Trump visit unites Iraqi politicians - they hate Trump

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016
Y Cae Ras
Iraqi leaders denounce Trump visit to US troops

Iraqi political and militia leaders have condemned US President Donald Trump's unannounced trip to Iraq as a violation of their country's sovereignty.

In a surprise visit to US troops, Trump on Wednesday landed at an airbase west of the Iraqi capital, Baghdad, where he thanked the soldiers for their service.

Sabah al-Saadi, the leader of the Islah parliamentary bloc, called for an emergency session of the Iraqi parliament "to discuss this blatant violation of Iraq's sovereignty and to stop these aggressive actions by Trump who should know his limits: The US occupation of Iraq is over".

It isnt a colony.
Iraqi leaders denounce Trump visit to US troops

Iraqi political and militia leaders have condemned US President Donald Trump's unannounced trip to Iraq as a violation of their country's sovereignty.

In a surprise visit to US troops, Trump on Wednesday landed at an airbase west of the Iraqi capital, Baghdad, where he thanked the soldiers for their service.

Sabah al-Saadi, the leader of the Islah parliamentary bloc, called for an emergency session of the Iraqi parliament "to discuss this blatant violation of Iraq's sovereignty and to stop these aggressive actions by Trump who should know his limits: The US occupation of Iraq is over".

It isnt a colony.

it is increasingly Islamic and trump is a KAFFIR
As though the multiple divisions of Murican troops stationed there aren't already a violation of their sovereignty?!?

As though the multiple divisions of Murican troops stationed there aren't already a violation of their sovereignty?!?


as the saying goes.....TOUGH SHIT. The USA has legitimate
interests in Iraq
Trump is CiC of this nation's military and if the Iraqi leadership doesn't like him visiting his troops they can fuck off
As though the multiple divisions of Murican troops stationed there aren't already a violation of their sovereignty?!?

LOL. Look lets dont accuse this poor liberal of being bright. Just cunning with a vicious streak. He saw the chance to attack America and he did. Snakes strike by instinct.
As though the multiple divisions of Murican troops stationed there aren't already a violation of their sovereignty?!?


as the saying goes.....TOUGH SHIT. The USA has legitimate
interests in Iraq

Izzat all it takes?

So you're saying the Albanian Air Force can use my backyard for a landing strip and all they have to do is claim "Albania has legitimate interests in your back yard"?

Well, if you put it that way, hell come on in. Can't argue wit dat.
as the saying goes.....TOUGH SHIT. The USA has legitimate
interests in Iraq
No they don't....Didn't have any when Poppy Bush invaded them either.

yes it did. Saddam was FINANCIALLY supporting international Islamic
terrorism. I do not get my information from the Howdy Doody show----I got
it from real live interested muslims------some of whom were delighted with
his actions
yes it did. Saddam was FINANCIALLY supporting international Islamic
terrorism. I do not get my information from the Howdy Doody show----I got
it from real live interested muslims------some of whom were delighted with
his actions
Saddam kept his boot on the throat of the kook Sunnis...Look at the man...He cut his hair, shaved, wore clothing other than the rags that the goat rapists do....You obviously got your information from Howdy Doody.
yes it did. Saddam was FINANCIALLY supporting international Islamic
terrorism. I do not get my information from the Howdy Doody show----I got
it from real live interested muslims------some of whom were delighted with
his actions
Saddam kept his boot on the throat of the kook Sunnis...Look at the man...He cut his hair, shaved, wore clothing other than the rags that the goat rapists do....You obviously got your information from Howdy Doody.

are you older than age 14? Saddam was sunni THRU AND THRU-----He murdered Shiites wholesale He paid sunnis who murdered Shiites and ----
other kaffirin. ----MURDER---not war---GENOCIDAL MURDER------of both
Kurds and Shiites, and of course------any sunni noble enough to stick a
knife into a jewish infant. He had no impact on your hero OSAMA
are you older than age 14? Saddam was sunni THRU AND THRU-----He murdered Shiites wholesale He paid sunnis who murdered Shiites and ----
other kaffirin. ----MURDER---not war---GENOCIDAL MURDER------of both
Kurds and Shiites, and of course------any sunni noble enough to stick a
knife into a jewish infant. He had no impact on your hero OSAMA
I know he was Sinni....But he still didn't take any shit from the freak jihadis....He wasn't going anywhere when Poppy Bush conned and lured him into attacking Kuwait, and he certainly wasn't going anywhere afterwards.

BTW, Bush allowed him to gas and massacre the Kurds...I have this on first-hand authority from a good friend who was in the room when the stand-down order was issued....Quit getting your history from Howdy Doody.
are you older than age 14? Saddam was sunni THRU AND THRU-----He murdered Shiites wholesale He paid sunnis who murdered Shiites and ----
other kaffirin. ----MURDER---not war---GENOCIDAL MURDER------of both
Kurds and Shiites, and of course------any sunni noble enough to stick a
knife into a jewish infant. He had no impact on your hero OSAMA
I know he was Sinni....But he still didn't take any shit from the freak jihadis....He wasn't going anywhere when Poppy Bush conned and lured him into attacking Kuwait, and he certainly wasn't going anywhere afterwards.

BTW, Bush allowed him to gas and massacre the Kurds...I have this on first-hand authority from a good friend who was in the room when the stand-down order was issued....Quit getting your history from Howdy Doody.

BS to what stand-down order do you refer? "ALLOWED HIM TO GAS
THE KURDS" ----sorry buddy------you know no Sunnis and no Shiites or
the history thereof. Neither needs PERMISSION to slaughter each others
children. Saddam had no effect on Osama and was quite CELEBRATED
in Pakistan-------and the TALIBAN
Iraqi leaders denounce Trump visit to US troops

Iraqi political and militia leaders have condemned US President Donald Trump's unannounced trip to Iraq as a violation of their country's sovereignty.

In a surprise visit to US troops, Trump on Wednesday landed at an airbase west of the Iraqi capital, Baghdad, where he thanked the soldiers for their service.

Sabah al-Saadi, the leader of the Islah parliamentary bloc, called for an emergency session of the Iraqi parliament "to discuss this blatant violation of Iraq's sovereignty and to stop these aggressive actions by Trump who should know his limits: The US occupation of Iraq is over".

It isnt a colony.

That is amazing.
Iraq is the only country that the Left thinks has sovereignty
What happened to the One Worlders lol
The Crazy Liberals say that America is not a sovereign country with a border and immigration laws.
As though the multiple divisions of Murican troops stationed there aren't already a violation of their sovereignty?!?


as the saying goes.....TOUGH SHIT. The USA has legitimate
interests in Iraq
Nothing about the US being in Iraq is legitimate. We need to pull all our troops and equipment out as soon as possible, If the Iraqi government wants us out we should take the hint and leave. Lets pull the mask off and let Israel do their own work for once.
As though the multiple divisions of Murican troops stationed there aren't already a violation of their sovereignty?!?


as the saying goes.....TOUGH SHIT. The USA has legitimate
interests in Iraq
Nothing about the US being in Iraq is legitimate. We need to pull all our troops and equipment out as soon as possible, If the Iraqi government wants us out we should take the hint and leave. Lets pull the mask off and let Israel do their own work for once.

Israel has nothing to do with Iraq. Long ago, Saddam was financing
terrorism against Israel------but Saddam is dead and his Baathist power
is giving way to Islamism. Iraq is in no position to finance anything.
You got information on some issue between Iraq and Israel? Of course not----the very best you can do is moronic libel. Even Iran has no issue in Iraq
As though the multiple divisions of Murican troops stationed there aren't already a violation of their sovereignty?!?


as the saying goes.....TOUGH SHIT. The USA has legitimate
interests in Iraq
Nothing about the US being in Iraq is legitimate. We need to pull all our troops and equipment out as soon as possible, If the Iraqi government wants us out we should take the hint and leave. Lets pull the mask off and let Israel do their own work for once.

They are doing. All the time.

They've just blown up a Hezbollah tunnel in Southern Lebanon.
Iraqi leaders denounce Trump visit to US troops

Iraqi political and militia leaders have condemned US President Donald Trump's unannounced trip to Iraq as a violation of their country's sovereignty.

In a surprise visit to US troops, Trump on Wednesday landed at an airbase west of the Iraqi capital, Baghdad, where he thanked the soldiers for their service.

Sabah al-Saadi, the leader of the Islah parliamentary bloc, called for an emergency session of the Iraqi parliament "to discuss this blatant violation of Iraq's sovereignty and to stop these aggressive actions by Trump who should know his limits: The US occupation of Iraq is over".

It isnt a colony.

He's commander n chief of US forces in Iraq. Whats with the Iraqi leaders? are they morons ? It was a wise move by Trump not showing his hand. You never know which guy wearing an Iraqi military uniform is going to shoot you in the back. Funny they protest the guy who is now beginning to be the least aggressive president in the region as he is pulling troops out of Syria and Afghanistan. Iraqi Leaders should be happy they dont live under the boot heel of Saddam and his sons.
Sounds to me like a bunch of bluster to make themselves look strong in front of their own military and people though. You pretty much know they have to do that.

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