Trump doesn't have a chance.


Hope only said that Trump knew of some effort to get NDA’s and pay for them.

Perfectly legal.

Given that Trump is claiming he had no knowledge of any of it, Hicks testifying and proving that he did, destroys his defence that it was a rogue Michael Cohen who did it all on his own.

Trumps defence is that he didn't know what Cohen was doing, and he thought he was paying normal legal bills when he wrote those checks.

Hicks testifying he knew all about the NDA's and the payments BEFORE the election, blows that defence right out of the water.
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Given that Trump is claiming he had no knowledge of any of it, Hicks testifying and proving that he did, destroys his defence that it was a rogue Michael Cohen who did it all on his own.

Trumps defence is that he didn't know what Cohen was doing, and he thought he was paying normal legal bills when he wrote those checks.

Hicks testifying he knew all about the NDA's and the payments BEFORE the election, blows that defence right out of the water.
The have phone calls where Trump and Cohen discussed payments. Trump is not in good shape here.
I couldn't have made it simpler, He is gone, If you want this forum to stay a place you want to discuss issues in , then dump the waste.
You wish you censorship leftist who wants you and your ilks free reign to trash the place up with no opposition. Dream on.
You're talking about Biden after he loses in November, right?

You do understand more people like Trump than Biden, and that the latter has the lowest approval rating of any President in the last 80 years?



He beat Trump last time and he didn't even campaign.

This time Joe is out campaigning while Trump is falling asleep in the Court room, jerking awake and glowering at the press in the court room like he's John Gotti and he's gonna have them whacked! What a tool!

The attorney for E. Jean Carroll said that at first they were really upset with Trump's behaviour in the court room because he was being such an ass, and then they realized how the JURY was reacting to his behaviour and they stopped objecting and let him rip!!!
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He beat Trump last time and he didn't even campaign.

This time Joe is out campaigning while Trump is falling asleep in the Court room, jerking awake and glowering at the press in the court room like he's John Gotti and he's gonna have them whacked! What a tool!

The attorney for E. Jean Carroll said that at first they were really upset with Trump's behaviour in the court room because he was being such an ass, and then they realized how the JURY was reacting to his behaviour and they stopped objecting and let him rip!!!
Biden campaigned, he just did it within the bounds set due to the virus. The fact he was a responsible example during the virus was a plus that helped him win.
It was the Trump DOJ who prosecuted him. Trump stopped all of the investigations of himself and his family, and threw his staffers under the bus. Flynn, Stone, Manafort, Lewandowski. All guilty. All prosecuted by Trump.
False. First of all, Trump didn’t control the prosecutions like Brandon is doing to Trump.

Secondly, nobody made Cohen lie. It’s called responsibility. In this case, it was his responsibility.

Thirdly, when some people plead guilty, they aren’t doing so because they are actually guilty. Instead, sometimes they do so out of fear of what might happen if they don’t take a plea offer.

And your claim of them being “thrown under” any bus is just sophistry.
False. First of all, Trump didn’t control the prosecutions like Brandon is doing to Trump.

Secondly, nobody made Cohen lie. It’s called responsibility. In this case, it was his responsibility.

Thirdly, when some people plead guilty, they aren’t doing so because they are actually guilty. Instead, sometimes they do so out of fear of what might happen if they don’t take a plea offer.

And your claim of them being “thrown under” any bus is just sophistry.

Biden isn’t prosecuting Trump. Trump is being prosecuted by grand juries in multiple states and jurisdictions. These are the peoples prosecutions of Donald Trump.

Biden doesn’t control state prosecutions either, especially in states like Georgia which is another wise Red State.

If their guy is in the White House in control of the DOJ, they shouldn’t have to fear anything. After all, Trump stopped all investigations of himself.

Trump blocked and shut down the Mueller investigation and lied about its findings. He shut down all of the investigations of himself and his family, in the southern district of New York, and ended all prosecutions of himself and his family.
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Biden isn’t prosecuting Trump.
He’s not. He has a lackey doing it, federally. And otherblackies doing not in a couple of states.
Trump is being prosecuted by grand juries
Grand juries don’t prosecute anybody, you idiot.
in multiple states and jurisdictions.

Nope. Prosecutors do that. Not grand juries, you imbecile.
These are the peoples prosecutions of Donald Trump.
No. They’re not. They are Brandon’s insidious manipulations of the criminal justice system.
Biden doesn’t control state prosecutions
How would you know that? Why did his peeps meet with Bragg’s people? Why is federal (former) persecutor Colangelo the one handling the Bragg persecution in NYC?
either, especially in states like Georgia which is another wise Red State.
Again. You say it. But you don’t know it. And you certainly can’t establish that you’re saying anything but your own wishful thinking.
If their guy is in the White House in control of the DOJ, they shouldn’t have to fear anything. After all, Trump stopped all investigations of himself.
Try to write a sentence that makes any sense. The fact is: it is very likely that the federal special persecutor isn’t legally and Constitutionally authorized to be handling this case. That makes it even more of a hand job by Brandon.
Trump blocked and shut down the Mueller investigation and lied about its findings. He shut down all of the investigations of himself and his family, in the southern district of New York, and ended all prosecutions of himself and his family.
Whatever Trump did or didn’t do is beside the point, deflectionlizard.
He’s not. He has a lackey doing it, federally. And otherblackies doing not in a couple of states.

Grand juries don’t prosecute anybody, you idiot.

Nope. Prosecutors do that. Not grand juries, you imbecile.

No. They’re not. They are Brandon’s insidious manipulations of the criminal justice system.

How would you know that? Why did his peeps meet with Bragg’s people? Why is federal (former) persecutor Colangelo the one handling the Bragg persecution in NYC?

Again. You say it. But you don’t know it. And you certainly can’t establish that you’re saying anything but your own wishful thinking.

Try to write a sentence that makes any sense. The fact is: it is very likely that the federal special persecutor isn’t legally and Constitutionally authorized to be handling this case. That makes it even more of a hand job by Brandon.

Whatever Trump did or didn’t do is beside the point, deflectionlizard.

You should entitle this post as “bullshit and conspiracy theories for all occasions”.

Try sticking with the laws of the United States of America and the criminal code of the United States of America and you will understand why Trump is being prosecuted under those laws

If whatever Trump did or didn’t do is beside the point, why is he facing all of these criminal charges for all of the things he did?
You should entitle this post as “bullshit and conspiracy theories for all occasions”.

Try sticking with the laws of the United States of America and the criminal code of the United States of America and you will understand why Trump is being prosecuted under those laws

If whatever Trump did or didn’t do is beside the point, why is he facing all of these criminal charges for all of the things he did?
I’ll take your suggestions if and when the day ever comes when you practice what you preach. But you never have. I doubt you ever will.

And I don’t care about you or your disbelief.

Try facts someday.

Trump is being persecuted for partisan political purposes exclusively. I’d say “and you know it,” but since you’re quite retarded, it’s likely that you don’t understand any of this.
Since NDA’s are legal — as is paying for them — you remain both blind and wrong.
Keep up dude. The Trial is NOT about an NDA being legal or illegal.
You can certainly read the indictment to see the actual charges.
But you will deflect........AGAIN.
nobody made Cohen lie.
Cohen is a POS, probably more so than the POS trump.
Trump CREATED Cohen.
Now Cohen, credibility or NOT, is telling HIS story........Jury will Rule.
Every single witness against him will be his closest allies , his best friends , his own family , his personally selected cabinet while he was president , The farthest right wing politician his old lawyers and his closest business associates . But he still shouldn't whine because he should be in front of the court for treason and when found guilty should be put to death as the law and constitution prescribes.
The only "treason" is the way the press took misinformation they found spewed against President Trump in leftist propaganda sites are nothing but lying narratives to falsify that a crime was committed by President Trump, but which is not consistent with the five-star truth that surrounds an honest American President that doesn't deserve what the Judicial power is throwing at Trump's Executive Branch.

Lifelong Democrats I know have walked away from some pretty famous newspapers due to too much dishonesty of listening to false narrative wrongfully that was designed to rehash old lies against President Trump.ì
Keep up dude. The Trial is NOT about an NDA being legal or illegal.
You can certainly read the indictment to see the actual charges.
But you will deflect........AGAIN.

Wrong winky dinky. It probably has eluded you how much the Bragg case persecutor has sought testimony (etc) concerning the NDAs. And it is the payment for the NDA that is at the root of the claim that Trump made a false entry in his own business records.

Look. I know you’re a hopeless case. That’s clear. But whining as much as you do and running from reality will never assist you. In the end, you’re just a joke.
Cohen is a POS, probably more so than the POS trump.
Trump CREATED Cohen.
Now Cohen, credibility or NOT, is telling HIS story........Jury will Rule.
You’re also spluttering and incoherent.

The jury may convict. But the ultimate ruling will come on appeal.

Try to keep up.
If you won't contribute your ass is out of here. No one cares what you think of me. infact why would you think what the biggest threat and enemy of my country thinks of me.
Is that why Obama and Joey Xi have paid ransoms of millions and Billions in their negotiating releases of American hostages with Iran and Taliban?
Yet, the prosecution has not proven a crime committed by Trump.
The idea that the mentally ill, rapist, pussy grabber, pile of shit waste of humanity , one of the stupidest people in our country has never done anything illegal. is a hoot. Talk to the 13 year old he raped and told her he would kill her if she talked. She was a present for the only friend Trump ever had Jeffry Epstein.
The legal definition of Treason in the USA precludes Trump being charged with Treason, although Trump comes closest in his avowed support of Putin in the Ukrainian War. Treason is defined as "Giving aid and comfort to the enemy in a time of war, as declared by Congress".

So while Trump's behaviour may be "treasonous", and I do think he should be taken out and shot for it, he can neither be tried or arrested for Treason under US law.
Read a little closer
Treason is the only crime defined in the Constitution. It is the act of waging war against the United States or materially aiding its enemies.

Article III, Section 3, Clause 1:

Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court.

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