Turnout by Republicans Was Great. It's Just That Many of Them Didn't Vote for Republicans

Changing the RULES is the crime. The "Count" was probably right. Of course ,nobody was allowed to examine the "Ballots".

Nope, changing the rules is not a crime. The rules were changed through state legislatures and the voters followed those changes. You'll note, nobody in those state legislatures were arrested for what you delude yourself is a crime.
Believed what? I'm not sure what you mean by "Russia probe," and you appear reluctant to be more specific.
Mueller? You lie. All you Dems have done for the last 7 years is try to hang a charge on Trump. Why? Because he was against "The Establishment DC. You FAILED. But Trump will not survive the Primaries. Of course ,you Dems will do the same shit to Desantis ,or Haley ,or anyone else who runs.
Mueller? You lie. All you Dems have done for the last 7 years is try to hang a charge on Trump. Why? Because he was against "The Establishment DC. You FAILED. But Trump will not survive the Primaries. Of course ,you Dems will do the same shit to Desantis ,or Haley ,or anyone else who runs.
Trump is more popular than ever.
Trump is more popular than ever.
But he would unite the filthy Commie Democrats as no one else could. He could lose. Remember 2016. Trump divided the Repub party in the primaries. What UNITED them? The very idea that Seahag Hillary could become President. Same could happen here. So I am for Desantis/Haley.
But he would unite the filthy Commie Democrats as no one else could. He could lose. Remember 2016. Trump divided the Repub party in the primaries. What UNITED them? The very idea that Seahag Hillary could become President. Same could happen here. So I am for Desantis/Haley.
Tell me the last R who didn't unite the Ds.
Tell me the last R who didn't unite the Ds.
McCain. Romney. All the Dems had to do was coast. Bob Dole? Good man ,but not exciting. Gerald Ford. A LOUSE. Ford was on that fake Warren Commission that covered up the assassination of JFK.
Is there any position you hold on any topic that differs from the position held by the Nazis? Westwall couldn't name any, being that he's probably the most hardcore fascist here. Can you name any?

Certainly, not that you'll read it.

Like Westwall, do the Russian fascist genocide tactics in Ukraine give you a special thrill?

That's a lie.

Is it the currect conservative censorship lust, book burning crusades and death threats against librarians that inspire your devotion?

Another lie.

Does the conservative brownshirt violence against all of their political opponents turn you on?

Lying and projecting.

Are the constant conservative fake news propaganda barrages what you especially adore?

Again, lying and projecting.

Does the escalating conservative antisemitism and white supremacism excite you?

No, because it doesn't exist, you fucking moron.

Do you miss the horrific government corruption under Trump?

I long for Trump, rather than the Biden crime family. (Remember: always 10% for The Big Guy!)

Or is it the constant and ongoing attempts by conservatives to steal elections that makes your swear feality to DerParteiRepublikkan?

Is that even English?

If you want to say you love all fascist conservative tactics equally, I think everyone would buy that.

If you hear those voices in your head regularly, try a prefrontal.
Certainly, not that you'll read it.

That's a lie.

Another lie.

Lying and projecting.

Again, lying and projecting.

No, because it doesn't exist, you fucking moron.

I long for Trump, rather than the Biden crime family. (Remember: always 10% for The Big Guy!)

Is that even English?

If you hear those voices in your head regularly, try a prefrontal.
Not lies – the truth.

And as long as Republicans continue to promote candidates who propagate lies about ‘stolen elections,’ ‘fraud,’ and ‘cheating,’ Republicans will continue to lose elections.
Mueller? You lie. All you Dems have done for the last 7 years is try to hang a charge on Trump. Why? Because he was against "The Establishment DC. You FAILED. But Trump will not survive the Primaries. Of course ,you Dems will do the same shit to Desantis ,or Haley ,or anyone else who runs.

I never said I believed that, you flamin' idiot. In fact, I said there was no evidence to support it. Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with you?

I never said I believed that, you flamin' idiot. In fact, I said there was no evidence to support it. Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with you?

So you admit you Dems are Election Deniers?
Cretin, what does not believing in the Russian Hoax have to do with election deniers? You didn't believe in the Russian hoax, does that make you an election denier?
Nope. Makes YOU one ,Spaz.
Eye of the beholder. Never seen a Libby say or do anything intelligent yet. Keep tryin' ,though. Might win a new set of Crayons.

Retard, you ridiculously said I fell for the Russian hoax and I proved you're a flamin' imbecile. Deal with it.

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