Trump still wants to repeal the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare)

Insurance for tens of millions of people, and pre-existing condition guarantees, could be in jeopardy if the former president wins the 2024 election.

Donald Trump says he is still interested in repealing the Affordable Care Act, which means health care for tens of millions of people would be in jeopardy if he becomes president again next year.

Trump said Saturday on his website Truth Social that he was “looking at alternatives” to the 2010 health care law, also known as “Obamacare,” which has reduced the number of Americans without health insurance to historic lows and established basic guarantees of coverage for all Americans regardless of pre-existing conditions.

The vow echoes promises that Trump made as a first-time candidate and as president, when he and Republican leaders in Congress made repeal a top legislative priority.

That effort failed. It also proved spectacularly unpopular, fueling a backlash that eventually helped Democrats win back the House, the Senate and the White House. President Joe Biden, long a vocal supporter of the ACA, has since worked with Democrats to bolster the law.

Much more that the link below...

Trump Still Seems Set On Repealing A Law That Most Americans Like

Obamacare isn't perfect, but it has helped many Americans. In other words, the ACA hasn’t fixed American health care, but it’s helped a lot of people. What do you think?
Obamacare is not loved... the promises were not kept... insurance is four times higher today then it was before obamacare... premiums are higher deductibles are ridiculous...
And people are going through doctors like never before...
Its not good care when every time you go for an exam its a different doctor you are seeing.... wait times for appointments are months not weeks and now our emergency rooms are filled with uninsured sick folks....
Obamacare is not loved... the promises were not kept... insurance is four times higher today then it was before obamacare... premiums are higher deductibles are ridiculous...
And people are going through doctors like never before...
Its not good care when every time you go for an exam its a different doctor you are seeing.... wait times for appointments are months not weeks and now our emergency rooms are filled with uninsured sick folks....
trump is a Liar. No one can take his word for anything. His mental acuity is on life support. If he does not have a teleprompter, he cannot even put a full sentence together.
trump is a Liar. No one can take his word for anything. His mental acuity is on life support. If he does not have a teleprompter, he cannot even put a full sentence together.
Now you are copy and pasting jimboliar?
I guess after all the extensive Trump campaigning you are exhausted.
All evidence would suggest otherwise.
Then present it.... people who were uninsured before Obamacare like it until their income raises their premiums and annual cost.... It is and always has been a free healthcare give away for the poor paid for by the middle class... sooner or later that bubble will burst....
Then present it.... people who were uninsured before Obamacare like it until their income raises their premiums and annual cost.... It is and always has been a free healthcare give away for the poor paid for by the middle class... sooner or later that bubble will burst....
Well, it's popular in polling (60% approval), it's popular in practice (45 million people have enrolled in coverage thanks to it), and it's popular in politics (just this week Trump is backpedaling like crazy, reversing himself to now promise he won't terminate the ACA). Outside of a dwindling number of right wing deadenders, it's incredibly popular.
Yeah, but a hundred times worse. These programs are limited in scope, safety nets for people who fall through the cracks, so their negative impact is minimized. ACA tries to force everyone into a safety net.
Actually that is not correct about the ACA. Matter of fact, when my son took my advice and wanted to use ACA, they turned him down. So few use ACA it is hardly worth mentioning.
Actually that is not correct about the ACA. Matter of fact, when my son took my advice and wanted to use ACA, they turned him down. So few use ACA it is hardly worth mentioning.
It forces everyone into the same system, the same regulations, the some monetary funnel. We're all playing, regardless of whether we sign up. That was the point, to herd up the dissenters - those smartly rejecting the insurance industry's ambitions - and force them to play ball.
It forces everyone into the same system, the same regulations, the some monetary funnel. We're all playing, regardless of whether we sign up. That was the point, to herd up the dissenters - those smartly rejecting the insurance industry's ambitions - and force them to play ball.
Why are there so small amounts who have coverage by the ACA? I urged my son to apply and they turned him own flat. It pissed him off.

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