Trump Made a Rare Tactical Error in Not Supporting AZ Abortion Ban.

I denounce Clinton. And I didn't change your words; I quoted you. That you're embarrassed by what you said is your problem bitch.
You cut off the sentence, changing the meaning, and got called out. So no point in protesting. We all saw it.
That is absurd.
Do you say you personally oppose rape, but don't tell others what they can and can't do with their bodies? Of course you wouldn't So don't say it about abortion. If it's wrong, it's wrong for all.
The Christian conservative (what you call RW) position on abortion is a total ban.
Well, tell your Fake Christian Friends to quit having abortions.
Are there So-Called Christians that have abortions?
I dare you to answer this ^^^^ question.
What happens to people who put their newborn into a dumpster after killing it?
Totally Different.
How often does this ^^^ happen?
Need to ask you. As adamantly pro life as I am, one thing still bothers me. Ectopic pregnancies. Do you think that a dangerous and life threatening situation like that should fall under that ban as well?
I`ll take pro-life people seriously when they show outrage after one of our mass random shootings. As it is, they`re a sick joke with their hypocrisy. They`re pro-birth and nothing else.

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