Time Interview With Trump: Chilling

I don't think your ears are open or your mind switched on. We're finished here.
Perhaps you should be more direct when attempting to make a point.
You claim that laws are not being upheld yet offer no such examples.
it’s up to you to provide examples that support your claims. Not for me to disprove them.
They say it all the time. You just happen to agree so you see nothing out of the ordinary for you.
Tell us more about the “invasion” or the “great replacement”. Yuuuge crisis!
You know what you don’t hear? Any problems associated with white employers who hire them or any urgency to address them as a problem.
Nope. These students can't prevent others from attending classes, nor can they threaten others if they want to do so. If it was the right thing for a different president to federalize the NG at his whim, for justice to protect minorities? Then it would be the right thing for Trump to do it as well.

I haven't bolstered the OP, I have only bolstered American values you commie piece of shit.


"The Stand in the Schoolhouse Door took place at Foster Auditorium at the University of Alabama on June 11, 1963. George Wallace, the Governor of Alabama, in a symbolic attempt to keep his inaugural promise of "segregation now, segregation tomorrow, segregation forever" and stop the desegregation of schools, stood at the door of the auditorium as if to block the entry of two African American students: Vivian Malone and James Hood.[1]

In response, President John F. Kennedy issued Executive Order 11111, which federalized the Alabama National Guard, and Guard General Henry V. Graham then commanded Wallace to step aside.[2] Wallace spoke further, but eventually moved, and Malone and Hood completed their registration. The incident brought Wallace into the national spotlight.[3]. . . "
Race Treason from the HeirHead Harvard Hierarchy
Where did I admit that?

View attachment 942952

Seems to me, you read into my response what you wanted to see. :lol:

The more workers there are, the more choosy industry can be, and the less they can pay. This is pretty basic, even César Chávez knew that much. :rolleyes:

You are a shitty leftist. I tell you what boy.

The folks that run the economy DON'T WANT THEM to be legal. They would have to pay legal wages, benefits, healthcare, etc.

You are really really dumb. .

. . and bad at this I might add.

Might I suggest a basic economics class at yoar local community college? :dunno:

We don't owe a living to those who own the world. We owe them a dying.
Gov Abbott has awesome new plan to eliminate pregnancy due to rape & incest! 210908 {post•179}. P@triot Sep’21 Sgahan: “God can't tell you to get an abortion? Seriously? So he can create an entire universe, but he's incapable of speaking? Yeeaahh...ok.” •¥• “The difference is God wouldn't tell you to get an abortion. Because unlike the gross left, he values life”. •¥¥• ptrt 210908 Sgahan00179

Time Interview With Trump: Chilling 240506 {post•50}. NotfooledbyW Vtiwtc: If God respects life at conception as Saint Couchpotato mandates why did the God of Abraham create a natural world where nearly half of conceptions and in miscarriage and the solution that God created is abortion prior to the conceived being being capable of attaining consciousness? nfbw 240506 Vtiwtc00050 to Sgahan00179
Only a Cruel God Would Want an Unwanted Child to Be Born
“might need” is wrong because it’s authoritarian

“will not need” is correct because it protects the liberty of every individual not just the scared white Christian nationalist individuals

Just clarifying what he actually said vs what the article said he said

Where to start.

Monitoring women’s pregnancies to ensure they don’t get abortion

Deportation of 11 million people complete with “camps”

NG to be used at His discretion

Doing away with pandemic response team (again)

Firing Federal attorneys that refuse to prosecute based on his whims and preferences

And much more

That man can NOT get his hands on the wheel again
Another term would be unthinkable and unforgivable.
That’s why nothing changes. Conservatives love their brown slave labor. That’s why solutions only focus on the brown invaders and not their white employers.
The truth of the matter is that both sides like the cheap labor. Slavery built up a significant part of our economy in the beginning, and by the late 1800s, we were importing cheap labor from Europe. Once slavery was made illegal, it became obvious that hiring cheap, expendable immigrants and cheap, expendable sharecroppers was even more profitable than slavery in the traditional sense.

So yes, America has a long legacy of profiting off of a large underclass. The modern one involves primarily Latin Americans and Africans, but this extends to more than just cheap labor. We also import sex slaves.

It's a problem that neither party is serious about solving, but as it worsens, it will eventually transform us into a Second World nation.
The truth of the matter is that both sides like the cheap labor. Slavery built up a significant part of our economy in the beginning, and by the late 1800s, we were importing cheap labor from Europe. Once slavery was made illegal, it became obvious that hiring cheap, expendable immigrants and cheap, expendable sharecroppers was even more profitable than slavery in the traditional sense.

So yes, America has a long legacy of profiting off of a large underclass. The modern one involves primarily Latin Americans and Africans, but this extends to more than just cheap labor. We also import sex slaves.

It's a problem that neither party is serious about solving, but as it worsens, it will eventually transform us into a Second World nation.
Your first paragraph is mostly correct

Your last is bullshit

Where to start.

Monitoring women’s pregnancies to ensure they don’t get abortion

Deportation of 11 million people complete with “camps”

NG to be used at His discretion

Doing away with pandemic response team (again)

Firing Federal attorneys that refuse to prosecute based on his whims and preferences

And much more

That man can NOT get his hands on the wheel again
That is some serious paranoia.
Tell me exactly why anything I said was bullshit. Have you looked into what is going on at the Darién Gap?
Not sure what your point there is but none of that is going to transform us into a second rate world power in this century
Not sure what your point there is but none of that is going to transform us into a second rate world power in this century
What do you think will happen when the dollar is used by less than 40% of the world as a reserve currency? Currently, only 58% of the world does, and that's down from a much higher percentage just a decade ago.

We're doing well in transactions, but reserves and overall trade are way down from the recent past.

Also, the cost of housing the millions of illegals that have entered in recent years is tremendous.

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