Trump Takes Double Digit Lead

After we reelect Trump, we have to redo our totally broken media and education system. Our country won't exist for long if we don't. We also need to weed out establishment deep state operatives. That's why I think Ramaswamy would be a GREAT AG. He's wicked smart and he has the balls to fire these assholes. As we have come to see, most government corruption starts in our DOJ. Back to MAGA
This poll isnt remotely accurate. Biden and Trump are in a statistical tie in nearly every legitimate survey with independents significantly under surveyed. Independents broke 2-1 for Biden in 2020 and since then Trump has alienated independents with arcane Abortion Laws, Crimes, and Police Immunity.

The 3 swing states are are full of GOP losses over the last 4 years. WI, MI, and PA have statewide Dems in most positions and winning easily. GOP has some real work to do.
Biden is losing support across the board. He's pretty much toast.

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