with muslims way back in the 90s
a little bit of repudiation of the Shiite/sunni divide which is a gross historic revision
(since you mention 'twisting and turning') Right now--WONDER OF WONDERS----
Saudi arabia (sunni) has become a kissing cousin to Iran (shiite). For an interesting
wrench thrown into the works-----Bashar is an ALAWITE which is something near
shiite----but also a Baathist. <<<<<<all that--very important issues related to
current events. The first mosque I visited---right here in the USA was a SHIITE
mosque (not that I knew that....more than 50 years ago). Getting back to
"twisting and turning"-----let's see how things will work out with the justaposition of
the Turks, "united arab alliance" Iran and the southeast Asian muslim countries
Focuses on Iraq, but the same dynamics work across the entire ME and North Africa, and India as well.

Political Islam’s aspiration to the ummah as a comprehensive and undifferentiated community of believers rubs up against the tribal attachment to kinship, which, in the minds of tribesmen, tends to trump religion. Tribes are also broadly secular in orientation and have tended to shy away from the formal political arena. As Sheikh Adnan Danbous of the Kenana tribe told me, “Political Islamists are keen on using tribes but the irony is that they don’t like tribes. They are against them in their discourse.”

.... and more. And, within tribes, clans dominate, for further complications.

Those in the Peanut Gallery can of course find better and more detailed examinations, but the best ones are behind pay walls.
Focuses on Iraq, but the same dynamics work across the entire ME and North Africa, and India as well.

Political Islam’s aspiration to the ummah as a comprehensive and undifferentiated community of believers rubs up against the tribal attachment to kinship, which, in the minds of tribesmen, tends to trump religion. Tribes are also broadly secular in orientation and have tended to shy away from the formal political arena. As Sheikh Adnan Danbous of the Kenana tribe told me, “Political Islamists are keen on using tribes but the irony is that they don’t like tribes. They are against them in their discourse.”

.... and more. And, within tribes, clan dominates, for further complications.
Congrats, mr. dud. Your first enlightened post----EXCEPT for the statement---
Tribes are also broadly secular in orientation .........
well. you also say "they shy away from the political arena" ------IMO
THAT does not make them "secular" ----the tribes actually tend to adhere to
specific islamic ideologies
Congrats, mr. dud. Your first enlightened post----EXCEPT for the statement---
Tribes are also broadly secular in orientation .........
well. you also say "they shy away from the political arena" ------IMO
THAT does not make them "secular" ---

The article says that, not me. That statement is just another way of saying 'Tribe comes first', in the context of the article. The same can be said about Israeli politics, where the assorted factions can't even agree on who is a 'real Jew' and who isn't, the discrimination against Sephardi by Ashkenazi, the German Jews historical discrimination against Polish Jews here in the U.S., and the hard core racism of the Hasidim and ultra-Orthodox in both Israel and the U.S., the Jamaicans and Haitians and Nigerian blacks among themselves and versus American blacks, etc. etc., etc. 'Religion' is just a glossy PR photo over human nature.

-the tribes actually tend to adhere to specific islamic ideologies

Much like many Americans claiming to be 'Christians' of one sect or another, but never having set foot in a church, and 'Jews' who never attend a synagogue.
The article says that, not me. That statement is just another way of saying 'Tribe comes first', in the context of the article. The same can be said about Israeli politics, where the assorted factions can't even agree on who is a 'real Jew' and who isn't, the discrimination against Sephardi by Ashkenazi, the German Jews historical discrimination against Polish Jews here in the U.S., and the hard core racism of the Hasidim and ultra-Orthodox in both Israel and the U.S., the Jamaicans and Haitians and Nigerian blacks among themselves and versus American blacks, etc. etc., etc. 'Religion' is just a glossy PR photo over human nature.

-the tribes actually tend to adhere to specific islamic ideologies

Much like many Americans claiming to be 'Christians' of one sect or another, but never having set foot in a church, and 'Jews' who never attend a synagogue.
your response is what the jerks of the legal profession call "argumentative" Try to
maintain, at least, a modicum of dignity and a crumb of accuracy. Your comments
alleging 'hardcore racism" etc ---amongst hassidim and various disputes between
groups of jews in Israel is a product of the filth of your genocidal jelly-bean education.
You asserted a silly juxtaposition between groups being APOLITICAL and SECULAR---
entirely different issues. The Quakers are apolitical----but hardly secular----as to the
what seems to me to be your WASPISH orientation-----It's HILARIOUS
your response is what the jerks of the legal profession call "argumentative" Try to
maintain, at least, a modicum of dignity and a crumb of accuracy. Your comments
alleging 'hardcore racism" etc ---amongst hassidim and various disputes between
groups of jews in Israel is a product of the filth of your genocidal jelly-bean education.
You asserted a silly juxtaposition between groups being APOLITICAL and SECULAR---
entirely different issues. The Quakers are apolitical----but hardly secular----as to the
what seems to me to be your WASPISH orientation-----It's HILARIOUS

lol the usual rubbish. If Netanyahu continues his current pandering to the right wing racists in Israel, who actually go Nazis one better by claiming themselves to be the only human race, not just a Master race, it will be time to dump them and leave them to sucking up to their New Islamo-Vermin BFF's.. They are already back to making and selling weapons to theri Turkish heroes to kill Armenians again. They loved it when Kemal was butchering Greeks and Armenians.

Netanyahu and a significant number of Israeli politicians mourned the loss of this piece of shit in 2010 or so.

Hundreds of thousands of his supporters took the streets of Jerusalem to mourn. Former Israeli President Shimon Peres visited with Mr. Yosef at his hospital bedside just hours before he passed, tenderly kissing his hand and forehead, according to The Jerusalem Post. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, in a statement issued by his office, spoke of his "profound grief" and said that "the Jewish People have lost one of the wisest men of his generation."

"Goyim (gentiles, non-Jews) were born only to serve us. Without that, they have no place in the world – only to serve the People of Israel," he said, according to the Jerusalem Post. "Why are gentiles needed? They will work, they will plow, they will reap. We will sit like an effendi and eat. That is why gentiles were created." An "effendi" is a lord, or a master, in Arabic.

Also look up that 'Messiah of the Hasidim' Rabbi Shneerson and his racist rubbish; Chabad Lubavitch cultists love that ass clown.

Muslims get their 'taqiyya' practice of lying to the unwashed from racist Jewish theology.

“[E]ven if we are in a major war with the region's Arabs over the Land of Israel, Islam is still much better as a gentile culture than Christianity,” the rabbi claimed.

These hard core racist cults are a lot larger than than those silly 'Nazis' the FBI keeps in business and the fake posers Democrats are paying to dress up and wave Trump signs. But there are a lot of Christians who are either ignorant of how popular these cults are with Jews, and many think they will get extra cookies in Heaven for supporting these ass holes, i.e. stupid; these aren't the 'Jews' of the OT and of Abraham and Moses, which they would know if they bothered to read their own bibles.
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lol the usual rubbish. If Netanyahu continues his current pandering to the right wing racists in Israel, who actually go Nazis one better by claiming themselves to be the only human race, not just a Master race, it will be time to dump them and leave them to sucking up to their New Islamo-Vermin BFF's.. They are already back to making and selling weapons to theri Turkish heroes to kill Armenians again. They loved it when Kemal was butchering Greeks and Armenians.

Netanyahu and a significant number of Israeli politicians mourned the loss of this piece of shit in 2010 or so.

Hundreds of thousands of his supporters took the streets of Jerusalem to mourn. Former Israeli President Shimon Peres visited with Mr. Yosef at his hospital bedside just hours before he passed, tenderly kissing his hand and forehead, according to The Jerusalem Post. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, in a statement issued by his office, spoke of his "profound grief" and said that "the Jewish People have lost one of the wisest men of his generation."

"Goyim (gentiles, non-Jews) were born only to serve us. Without that, they have no place in the world – only to serve the People of Israel," he said, according to the Jerusalem Post. "Why are gentiles needed? They will work, they will plow, they will reap. We will sit like an effendi and eat. That is why gentiles were created." An "effendi" is a lord, or a master, in Arabic.

Also look up that 'Messiah of the Hasidim' Rabbi Shneerson and his racist rubbish; Chabad Lubavitch cultists love that ass clown.

Muslims get their 'taqiyya' practice of lying to the unwashed from racist Jewish theology.

“[E]ven if we are in a major war with the region's Arabs over the Land of Israel, Islam is still much better as a gentile culture than Christianity,” the rabbi claimed.

These hard core racist cults are a lot larger than than those silly 'Nazis' the FBI keeps in business and the fake posers Democrats are paying to dress up and wave Trump signs. But there are a lot of Christians who are either ignorant of how popular these cults are with Jews, and many think they will get extra cookies in Heaven for supporting these ass holes, i.e. stupid; these aren't the 'Jews' of the OT and of Abraham and Moses, which they would know if they bothered to read their own bibles.
I am impressed----you have collected a SIGNIFICANT ANTHOLOGY of islamo nazi
propaganda. I am very familiar with islamo nazi propaganda. I grew up in a
semi rural suburban town that was so WASPISH that until the 50s it was entirely
"RESTRICTED"----then it became clear that tracts of farmland could be used to
build houses for BABY BOOMER families like mine----My dad was a navy vet and
he and mom had five kids when we MOVED in----quite an adventure. I grew up
living in a sea of islamo nazi propaganda-----in little seedy leaflets. I was a
a prolific reader by age 8. Thanks for the trip down memory lane
I am impressed----you have collected a SIGNIFICANT ANTHOLOGY of islamo nazi
propaganda. I am very familiar with islamo nazi propaganda. I grew up in a
semi rural suburban town that was so WASPISH that until the 50s it was entirely
"RESTRICTED"----then it became clear that tracts of farmland could be used to
build houses for BABY BOOMER families like mine----My dad was a navy vet and
he and mom had five kids when we MOVED in----quite an adventure. I grew up
living in a sea of islamo nazi propaganda-----in little seedy leaflets. I was a
a prolific reader by age 8. Thanks for the trip down memory lane

All of it from Jewish media, idiot, except for the Armenian source. lol So next it's time to claim 'they aren't real Jews!', and when that fails start sniveling about 'antisemitism !!! and 'Da Holocaust N Stuff!!! lol

Now you've moved from calling everybody Evul Catliks. lol the real truth is nobody gave a shit until you got all butthurt that nobody considered you Speshul and kissed your feet.
All of it from Jewish media, idiot, except for the Armenian source. lol So next it's time to claim 'they aren't real Jews!', and when that fails start sniveling about 'antisemitism !!! and 'Da Holocaust N Stuff!!! lol

Now you've moved from calling everybody Evul Catliks. lol the real truth is nobody gave a shit until you got all butthurt that nobody considered you Speshul and kissed your feet.
did I suggest that the stuff you posted was NOT from the Jewish media? That fact is
inconsequential-----It is a collection of anything that can be considered negative
said or done by a jew over the course of 50 years. I got a lot more shit from
christian children when I was five years old. Your posts indicate DESPERATION
did I suggest that the stuff you posted was NOT from the Jewish media? That fact is
inconsequential-----It is a collection of anything that can be considered negative
said or done by a jew over the course of 50 years. I got a lot more shit from
christian children when I was five years old. Your posts indicate DESPERATION

As usual you need to lie. It's about some of those hard core racist Jews you have to cover up and keep the ignorant goyim from finding out about. Ottherwise the money stops flowing and the myths of '2,000 years of oppression by Da Evul Xians' starts getting posted and you have problems censoring others and posting your bullshit.
As usual you need to lie. It's about some of those hard core racist Jews you have to cover up and keep the ignorant goyim from finding out about. Ottherwise the money stops flowing and the myths of '2,000 years of oppression by Da Evul Xians' starts getting posted and you have problems censoring others and posting your bullshit.
try again----you are overcome with your jelly bean "christ killer" education. "COVER- UP"??
You admitted that you got all your negative stuff about Jews FROM JEWISH PUBLICATIONS. For COVER-UP---read the NT and the CODE OF JUSTIINIAN with a discerning mind---
then move on to the very legal INQUISITION and the NUREMBURG LAWS
and IMPORTANTLY that both Sadaam Hussein and Gamal Nasser were Baathists.

Oh dear me, do you actually believe that? Sorry, just the fact that you even said that screams your actual ignorance of the region and that your knowledge is not even skin deep.

Yes, Saddam was Ba'athist. So was the founder of the al-Assad Dynasty as well as the current government. I am pretty sure I discussed that before, but whatever I will discuss it yet again.

Want to know who was not a Ba'athist and who actually despised them? Gamal Abdel Nasser. He actually never gave any title to the political system he created, most call it "Nasserism", while he simply called it "Pan-Arabism". And want to know one of the big reasons why he detested the Ba'athists? I know I discussed this already, but I will go over it again briefly right now.

Back in the era when Syria was going through multiple Ba'athist coups and countercoups and almost eating itself (including the Year of the Three Colonels), Nasser was highly critical of that party. Even trying to bring some of the higher ranking members of the Syrian Ba'athist party to Cairo to try and stop all the internal bloodshed going on there.

He had even been working to try and stabilize Iraq as well, but then Syria got involved in that too, sending in Pro-Ba'athist forces from Syria to put down a movement to replace Ba'athism with Nasserism in Mosul, which as you should know is in Iraq. Ba'athists in both Syria and Iraq then went on purges and wiped out most Nasserites in both countries. The end response was yet another of the multiple Ba'athist against Ba'athist coups in Syria, but this one removed them from the UAR.

The fact is, Nasser detested the Ba'athists and always had. He detested their thuggery, their barbarity and their brutality. Even though both wanted "Pan-Arabism", for Ba'athists it was only their way and in their terms. If Nasser was a far left Socialist, the Ba'athists were the Khmer Rouge.

Sorry, I lost absolutely all interest in reading anything else you have to say after this after that kind of mistake, it is so incredibly wrong that now I have to question if anything you say has any connection with reality because you are apparently just making it all up as you go along.

I also said before that some should have score cards to keep the various groups separate. Apparently that needs to apply to 7 decade old political movements and not just the ones there at the present time.

Claiming Nasser was a Ba'athist is like trying to claim Thomas Jefferson was a Tory.
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