Time to Face the Truth

Can you think? I don’t think so.

Why do you support mass murder of innocent women and children? You ignorantly think this was Israel’s only option.

Is that what they tell you on Fox News?
Why do you support that? By wanting to give Hamas a pass for 10/7, that’s exactly what you’re doing…

Did MSNBC tell you that?
Now I know a hillbilly like you is very slow, but do you see a pattern with the following:
🇻🇳 Vietnam
The US lied about the Gulf of Tonkin incident to drag the nation into a needless conflict. (1964)
🇰🇼 Kuwait
The US lied about Iraqi soldiers taking babies out of incubators to rally support for a war against Iraq. (1990)
🇷🇸 Serbia
The US lied about Serbian actions in Kosovo to justify NATO bombings and expand Western influence in the Balkans. (1999)
🇦🇫 Afghanistan
The US lied about its reasons for invading, hiding the true objectives related to pipeline politics and opium fields. (2001)
🇮🇶 Iraq
The US lied about Saddam Hussein having weapons of mass destruction to justify a war for oil. (2003)
🇱🇾 Libya
The US lied about Gaddafi's threats to civilians to establish control over North African resources. (2011)
🇸🇾 Syria
The US lied about Assad's use of chemical weapons as an excuse to topple a sovereign regime. (2013)
🇺🇦 Ukraine
The US lied about Russian aggression to further NATO's encroachment on Russian borders. (2014)

But this time we should believe the US is telling us the whole truth about the Israeli Palestinian conflict.....
So, you hate the US…Shocker.
Why do you support that? By wanting to give Hamas a pass for 10/7, that’s exactly what you’re doing…

Did MSNBC tell you that?
Yeah because the only reason anyone would ever oppose Israel’s genocide is because they’re anti-Semitic.
:uhoh3: :uhoh3: :uhoh3: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :finger3: :finger3: :finger3:
Suck a dick

Sure you do....You take your causality numbers straight from their ministry of propaganda. You minimize the deaths Israel suffered on Oct 7, 2023, while using Hamas lies to count their deaths...That is absolutely support idiot...

It's a war dummy...As regrettable as civilian death is, war always has causalities...That's just a fact of life...If the Pali's didn't want this to happen, then they shouldn't be supporting the terrorists that made it happen...What you're doing is every bit as disgusting as blaming a woman who was raped, for getting raped....POS.

Why don't you explain that to us? If you're really confident in your backing of Hamas, then you'd have no problem right? So, help me understand, what you mean by "Peace at all costs".....Go.
See? Why must you lie all the time?

You know full well supporting a genocide is ignorant and inhuman. I’m guessing your duped love of Israel supersedes your ability to think. And, you don’t like people like me calling you out.

You will soon deny you supported the genocide.
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Yeah because the only reason anyone would ever oppose Israel’s genocide is because they’re anti-Semitic.
:uhoh3: :uhoh3: :uhoh3: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :finger3: :finger3: :finger3:
I’ll just point out what you’re doing here…

1. Using Hamas numbers, then inflating those.
2. Refusing to address 10/7
3. Minimizing the deaths on 10/7
4. Blaming the Jews for being attacked
5. Refusing to be honest that you support genocide when it happens to Israel…
6. Using slurs to describe Israel…

Anti semetic? Hell yeah you are…
See? Why must you lie all the time?

You know full well supporting a genocide is ignorant and inhuman. I’m guessing your duped love of Israel supersedes your ability to think. And, you don’t people like me calling you out.

You will soon deny you supported the genocide.
Pure projection….seek help.
They will never change. Anyone who opposes the genocide is automatically labelled antisemitic.

Opposing police state actions on campus gets you labelled a Hamas lover.

Just like opposing the Ukraine War, one is labeled a Putin puppet.

Opposing the Iraq War gets you labeled Sadaam lover.

Opposing Vietnam got you labeled a commie.

It happens in every war. You’d think all Americans would see the pattern, but many don’t.
When you refer to the byproduct of justified war, the collateral damage as “GENOCIDE” you lose credibility.
Such is kin to purple hair woke loons referring to the Jan 6 protest as an insurrection.
No, they said something similar a decade later…once, nearly 50 years ago

Hamas and your demafasict pals use it today, to rape, murder, kidnap and use kids as shields

But hey, 50 years ago one party used it…

You are pathetic
First you claim that Likud didn’t say that and then when shown that they did you claim they are somehow different now.

Great. Show us proof of that
When you refer to the byproduct of justified war, the collateral damage as “GENOCIDE” you lose credibility.
Such is kin to purple hair woke loons referring to the Jan 6 protest as an insurrection.
Absurd. If Russia did this to Ukraine, Fox News would you so inflamed you’d demand nuclear war.
Absurd. If Russia did this to Ukraine, Fox News would you so inflamed you’d demand nuclear war.
What do you think happens in war? Civilians who refuse to flee battle zones die….this shit isn’t anything new and it certainly isn’t “GENOCIDE”.
What do you think happens in war? Civilians who refuse to flee battle zones die….this shit isn’t anything new and it certainly isn’t “GENOCIDE”.
This isn’t war. Hamas is not an army capable of opposing the IDF and defending Gaza.

And besides fool, Israel has leveled 70% of the buildings in Gaza. Shut off all food water and medicine. They’ve destroyed the hospitals. Targeted huge numbers of civilians. Yet Hamas is underground. Think!

You can’t really be this dumb can you?
This isn’t war. Hamas is not an army capable of opposing the IDF and defending Gaza.

And besides fool, Israel has leveled 70% of the buildings in Gaza. Shut off all food water and medicine. They’ve destroyed the hospitals. Targeted huge numbers of civilians. Yet Hamas is underground. Think!

You can’t really be this dumb can you?
hahaha….you’ve been watching all they are willing to show you…blown-up buildings and hospitals in Gaza where Hamas has hidden among civilians….like all the purple hair Berkeley kids, you to are programmed by MSM.
Do you know what happened on Oct 7? Of course this is war…Israel should not let up until every single member of Hamas is confirmed dead, if that means civilian casualties…OH WELL!
hahaha….you’ve been watching all they are willing to show you…blown-up buildings and hospitals in Gaza where Hamas has hidden among civilians….like all the purple hair Berkeley kids, you to are programmed by MSM.
Do you know what happened on Oct 7? Of course this is war…Israel should not let up until every single member of Hamas is confirmed dead, if that mean civilian casualties…OH WELL!
Thing is dummy Israel has murdered most of the reporters in Gaza and communications have been cut. We aren’t getting hardly any information. So, it’s open season on Gazan women and children and your good with that. Sicko!

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