They Said Slaves Weren’t Persons, They Said Jews Weren’t Persons, Now They Say Unborn Babies Aren’t Persons


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

They Said Slaves Weren’t Persons,

They Said Jews Weren’t Persons,

Now They Say Unborn Babies Aren’t Persons

4 Apr 2024 ~~ By Bryan Kemper

ersonhood is a misused word that attempts to redefine what a human is. It is a social construct that gives way to genocide as it falsely divides an individual into two separate stages, human being and human person. If we look back at history, we can see many times this construct was used to create a false right for some to control, enslave and kill others by denying their personhood.
It is especially egregious in today’s social climate that we continue to allow some humans to be discounted and discarded. While many fight to see equality between races, genders and nationalities in one breath, in the next they are willing to strip away the humanity of another group of humans.
The Nazis used this false construct to justify their attempt to exterminate the Jews. They systematically stripped human rights away from the Jewish people, treating them like lower class citizens before eventually slaughtering them by the millions in concentration camps. We see the dehumanization of the Jewish people continuing to this day, as we still have to fight this hatred fueled by the construct of personhood.
With all of these lessons from history, we still embrace these deadly lies to strip away the human rights of another group of people, with the 1973 stamp of approval from the U.S. Supreme Court.
Pre-born humans are the most vulnerable people, with abortion advocates having decided they do not achieve personhood until they have made it out of the womb alive.
With the overturning of 1973’s Roe v. Wade decision two years ago, many states have recognized and moved to protect the marginalized pre-born, but so many others have ramped up their efforts to cement the dehumanization of the pre-born.
We have seen the horrors of the personhood construct in history and are seeing it today. Scientifically we know that the lifespan of a human being begins at the moment of conception and continues until the moment we die. From human zygote, embryo, fetus, infant, toddler, teen and to adult, the human being is at the same time an individual human person. There is no separation whatsoever. We are human persons from the very moment we exist.
One day we will look back at legal abortion as the most bloody and deadly time in history. Organizations like Planned Parenthood will finally be seen as they should, as descendants of those who upheld the slave trade and the Third Reich. The truth will be brought to light and the evil darkness of the abortion holocaust will be exposed.

It’s always Democrat Neo-Marxt. I recently read about and then watched a movie called "Conspiracy". It is about the Wannsee convention. It is chilling to watch these bureaucrats coldly discuss what must be done (in their racist view) to solve the “Jewish Question" and the means to carry it out, arguing the legal issues of what constitutes a “Jew”. Again, it’s always the Neo-Marxists.
By the same token, the Neo-Marxists today will support Hamas terrorists because, if it only takes the extermination of Jews to stop seeing uncomfortable things on television, that a small price for an anti-Semite to pay. It’s SOOOOO inconvenient to do what is right and stand up to murderous terrorists.
The same holds true with abortion. Having to put up with the inconvenience of pregnancy just because of being too lazy or ignorant to use contraception or even use a little personal responsibility is just too much to ask of a Neo-Marxist. But these are also the same people who want those who won’t think like them put in camps and either “re-educated” or killed.
Just ask Hillary....
Who's they? :dunno:

I have no problem saying an unborn baby, developing fetus, or fertilized egg is a person if that's the terminology you want to use. Do people have a right to gestate inside other people against their will? From what I understand contact has to be consensual between two people, no?
That's why we have the word "born". It's why we have birthdays. To distinguish between a fetus and a person, to mark the beginning of a person's life.

But busybodies aren't happy unless they have their noses up in someone else's business.


What is "unborn"? Everything that hasn't been born.
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Who's they? :dunno:

I have no problem saying an unborn baby, developing fetus, or fertilized egg is a person if that's the terminology you want to use. Do people have a right to gestate inside other people against their will? From what I understand contact has to be consensual between two people, no?
What you refer to is rape and there have been provisions made for such situtation in law for those circumstances.
Indeed, when consenual sex intercourse is consumated shouldn't both the man and woman should be responsible in the nurture, growth imparting of knowledge to the child..
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I was only recently told that babies are not born with a soul .
That comes later .
First time I heard this and regard it as a very interesting perspective .
Unprovable either way I guess , but nevertheless most intriguing .
What you refer to is rape and there have been provisions made for such situtation in law for those circumstances.
Indeed, when consenual sex intercourse is consumated shouldn't both the man and woman sould be responsible.
……. and if abortion is legal, and the woman refuses to use it, the resulting child should be her responsibility alone.

Unless we get real about this subject, it will never be resolved. And that is the only reason the cucks on the left want it legal.
What you refer to is rape and there have been provisions made for such situtation in law for those circumstances.
Well I wasn't really referring to rape. I was addressing your argument and taking the perspective that the unborn baby is its own individual person, then I was asking you if one individual should have the right to force themselves on another individual. Doesn't the individual baby need the consent of the individual woman they intend to gestate inside of? We can't allow individuals the right to go touching and forcing themselves on other individuals without consent can we?
Indeed, when consenual sex intercourse is consumated shouldn't both the man and woman sould be responsible.
Responsible to who? You? A Christian God? Or themselves?
That's why we have the word "born". It's why we have birthdays. To distinguish between a fetus and a person, to mark the beginning of a person's life.

But busybodies aren't happy unless they have their noses up in someone else's business.


What is "unborn"? Everything that hasn't been born.
a fetus is a person,,,
Well I wasn't really referring to rape. I was addressing your argument and taking the perspective that the unborn baby is its own individual person, then I was asking you if one individual should have the right to force themselves on another individual. Doesn't the individual baby need the consent of the individual woman they intend to gestate inside of? We can't allow individuals the right to go touching and forcing themselves on other individuals without consent can we?

Responsible to who? You? A Christian God? Or themselves?

We should worship headless chickens like your people.
We should worship headless chickens like your people.
Which people? I'm an agnostic but my family is mostly Roman catholic and rastafarian which is an off shoot of Ethiopian Christianity. You don't know anything about my people nor do you seem to have any self awareness about all the animal sacrifice or the zombie deity who asked his followers to partake of his flesh on the night before he was crucified that is at the heart of all of these christian-judeo religions.
That's your claim. I call your claim bullshit. Until a child is born, it's none of your business. Not unborn. Or undead. Or any other conceit you might dream up in your zeal to control women. Just butt out.
Then why is it my business if the woman decides not to abort?
That's your claim. I call your claim bullshit. Until a child is born, it's none of your business. Not unborn. Or undead. Or any other conceit you might dream up in your zeal to control women. Just butt out.
we have human rights not person rights,, life begins at conception.............

you can have your own opinion,, just dont get mad when people object to killing a helpless child,,

and whats with this control women bullshit??
other than not allowing them to kill their child what else do you think we want controlled??
It's never "your business". But once a separate person exists, with some degree of autonomy, that person has rights that the government is obligated to protect.
we have human rights not persons rights,,
life begins at conception,, and that my friend is a biological fact,,

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