Trump's Mug Shot is Gangsta and we LOVE him as Black People...

Remember "The Walkaway Movement"?

It what every single Trump cult loser here was hyping in 2020, claiming it meant DemocratsWereDoomed.

We saw how that turned out.

And now they're doing the same thing. Losers gotta be losers.
The Democrats will promise the blacks diamonds and roses before the election and perhaps even reparations.

They will deliver zirconium and daisies and blame the racist Republicans for their failure to come through on their promises.

The blacks should be able to figure out that Trump will do a lot more to help blacks than open border Biden.
You are one sick perv.

Normal people don't dream up the shit you dream up.

This is why you creep eveyone out, and why nobody wants to be around you.
You speak for nobody but yourself.... and you come across as a weak, soulless parasite that will probably hang itself sometime around mid November.

Nobody will ever give a fuck, I assure you.
By the time the election rolls around, Biden and his ilk will have bought off much of the country.
They'll buy off the youth with more college debt eliminated.
They'll buy off blacks telling them that reparations are just around the corner.
They'll buy off their Hamas wing, with more and more anti-Israeli talk.
They'll buy off women, telling them that Republicans will make all abortion illegal, forget the fact that it's now where it should have been all along, up to individual states.
They'll buy off seniors, telling them Republicans are going to end their social security.

In their world, there is no ceiling in how much they can spend.
Dems have kept the blacks in bondage for decades, centuries. Dems were finally beaten down over slavery and segregation but they have risen over the decades to disguise the contempt they have for blacks and other minorities with more lies and identity politics. Its abhorrent.
Good job. You've convinced the MAGAs that is all true. Now you need to try to convince some black folk. The ones I know aren't buying it.
Name the last Republican nominee who had as many black votes as Trump - then multiplied his standing in the polls with this demographic.

I'll wait.

Dude - I'm not saying Trump is going to win the black vote. That would be gullible idiocy of the highest order.

I readily acknowledge that.

HOWEVER: I AM saying when every fucking poll from Rasmussen to Emerson to Quinnipiac shows him performing at over 20 percent - particularly with black males - you'd have to be a fossilized FOOL to ignore it and pretend you KNOW what happens next based on the days of yore.

The truth is you don't know - and the dooming bullshit is as much an enemy of MAGA as the Left.

Maybe worse.

5 point swing and the Democrat be done.

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