Trump doesn't have a chance.

The thing is, if he wins in November, the trial he's in right now may be the only trial he has to face. And given the fact that it's very possible at least one True Believer will get on any jury, I wouldn't be holding my breath on any convictions.

Whatever happens to him, the bigger problem is a society so sick that it would even consider him for office.
Trump ……BOO!
Every single witness against him will be his closest allies , his best friends , his own family , his personally selected cabinet while he was president , The farthest right wing politician his old lawyers and his closest business associates . But he still shouldn't whine because he should be in front of the court for treason and when found guilty should be put to death as the law and constitution prescribes.
Ummmmmmmmmmmmmm, he's ahead in every single swing state, many by more than the margin of error and the left are sweating bullets.
The thing is, if he wins in November, the trial he's in right now may be the only trial he has to face. And given the fact that it's very possible at least one True Believer will get on any jury, I wouldn't be holding my breath on any convictions.

Whatever happens to him, the bigger problem is a society so sick that it would even consider him for office.
If he wins , we really have nothing to consider , We will be a dictatorship. He will dump his strong supporters he has now because just like the brown shirts in Hitlers Germany , they will be his biggest threat from within at that point ,He will kill his opposition like all good dictators and people like me will either go into hiding or just die. The man is a pig, a slimy piece of shit.
The people that support this dictator will have to be marked and watched for the rest of their lives because if we give them a chance they will do it again. There is nothing to put back together as a population, They are simply this countries biggest threat and enemy. They are generally old and white and male, our best hope is they die quickly. God save America. God save our democracy. Keep this in mind , there has never been a threat to our democracy bigger then Trump and his followers and also keep in mind that every patriot in this country appose MAGA and is on our side.
If he wins , we really have nothing to consider , We will be a dictatorship. He will dump his strong supporters he has now because just like the brown shirts in Hitlers Germany , they will be his biggest threat from within at that point ,He will kill his opposition like all good dictators and people like me will either go into hiding or just die. The man is a pig, a slimy piece of shit.
The people that support this dictator will have to be marked and watched for the rest of their lives because if we give them a chance they will do it again. There is nothing to put back together as a population, They are simply this countries biggest threat and enemy. They are generally old and white and male, our best hope is they die quickly. God save America. God save our democracy. Keep this in mind , there has never been a threat to our democracy bigger then Trump and his followers and also keep in mind that every patriot in this country appose MAGA and is on our side.
You're really way way out there, aren't you?
“Enemy” is a someone we are at war with.

We are not at war with any gov currently and I don’t think Trump has been selling out to Isis as of late.
Bullshit enemy doesn't in any way mean we are at war with them. There are tons of experts out there that say we can use that charge on Trump. Storming the Capitol in an attempt to overthrow the government is a serious crime Treason is possible ,

The framers would have seen the mob at the Capitol as traitors​

If they can be charged with treason then the person who sent them to bring down our government can be charged with treason also.
Trump -- as grotesque as he is, as repulsive as his enablers are -- has a very decent chance of winning.

The Democrats set this up when they chose Identity Politics over the white working class during the last couple of generations, when they started telling men that their masculinity is "toxic", when they set out to ruin people who "offended" them. That's what happens when you divide Americans into groups. You're going to piss some groups off. Well, they did.
Mac give it a break, our problems isn't that men aren't men or that they quit beating on their chest screaming that they are men and have a big cock.
Bullshit enemy doesn't in any way mean we are at war with them. There are tons of experts out there that say we can use that charge on Trump. Storming the Capitol in an attempt to overthrow the government is a serious crime Treason is possible ,

The framers would have seen the mob at the Capitol as traitors​

If they can be charged with treason then the person who sent them to bring down our government can be charged with treason also.

You should ALWAYS read your own links:

Adhering to enemies addresses aid to foreign nations or groups with whom the United States is in a state of open war.

Case in the article is not about aiding enemies, it's about Waging War against the United States and that would be a weak case. Trump certainly wanted to pressure congress...but it's a stetch to say that there was a design for the mob to overthrow it.
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I quoted and responded to it. What are you saying?
Lets try this , in the cases where treason has been charged show us that they all had to do with war issues. Haupt v. United States,sure didn't
If you won't contribute your ass is out of here. No one cares what you think of me. infact why would you think what the biggest threat and enemy of my country thinks of me.

You are insanely fucking retarded.
Every single witness against him will be his closest allies , his best friends , his own family , his personally selected cabinet while he was president , The farthest right wing politician his old lawyers and his closest business associates . But he still shouldn't whine because he should be in front of the court for treason and when found guilty should be put to death as the law and constitution prescribes.
Is there a link you can post or is this just another TDS B.S post

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