Trump Has A First Amendment Right To Say The Election Was Stolen

Sorry, regurgitating someone else making the false claim is not support for the truth of that clam.

The test is the Supreme Court. And you failed that test decades ago. Sorry.
So rebut the cited Supreme Court decision if you can. Otherwise you just look sillier and more clueless and irrelevant. Again have a nice day.
So rebut the cited Supreme Court decision if you can. Otherwise you just look sillier and more clueless and irrelevant. Again have a nice day.
I don't have to rebut anything. You always make this same, dumb mistake. You are the one making false claims that run contrary to reality. Your effort to transfer the burden to me is not going to work, sorry.
No it doesn't. It depends on the facts.

But yes, no doubt your perspective is warped, if you take Turley seriously.
Time will tell who is right.

Liberal prognosticators and legal experts have often been wrong when dealing with Trump. I can’t count the number of “bombshell“ reports that were supposed to end Trump as candidate and President but he made it though all those pitfalls and is still leading in the polls over Joe Biden (although not by much).

All Americans have every right to say anything they think or believe or even lie if they aren't under oath short if violating somebody else's civil rights or intentionally causing harm. Certainly saying the election was stolen violates NOBODY's rights and harms no one and no person should be punished or admonished for believing it.

You still think the gag order is over him saying the election was stolen? Your ignorance destroys your own position.
Given all the evidence (or total lack thereof, considering you found none to support your claim), I think you probably need to take your own advice.
We differ on who won on appeal. I say the Jan 6th people who had their sentences reduced won, you argue I was wrong as they still were convicted.

Let’s not forget that SCOTUS has yet to rule and you may not like its decision. Who knows, perhaps the Praying Grandma will luck out.

Learn to read and comprehend Dear. It would do you a world of good.


You're denying complaining they're trying to keep Trump from complaining about the election being stolen??

All Americans have every right to say anything they think or believe or even lie if they aren't under oath short if violating somebody else's civil rights or intentionally causing harm. Certainly saying the election was stolen violates NOBODY's rights and harms no one and no person should be punished or admonished for believing it.

[emphasis mine to highlight your vacuous denial]


You're denying complaining they're trying to keep Trump from complaining about the election being stolen??

[emphasis mine to highlight your vacuous denial]

The paragraph you quoted doesn't even mention Trump. It is making a point about what free speech is. People who can read and comprehend know that. Those who can't or are blinded by TDS don't.
The paragraph you quoted doesn't even mention Trump. It is making a point about what free speech is. People who can read and comprehend know that. Those who can't or are blinded by TDS don't.
No it isn't. It's a statement. Not a point. And you erroneously imply it therefore means gag orders are illegal. Which is pretty hilarious, because clearly they are not.
You still think the gag order is over him saying the election was stolen? Your ignorance destroys your own position.
You just attacked one of the kindest, truest, most Constitutional scholarly, bravest, and fairest American citizens who has ever graced our USM Board. Keep it up and the bird of Paradise might fly up yer nose. :rolleyes-41:
You just attacked one of the kindest, truest, most Constitutional scholarly, bravest, and fairest American citizens who has ever graced our USM Board. Apologize plz. THX. :rolleyes-41:
and FYI, there are Democrat voting official higher-ups in two states who are claiming their swing states likely did not have correct counts over all, and they are suspicious of the stats which had never been as one-sided ever before, not even once. And there are four or five other states that are considering similar counting anomlies as wrongful acceptance of the last Presidential election. There is a possibility that Trump's insistence that he won the election could be correct. Trump likely is telling the truth about e2020.

And it's a little too late to fix the growing disgust about wrongful certifications as time passes. :(
Time will tell who is right.

Liberal prognosticators and legal experts have often been wrong when dealing with Trump. I can’t count the number of “bombshell“ reports that were supposed to end Trump as candidate and President but he made it though all those pitfalls and is still leading in the polls over Joe Biden (although not by much).

That is because President Trump tells the truth.
That is because President Trump tells the truth.
I personally think Trump is a lot more honest than the average Congress Critter. Because of that the Deep State, who knows everything about everybody of any importance, has no control over Trump.

Therefore he is feared and hated
All Americans have every right to say anything they think or believe or even lie if they aren't under oath short if violating somebody else's civil rights or intentionally causing harm. Certainly saying the election was stolen violates NOBODY's rights and harms no one and no person should be punished or admonished for believing it.
And we've also got this:

You just attacked one of the kindest, truest, most Constitutional scholarly, bravest, and fairest American citizens who has ever graced our USM Board. Keep it up and the bird of Paradise might fly up yer nose. :rolleyes-41:

Kindness doesn't make up for ignorance.

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