Time Interview With Trump: Chilling

Well you need to be smart enough to differentiate the two statements. By saying you are virtue signaling we are saying you should be ashamed. Any sensible person would be.

Saying you’re just shaming doesn’t work because that implies you are shaming someone else when that should be applied to you.

Your shame should be your virtue signaling. The activity you are partaking in is the source of your embarrassment and that activity is your virtue signaling which is you have no vested interest other than playing up your position with frauds like yourself.

So yes we should be shaming you for your pathetic virtue signaling. And we do so by calling you that.

Feel free to ask any other questions.
No questions. Virtue signalling and shaming are the same, dumb fuck. :rolleyes: All that unnecessary twisted horseshit you typed up there is a waste of your time. But, it's your dime. Be as obtuse as you need. :itsok:
You are getting rather far "afield". These guys really aren't discussing the pros and cons of stoop labor v mechanized harvesting. I am really not interested in how nutrient dense their fungi is.

Pick an item of produce and see how it's harvested. Very easy unless you don't want to prove yourself wrong.
How anyone can vote for Biden is beyond me.
Well, people across the spectrum are choosing to do so. Including the Republicans you folks claim aren't Republicans. Even most of his cabinet and lawyers and staff have come out against Trump, absolutely unheard of for a former President.

If you really don't understand why that is, then you have clearly put zero (0) sincere effort into accurately understanding the positions and perspectives of Americans who don't think exactly like you do.

That's not their fault.
You don’t think that info gets shared far and wide? Start with the insurance companies, just imagine if the government single payer you want gets done. No more middle man then huh?

As someone who has lived with single payer most of my life, you have a LOT more problems with the "middle man" than you do with single payer.

The middle man, increases the cost of your health care by 25%, and all of it is spent on accounting and administration, not caring for your patients. Administration costs are over 30% versus 4 - 7% in single payer jurisdictions. There are almost no pre-approvals for care so doctors have more time to spend on patient care, and can see more patients.

The fact that any hospital in the province can access my medical records is actually a bonus, if I am hospitalized and unconscious. Data breaches have happened, but they have happened with private insurance companies in the USA as well.
Well, people across the spectrum are choosing to do so. Including the Republicans you folks claim aren't Republicans. Even most of his cabinet and lawyers and staff have come out against Trump, absolutely unheard of for a former President.

If you really don't understand why that is, then you have clearly put zero (0) sincere effort into accurately understanding the positions and perspectives of Americans who don't think exactly like you do.

That's not their fault.
When people make dumb decisions, it’s absolutely their fault.
They’ve done that for a couple hundred years now. In addition to seeing if the baby was born they track the progress and any complications. Do we stop doing that now as well?

Doctors have never done any such thing.

Doctors in abortion ban states are refusing to provide pre-natal care to pregant women for fear they'll be accusing of helping her abort the fetus if she suffers a miscarriage. And hospital emergency rooms are turning away women who are miscarrying, and sending them home.

But they used to provide health care for women having miscarriages and other pregnancy complications, and now the Southern States are sending women home to bleed out alone.

In Iowa, a woman who was turned away from the hospital emergency room faced a grand jury investigation with causing an indignity to a corpse when she miscarried in a public toilet.
When people make dumb decisions, it’s absolutely their fault.

So you're taking responsibility for the dumb decision to vote for Trump??? It's a start.
Doctors have never done any such thing.

Doctors in abortion ban states are refusing to provide pre-natal care to pregant women for fear they'll be accusing of helping her abort the fetus if she suffers a miscarriage. And hospital emergency rooms are turning away women who are miscarrying, and sending them home.

But they used to provide health care for women having miscarriages and other pregnancy complications, and now the Southern States are sending women home to bleed out alone.

In Iowa, a woman who was turned away from the hospital emergency room faced a grand jury investigation with causing an indignity to a corpse when she miscarried in a public toilet.

So you're taking responsibility for the dumb decision to vote for Trump??? It's a start.
You are not even an intelligent troll…sad.
Doctors have never done any such thing.

Doctors in abortion ban states are refusing to provide pre-natal care to pregant women for fear they'll be accusing of helping her abort the fetus if she suffers a miscarriage. And hospital emergency rooms are turning away women who are miscarrying, and sending them home.

But they used to provide health care for women having miscarriages and other pregnancy complications, and now the Southern States are sending women home to bleed out alone.

In Iowa, a woman who was turned away from the hospital emergency room faced a grand jury investigation with causing an indignity to a corpse when she miscarried in a public toilet.

So you're taking responsibility for the dumb decision to vote for Trump??? It's a start.
No wonder you like bidumb. He just makes shit up too.
As someone who has lived with single payer most of my life, you have a LOT more problems with the "middle man" than you do with single payer.

The middle man, increases the cost of your health care by 25%, and all of it is spent on accounting and administration, not caring for your patients. Administration costs are over 30% versus 4 - 7% in single payer jurisdictions. There are almost no pre-approvals for care so doctors have more time to spend on patient care, and can see more patients.

The fact that any hospital in the province can access my medical records is actually a bonus, if I am hospitalized and unconscious. Data breaches have happened, but they have happened with private insurance companies in the USA as well.
Murica's middlemen don't put killing yourself in front of you as an option.

Where to start.

Monitoring women’s pregnancies to ensure they don’t get abortion

Deportation of 11 million people complete with “camps”

NG to be used at His discretion

Doing away with pandemic response team (again)

Firing Federal attorneys that refuse to prosecute based on his whims and preferences

And much more

That man can NOT get his hands on the wheel again
Trump is a piece of shit. Plain and simple.
As always. You can’t help being a twat.
Trump took credit for overturning Roe, dope.
You’re a wicked douchebag. He took credit for his SCOTUS nominees who later overturned Roe. That doesn’t mean he did or could have possibly done it himself.

Damn, you’re stupid. 😆
Actually the chilling part is how far propaganda from left wing rags like Time will go to influence an election. Does anyone else but TDS lefties really believe this fiction written by someone named Eric Cortellessa. It's become such a cliche that normal people are insulted and lefties have to be embarrassed by this crap.

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