U.K. Court Rules Julian Assange Can Be Extradited to U.S.

After B. Hussein O exonerated "Chelsea" Manning for the same course of events, I can't see where Julian Assange should even be tried.

Afterall, "Miss" Manning was a US soldier who took an oath to our nation and was on our payroll, and was allowed to spy. Mr. Assange is an Ecuadorian national with no particular loyalty to America where he's never even been.
You apparently don't know what exonerated means...but I am use to that type of ignorance from you...

"Exoneration means that innocent people are arrested, convicted, and sent to prison for crimes they did not commit"

Obama commuted Manning's sentence after she served 7 years.....commutation does not equal exoneration....
Yes, I assume they were telling me the truth. Should I not EVER trust the government?
Not Obama's Deep State government....

When Trump got in office...he asked Julian to help him....because he trusted Julian's journalistic integrity....

Trump wanted very much to release Julian...but as a Trump supporter pointed out earlier....he was afraid the press will be upset..so he didn't
Not Obama's Deep State government....

When Trump got in office...he asked Julian to help him....because he trusted Julian's journalistic integrity....

Trump wanted very much to release Julian...but as a Trump supporter pointed out earlier....he was afraid the press will be upset..so he didn't
Now you claim to know Trumps inner thoughts about Assange? You say some really dumb shit, often. :cuckoo:
Now you claim to know Trumps inner thoughts about Assange? You say some really dumb shit, often. :cuckoo:
I am only saying what many trusted Trump supporters have told me....

I would assume these very patriotic Conservative patriots wouldn't just make up anything....they must have heard Trump talk about freeing Assange
I am only saying what many trusted Trump supporters have told me....

I would assume these very patriotic Conservative patriots wouldn't just make up anything....they must have heard Trump talk about freeing Assange
Im a Trump supporter, yet im not telling you that. Do you have a real argument to make or are you going to continue on with this weak shit?
Assange is an enemy of the state. Im glad that Trump continued with prosecution.
That is so dumb. You must be a totalitarian. Or, just uninformed. Which is it?

Are these guys your heroes?
But he exposed the crimes of the US government in Iraq and other places.....isn't that what journalism is all about?
Yes and yet Ears and Old Joe are more than happy to imprison him for exercising his right to speak.

Don is just like them. Disgusting totalitarians.
If Trump, the real President was in the White House, I wouldn't worry so much but with these gangsters Biden and company, only God knows what will happen to poor Assange.

That's all I can say. :sad:
Having read some of your posts I can even assume that you, despite living in this crazy western world of yours, when seeing something white say it's white, think that the Earth is round, that garbage goes in a garbage can, Don Lemon is a jerk and there are still only two genders. Please don't say that I'm wrong.;)
Looks like the long attempt to avoid US justice may be nearing its end--Assange can appeal..but the odds of a favorable outcome are slim:
Comrad EvilEyeFleegle calls what Babylon Sodom USA has done to a Hero like Assange to be "justice"?
Where is your mind? Wrapped up in comfortable lies & delusions.
If Trump, the real President was in the White House, I wouldn't worry so much but with these gangsters Biden and company, only God knows what will happen to poor Assange.

That's all I can say. :sad:
President Trump had lots of time to Pardon Assange, but cowardly refused to do so.
President Trump's idea of Making America Great was & probably still is, to give the anti-christ Edomite fake Israelis everything they want. All that kind of thinking can accomplish is curses and punishment for America.

And regarding those curses, President Trump participated in trying to murder the Mother of Western Civilization, Christianity, the Syro-Aryan-European stock that most Americans are or were of.
And the Word of YahvehShua says that if one dis-honors his parents, he is to be killed.
And that applies to USA for it's terrorist war on Syria, including President Trump, who proudly stole Syria's oil, bombed them while bragging about chocolate cake, assassinated an important General who was instrumental in eliminating much of America's terrorists murdering and torturing their way through Syria.
Without confession and repentance (doing the sin no more), America is circling the drain.
All the people dying from the Covid injections are part of the consequence of America's vicious dishonor of it's Mother.
The invasion of America by the Prince of Gog and his armies is Isaiah 5 being applied.
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President Trump had lots of time to Pardon Assange, but cowardly refused to do so.
President Trump's idea of Making America Great was & probably still is, to give the anti-christ Edomite fake Israelis everything they want. All that kind of thinking can accomplish is curses and punishment for America.

And regarding those curses, President Trump participated in trying to murder the Mother of Western Civilization, Christianity, the Syro-Aryan-European stock that most Americans are or were of.
And the Word of YahvehShua says that if one dis-honors his parents, he is to be killed.
And that applies to USA for it's terrorist war on Syria, including President Trump, who proudly stole Syria's oil, bombed them while bragging about chocolate cake, assassinated an important General who was instrumental in eliminating much of America's terrorists murdering and torturing their way through Syria.
Without confession and repentance (doing the sin no more), America is circling the drain.
All the people dying from the Covid injections are part of the consequence of America's vicious dishonor of it's Mother.
The invasion of America by the Prince of Gog and his armies is Isaiah 5 being applied.
Wow..the crazy just drips from you!

He has now been served with the order. This man has already done about 9 or ten years for daring to allow the world to know some American soldiers were committing war crimes. Very strange world we live in now where those committing the crimes get to carry on free but those reporting suffer psychological torture which is what the UN Raconteur says of Assange. This one looked like the last but it is not. he can ask our delightful Priti Parel for a pardon but she would say No.. His team say they have a few more apples to take out of the bag but if they do not he has had it and will be in jail presumably for life - and American Journalists due to keeping quiet have given permission for the next to be them or just to be Soviet type papers which say what the state wants.

I dont give a fuck about "crimes in Iraq". Journalism isnt about stealing state secrets. That has always been illegal.
its something that used to go on a lot more in the past when we were new democracies and saw the need to keep an eye on our leaders lest they act badly. Not necessarily about things like this but about governments behaving badly in general. Youv'e already had one like this in the US. After trial he went free.,

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