Trump Encourages Mail In Voting

Absolutely. Democrats have mailed ballots out to illegal aliens with the party designation (Democrat) already filled in, and with the box citizenship already checked “Yes,”.

Democrats don't work with law or honor. By any means necessary is more their MO.

What were the names of the illegal voters?
If only you knew anything about what you call a lie.

Let's see if you can answer a few simple questions about the 2020 election fraud.

Who are these people, and what are their connections to the
2020 election fraud issue ?

1. Alexandra Seely
2. Zachary Larsen
3. Jessy Jacob
4. Robert Cushman
5. Cheryl Constantino
5. Edward McCall Jr.
6. What is >>> Electronic Poll Book (QVF) ?
7. What state are these affiliated with ?
8. What are “AVCBs ?

Are all those powered by Petro so the Gaslighting won't go out?

I have heard enough from you. Say goodnight, Gracie
sure there was ....lets hear it.......
Surprising that I'm the only one here who knows this. The original mailboxes were red on top, blue below. So antiwar people used to go around sticking yellow stars on them where the colors meet, and it becomes the Vietcong flag.

Then around 1968, they painted mailboxes all blue.


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Are all those powered by Petro so the Gaslighting won't go out?

I have heard enough from you. Say goodnight, Gracie
No surprise, Mr QUIZ ZERO.. We knew you don't know your ass from your elbow about 2020 election fraud. You can stop bloviating now.
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Surprising that I'm the only one here who knows this. The original mailboxes were red on top, blue below. So antiwar people used to go around sticking yellow stars on them where the colors meet, and it becomes the Vietcong flag.

Then around 1968, they painted mailboxes all blue.

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View attachment 948717
you might be the only one who gives a shit.....
Why? Because a claim was made that votes were made illegally.

What were the names used by these illegal voters?

A "claim" ? No, what all of us have been seeing and KNOWING for 70 YEARS OF OUR LIVES, is not a claim..

Doesn't matter what their names are. What you should be asking is why does not one state in the US do what every European country does ? > require proof of citizenship for voting.
you might be the only one who gives a shit.....
I don't care about it at all. Just a bit of trivia. But what is notable is you pretending to know something about which you knew nothing. Not a good precedent to set, especially in a computer forum.
A "claim" ? No, what all of us have been seeing and KNOWING for 70 YEARS OF OUR LIVES, is not a claim..

Doesn't matter what their names are. What you should be asking is why does not one state in the US do what every European country does ? > require proof of citizenship for voting.
It does matter what their names were.

If you can't list the names of all these false voters then how do you know false votes happened?
It does matter what their names were.

If you can't list the names of all these false voters then how do you know false votes happened?
Knowing names is not how you know illegal voting is happening. SEEING it happen is how you know.
I ask illegal aliens about their immigration status all the time (in Spanish of course). They openly brag about their illegallity, and how they have jobs (show me their photo IDs), steal videos from the library, vote in US elections, drive without a license, start wildfires, and engage in rape (acceptable in Mexico). They were also drinking beer while on the job (construction), which probably added to their open way of talking. Talk to some illegals. They'll TELL YOU what they do.

As for arrests, how would there be any ?,,,when not one state in the US requires proof of citizenship to vote. Illegals walk right up and register and vote just like anybody else. Democrat election officials aren't going to stop them, and Republican election officials have no way to stop them, as they have no idea who is a citizen and who isn't.
Hell, in about 20 states, there is no ID requirement OF ANY KIND. NONE.


Then there's also investigations that have been done. Here's about1% of them >>
Texas Democrats ask noncitizens to register to vote

Poll: 13% of Illegal Aliens ADMIT They Vote - California Political Review

Finally Proof of Illegal Alien Voting

Noncitizens, Voting Violations and U.S. Elections | Federation for American Immigration Reform

Illegal Aliens Really Do Vote – a Lot

Exclusive: Florida Investigating Potential Non-Citizen Voters
Thinking that illegal aliens might not be voting, shows a distinct lack of awareness. Why would one think that Joe Biden has the Mexican border opened up wide with millions of migrants streaming in ? There is only ONE (T)REASON - VOTES
Thinking that illegal aliens might not be voting, shows a distinct lack of awareness. Why would one think that Joe Biden has the Mexican border opened up wide with millions of migrants streaming in ? There is only ONE (T)REASON - VOTES
The Cult once claimed that Hispanic voters would vote for Trump.
You know, another lie.

Why are you NOW claiming that all these illegals would be Biden Voter.

You protectionist are just part of a Collection of Ignorant Sheep.
Knowing names is not how you know illegal voting is happening. SEEING it happen is how you know.

Certainly if millions of illegals were voting, all of whom must have used a name to vote, that these names can be uncovered during an audit...and subsequently with all the audits the party of Trump conducted they must have been able to match these names somewhere...somehow.

I ask illegal aliens about their immigration status all the time (in Spanish of course). They openly brag about their illegallity, and how they have jobs (show me their photo IDs), steal videos from the library, vote in US elections, drive without a license, start wildfires, and engage in rape (acceptable in Mexico). They were also drinking beer while on the job (construction), which probably added to their open way of talking. Talk to some illegals. They'll TELL YOU what they do.

Agreed. I work in a Republican part of the state, because of agriculture. These farmers have Trump signs on the interstate side of their crop circles and housing for illegal workers on the backside.

They overstay VISAs, get employed all across America...illegally, and abuse amnesty laws.

As for arrests, how would there be any ?,,,when not one state in the US requires proof of citizenship to vote. Illegals walk right up and register and vote just like anybody else. Democrat election officials aren't going to stop them, and Republican election officials have no way to stop them, as they have no idea who is a citizen and who isn't.
Hell, in about 20 states, there is no ID requirement OF ANY KIND. NONE.

View attachment 948774
Then there's also investigations that have been done. Here's about1% of them >>
Texas Democrats ask noncitizens to register to vote

Poll: 13% of Illegal Aliens ADMIT They Vote - California Political Review

Finally Proof of Illegal Alien Voting

Noncitizens, Voting Violations and U.S. Elections | Federation for American Immigration Reform

Illegal Aliens Really Do Vote – a Lot

Exclusive: Florida Investigating Potential Non-Citizen Voters
Illegals can not register to vote. Some states have an automatic registration process but if there is no proof of citizenship then it doesn't happen.

If it did happen then they would have a name. This name could be verified with a simple audit.

What are those names?
I don't care about it at all. Just a bit of trivia. But what is notable is you pretending to know something about which you knew nothing. Not a good precedent to set, especially in a computer forum.
i know more about the Post Office and its goings on then you will ever know chump.....
The Cult once claimed that Hispanic voters would vote for Trump.
You know, another lie.

Why are you NOW claiming that all these illegals would be Biden Voter.

You protectionist are just part of a Collection of Ignorant Sheep.
Sometimes we normal people have to do the thinking for the incredibly ignorant/stupid. Didnt Trump just say that when he gets re-elected, he will DEPORT millions of illegal aliens ? Of course he will. Everybody knows that. He didn't even have to say it.

And illegal aliens didn't go through all the trouble of coming here, just to be deported right to where they came from. Duh! So of course they're going to vote for Biden, and in big numbers.

As for Hispanic voters, yes, they (we) are going to vote for Trump. Just not the illegal aliens. So ?

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