Time to Face the Truth

you forget----or prefer to forget----I have been in the midst of and have dealt with the outcome of lots of action similar to that which is taking place on college campuses now----SPECIFICALLY like that at COLUMBIA PREBYTERIAN COLLEGE AND HOSPITAL---over the past 35 years ---(35 years for me---but
the issue is actually older than 35 years) Human beings have been attacked---hospitalized and even died for that which you like to present as some kind
of SPECIAL TREATMENT. COLUMBIA----tell me what YOU 'KNOW'----lets say----30 years ago
We are talking about now.
We are talking about now.
oh----the fact of what COLUMBIA, PRESBYTERIAN, HOSPITAL AND MEDICAL COLLEGE has been for the past 80 years means NOTHING. watta an interesting perspective. hint. with my last name----I did not bother to apply there more than 50 years ago
oh----the fact of what COLUMBIA, PRESBYTERIAN, HOSPITAL AND MEDICAL COLLEGE has been for the past 80 years means NOTHING. watta an interesting perspective. hint. with my last name----I did not bother to apply there more than 50 years ago
We are talking about events going on now, involving people who weren’t even born 50 years ago, so how about showing that these protests over Gaza caused more injuries then J6, which was also a SPECIFIC event (not dive into centuries of anti-government protests).
We are talking about events going on now, involving people who weren’t even born 50 years ago, so how about showing that these protests over Gaza caused more injuries then J6, which was also a SPECIFIC event (not dive into centuries of anti-government protests).
Marc Anthony and Cleopatra were doing it behind the pyramids.

Nothing much changes.
We are talking about events going on now, involving people who weren’t even born 50 years ago, so how about showing that these protests over Gaza caused more injuries then J6, which was also a SPECIFIC event (not dive into centuries of anti-government protests).
another diversion---a reality for you----nothing "specific" about it. ---here it is----kids who go to jewish religious school wear a little beanie on their heads--- but for more than 40 years people KNEW not to wear that little beanie
in the precincts of COLUMBIA PREBYTERIAN HOSPITAL AND MEDICAL SCHOOL. ----NEW YORK CITY. Columbia has been BOUGHT OUT by islamo nazi interests since the 1950s-----just like PRINCETON UNIVERSITY. Did I mention that I did not even bother to apply. My brother---astrophysicist
recipient of the President's NATIONAL FREEDOM AWARD----the only college in the WORLD that rejected him for post graduate studies was PRINCETON---the ONLY ONE. Einstein worked there and confronted the islamo nazi threat way back in the early 1950s. What is going on now is nothing NEW
another diversion---a reality for you----nothing "specific" about it. ---here it is----kids who go to jewish religious school wear a little beanie on their heads--- but for more than 40 years people KNEW not to wear that little beanie
in the precincts of COLUMBIA PREBYTERIAN HOSPITAL AND MEDICAL SCHOOL. ----NEW YORK CITY. Columbia has been BOUGHT OUT by islamo nazi interests since the 1950s-----just like PRINCETON UNIVERSITY. Did I mention that I did not even bother to apply. My brother---astrophysicist
recipient of the President's NATIONAL FREEDOM AWARD----the only college in the WORLD that rejected him for post graduate studies was PRINCETON---the ONLY ONE. Einstein worked there and confronted the islamo nazi threat way back in the early 1950s. What is going on now is nothing NEW
So, what data do you have that shows these protests over Gaza occurring on college campuses caused more injuries than J6?
So, what data do you have that shows these protests over Gaza occurring on college campuses caused more injuries than J6?
I have only the people I treated for injuries during the time I was in practice-----PRIVILEGED information----statistically significant but privileged. ---long ago---when I did work----If in the course of two days-----16 people showed up with fever, chills, coryza -----I KNEW----der is a virus going around
I have only the people I treated for injuries during the time I was in practice-----PRIVILEGED information----statistically significant but privileged. ---long ago---when I did work----If in the course of two days-----16 people showed up with fever, chills, coryza -----I KNEW----der is a virus going around
Rosie, you made a claim, are saying you can’t support it with any actual data?
Specific events which you have no clue.
right-----I cannot support it with data or even anecdotes---I did not do the
data and the anecdotes are privileged. I have experience and you have nothing
You can’t support what you are claiming. There is a ton of evidence on the injuries and destruction from J6, hardly “nothing”. It’s easy to google for reported injuries related to the current protests. Any property damage would take time to assess I would think. You have not been in any of these Gaza protests so you can’t even claim direct knowledge. Come on Rosie, you have nothing.
You can’t support what you are claiming. There is a ton of evidence on the injuries and destruction from J6, hardly “nothing”. It’s easy to google for reported injuries related to the current protests. Any property damage would take time to assess I would think. You have not been in any of these Gaza protests so you can’t even claim direct knowledge. Come on Rosie, you have nothing.
not IN----well----I avoid such events----I just saw the fall out whilst I was working and interviewed those who were IN IT----you saw nothing and knew
nothing. ----I even got the details that the cops got to know---the cop on
You support palestinians, yes or no?
I support peace. Peace at all costs. Again, this is an alien idea to you.

You are fine with Israel committing genocide. I’m not.

I know you’ll never understand.

Fox News has twisted your brain.


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