Today Kari Lake Admitted That She's Been Lying To You

The people of Arizona know who Kari Lake is. There's more to her story than what I've seen discussed here. I don't see need to go into it, we'll handle the matter as we see fit.
This is a message board. Other's mileage may vary.
Yeah we know that. The paper for some machines was the wrong thickness and wouldn't print but the ballots were still counted. The real problem was that Kari Lake is such a shitty person. She's fake, a liar, an election denier and worse of all a Trump toady, so completely without morals.

Nothing you posted supports your final statement.

She has evidence.

I don't like that she won't shut up, but I allow her the rights due her by virtue of her citizenship.

You seem to be a pretty sloppy debater.

Have you reached High School yet ?
They've ALL been lying to you.

You'll wake up one day. Or not.

Please, pray are they connected ?

Because a court said so ?

You and your troop of baboons don't seem too thrilled with certain court decisions. Are you lying to us (we know the answer so don't bother)

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