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There are lies, more lies, and then there is the data. Keep telling the hurting middleclass and poor, that they arent really hurting.

It isn't keeping more of what they earn, moron.
They didn't EARN the sales tax they are charging, which they don't have to pay for 10,15 or 20 years.
Dude, what difference does it make to a business if they have to pay a sales tax or not? They simply add the tax to the final bill, and it never goes into their budget. How much incentive is it for a locality to NOT make them put an extra line item on the bill? And, when was the last time you bought something that did not include sales tax? Source (not behind a paywall) where a locality offered cuts in the sales tax as incentive for a company to move it.
They didn't EARN the government infrastructure, built by local and state governments.
And the state and local governments are trying to bring in more business, which in turn will bring in more tax revenue, which in turn will allow them to pay themselves more. See how that works? Seriously, you have a bigger problem with the governments than you do with the businesses, who just go where they are the most welcome.
Yes, the taxes, some ELSE PAYS.
Only if they refuse to cut spending temporarily until the revenue surges after the business gets in place.
Sure.............an overpayment.

BOTH are TAX $$$.
Which do not belong to the government in the first place. If they hold and use my money for a year, they should pay me interest when they return it to me.
Dude, what difference does it make to a business if they have to pay a sales tax or not?
Everyone ELSE does.
They simply add the tax to the final bill, and it never goes into their budget.
WHAT bill?
The one they MIGHT have to pay in 20 years.
How much incentive is it for a locality to NOT make them put an extra line item on the bill? And, when was the last time you bought something that did not include sales tax?
So why aren't certain companies?
The rest of the business community has to.
Source (not behind a paywall) where a locality offered cuts in the sales tax as incentive for a company to move it.

Here is one, there are many others.

What price, Home Depot? City set to give big-box store ...​

Tucson Sentinel
https://www.tucsonsentinel.com › opinion › report › 08...

Aug 21, 2023 — The Tucson City Council is set to provide a $2.6 million sales tax incentive to a new Home Depot set for construction on Old Vail Road and ...

To whit: The Tucson City Council is set this week to provide $4 million in incentives to a pair of 100,000-square-footers.
Home Depot would get a $2.6 million sales tax incentive to build a home and garden center at Old Vail Road and South Houghton Road. According to an economic analysis done by Tucson-based Applied Economics, the store would hire 110 workers and have a payroll of $5.9 million.
According to the city-sponsored study, the project will generate $19.3 million in "total annual output," and $8.4 million in sales tax revenues. To get the total output, economists apply a multiplier effect that considers the additional economic activity a business will spin off and that efficacy is a whole 'nother column.

Tucson already has multiple Home Depots, including one on North Pantano Road and East Broadway (just a couple miles down from another Home Depot) not prohibitively far from the new location.

It's not like the company is blacklisting Tucson, absent a $2.6 million sales tax incentive.
And the state and local governments are trying to bring in more business, which in turn will bring in more tax revenue, which in turn will allow them to pay themselves more. See how that works? Seriously, you have a bigger problem with the governments than you do with the businesses, who just go where they are the most welcome.

Amazon and the cities offering $$$ to relocate was one of the biggest.
Only if they refuse to cut spending temporarily until the revenue surges after the business gets in place.
That would work for startups, not established businesses like Amazon, Lowes, HD or Macy's.
Which do not belong to the government in the first place. If they hold and use my money for a year, they should pay me interest when they return it to me.
Everyone ELSE does.
The only way that works is if they could charge for the sales tax and then not have to pay it, or just not charge it on the bill. I have yet to see that happen, so most likely they're allowed to collect it and not pay it.
WHAT bill?
The one they MIGHT have to pay in 20 years.
Your complaint then is with government that allows them to keep what they charge, i.e. earn.
So why aren't certain companies?
The rest of the business community has to.
The rest of the business community is not ready to move into a new area, so they don't get special breaks for going through the disruption such a move causes. If they broadcast that they are ready to do something that attracts the attention of a state or locality, they can set up a bidding war between areas seeking for their business. Is that a problem?
Here is one, there are many others.

What price, Home Depot? City set to give big-box store ...

View attachment 937010
Tucson Sentinel
https://www.tucsonsentinel.com › opinion › report › 08...
Aug 21, 2023 — The Tucson City Council is set to provide a $2.6 million sales tax incentive to a new Home Depot set for construction on Old Vail Road and ...
https://twitter.com/intent/tweet?text=What price, Home Depot? City set to give big-box store $2.4m in tax breaks | The Tucson agenda&via=TucsonSentinel&url=https://www.tucsonsentinel.com/opinion/report/082123_agenda_big_box_op/what-price-home-depot-city-set-give-big-box-store-24m-tax-breaks/

To whit: The Tucson City Council is set this week to provide $4 million in incentives to a pair of 100,000-square-footers.
Home Depot would get a $2.6 million sales tax incentive to build a home and garden center at Old Vail Road and South Houghton Road. According to an economic analysis done by Tucson-based Applied Economics, the store would hire 110 workers and have a payroll of $5.9 million.
According to the city-sponsored study, the project will generate $19.3 million in "total annual output," and $8.4 million in sales tax revenues. To get the total output, economists apply a multiplier effect that considers the additional economic activity a business will spin off and that efficacy is a whole 'nother column.

Tucson already has multiple Home Depots, including one on North Pantano Road and East Broadway (just a couple miles down from another Home Depot) not prohibitively far from the new location.

It's not like the company is blacklisting Tucson, absent a $2.6 million sales tax incentive.
I read that article, and there were no details about what the incentive actually entails, just a mention that it was a sales tax incentive.

Amazon and the cities offering $$$ to relocate was one of the biggest.

That would work for startups, not established businesses like Amazon, Lowes, HD or Macy's.
Again, sounds like your complaint is with governments trying to bring new business into their areas to generate more revenue and better jobs for their constituents. Would you rather they NOT have those tools in their toolboxes and just begged "pretty please" for businesses to come?
The only way that works is if they could charge for the sales tax and then not have to pay it, or just not charge it on the bill. I have yet to see that happen, so most likely they're allowed to collect it and not pay it.

Your complaint then is with government that allows them to keep what they charge, i.e. earn.
They EARNED sales taxes?
The rest of the business community is not ready to move into a new area, so they don't get special breaks for going through the disruption such a move causes. If they broadcast that they are ready to do something that attracts the attention of a state or locality, they can set up a bidding war between areas seeking for their business. Is that a problem?
Yes, paying companies with taxpayer $$$?
I read that article, and there were no details about what the incentive actually entails, just a mention that it was a sales tax incentive.
Them NOT paying sales tax to the state/local government.
Again, sounds like your complaint is with governments trying to bring new business into their areas to generate more revenue and better jobs for their constituents.
At the expense of their constituents, for years.
Would you rather they NOT have those tools in their toolboxes and just begged "pretty please" for businesses to come?
That's the way it used to be.
Companies didn't have to be bribed to expand.
Especially, well established multi-billion $$$ companies.
They EARNED sales taxes?

Yes, paying companies with taxpayer $$$?
Finally, you admit government doesn't have its own money, but has to first confiscate it from taxpayers. And again, they're not giving money, they're just allowing them to not pay as much.
Them NOT paying sales tax to the state/local government.

At the expense of their constituents, for years.

That's the way it used to be.
Companies didn't have to be bribed to expand.
Especially, well established multi-billion $$$ companies.
Localities compete with each other for business. That's a good thing.
Finally, you admit government doesn't have its own money, but has to first confiscate it from taxpayers. And again, they're not giving money, they're just allowing them to not pay as much.
WHO prints it?
They all the $$$, they want.
Localities compete with each other for business. That's a good thing.
Yeah, but one company worth billions already, shouldn't be getting handouts from others.
WHO prints it?
They all the $$$, they want.
You're contradicting yourself. On the one hand, you complain that the taxpayers' money is getting handed out, while on the other, you claim government owns all the money. Which is it?

I'll help you. If government already owns all the money, why can I loan the government money and have them pay me back with interest? That's called buying bonds, in case you were unclear.
Yeah, but one company worth billions already, shouldn't be getting handouts from others.
They do if a locality wants them to do business in one place over another. I don't think you like government being in competition, even with itself. Would you prefer government simply dictate where business should take place?
You're contradicting yourself. On the one hand, you complain that the taxpayers' money is getting handed out, while on the other, you claim government owns all the money. Which is it?
No, I'm not.
The government charges IT'S debt to us.
If the $$$ was truly OURS, we would have a say on how OUR $$$ is spent.
Just like YOU decide what to buy at the grocery store.
We don't.
I'll help you. If government already owns all the money, why can I loan the government money and have them pay me back with interest? That's called buying bonds, in case you were unclear.
The $$$ you loan the government, is their $$$.
If they wanted that bond you bought to be worthless, it would be.
They do if a locality wants them to do business in one place over another. I don't think you like government being in competition, even with itself. Would you prefer government simply dictate where business should take place?
They already do, with bribing companies to build or relocate.
No, I'm not.
The government charges IT'S debt to us.
If the $$$ was truly OURS, we would have a say on how OUR $$$ is spent.
Just like YOU decide what to buy at the grocery store.
We don't.
That's because we're not a democracy where the people vote on how we spend our money. We hire representatives to do that for us and hope they'll do a good job. Obviously, they're not doing a really good job, so we need to hire more representatives that are willing to keep the government's budget in line with reality.
The $$$ you loan the government, is their $$$.
It's only theirs to use until the bond matures, then they have to pay it back to me with the interest they promised. If I don't loan it to them, i.e. buy the bond, it's not their money at all.
If they wanted that bond you bought to be worthless, it would be.
Which is why it's a risk to buy bonds. Of course, the government hasn't yet defaulted on its debt obligation, so their record is pretty good. That doesn't mean it won't happen. But, and here's the critical point, if I don't buy the bond, I don't lend them the money, it's mine.
They already do, with bribing companies to build or relocate.
That's not dictating. If a company decides it's not in their strategic interest to put a warehouse or assembly line in a certain location, they won't do it, even if the local government offers them a tax incentive. We still have a somewhat free country where government has limited ability to dictate where business takes place, somewhat.
It isn't keeping more of what they earn, moron.
They didn't EARN the sales tax they are charging, which they don't have to pay for 10,15 or 20 years.
They didn't EARN the government infrastructure, built by local and state governments.

Yes, the taxes, some ELSE PAYS.

Sure.............an overpayment.

BOTH are TAX $$$.
All taxes go to the public. The public pays all taxes. Every tax you charge to anyone, ends up being paid by the public. All of them. Every single one.

A tax cut, is not a subsidy. A tax cut is someone keeping more of the money they rightfully earned.

If I beat you over the head, stole your wallet, and on the way out tossed a $20 of your own money back at you, you would not conclude I was "subsidizing you", because I let you keep $20 of your own money that you earned.

Another way of putting it, if you earned nothing, would you still get the subsidy? If the answer is no, then you are not being subsidized. The only way to get a tax cut, is to work and earn money, and have the government let you keep the money you earned.

A subsidy, is money you get when you do not earn it. Wind farms get money from the Federal Government. If they produce ZERO, they still get the subsidy.
Total whining from a right winger that HATES to see America win if Joe Biden is in office. Well from the rest of us who actually want to see America succeed, screw you.

The data shows that people are better off. What you are learning, is that the middle class and poor have been struggling for over a century but you didnt care. You just said they were lazy or any attempt to address their struggle was socialism, marxism, communism or some other ism. The FACT IS that you do not support a SINGLE policy that helps the middle class and especially the poor. Your crocodile tears dont impress me you fake ass.
All taxes go to the public. The public pays all taxes. Every tax you charge to anyone, ends up being paid by the public. All of them. Every single one.

A tax cut, is not a subsidy.
YES, it is.
A tax cut is someone keeping more of the money they rightfully earned.

Teabaggers have been peddling that BS, since Reagan.

Attracting Amazon: Company has garnered billions of ...​

Florida Today
https://www.floridatoday.com › business › 2022/11/17

Nov 17, 2022 — Now, the incentive deals run the gamut, including outright cash grants; property tax abatements; sales tax rebates; and special tax or ...

Amazon Tax Subsidies Are Inefficient Job Creators​

https://www.forbes.com › Business › Policy

Apr 28, 2023 — Between 2000 and 2022, Amazon has received more than $5 billion in subsidies as part of deals with communities to build fulfillment centers. The ...

If I beat you over the head, stole your wallet, and on the way out tossed a $20 of your own money back at you, you would not conclude I was "subsidizing you", because I let you keep $20 of your own money that you earned.

Another way of putting it, if you earned nothing, would you still get the subsidy? If the answer is no, then you are not being subsidized. The only way to get a tax cut, is to work and earn money, and have the government let you keep the money you earned.

A subsidy, is money you get when you do not earn it. Wind farms get money from the Federal Government. If they produce ZERO, they still get the subsidy.
The very same thing with oil companies.
YES, it is.

Teabaggers have been peddling that BS, since Reagan.

Attracting Amazon: Company has garnered billions of ...

View attachment 938936
Florida Today
https://www.floridatoday.com › business › 2022/11/17

Nov 17, 2022 — Now, the incentive deals run the gamut, including outright cash grants; property tax abatements; sales tax rebates; and special tax or ...

Amazon Tax Subsidies Are Inefficient Job Creators

View attachment 938935
https://www.forbes.com › Business › Policy
Apr 28, 2023 — Between 2000 and 2022, Amazon has received more than $5 billion in subsidies as part of deals with communities to build fulfillment centers. The ...

The very same thing with oil companies.
First, I never suggested that tax breaks are job creators, or that I support them.
But they are not a subsidy.

So you are subsidized? Because you get a tax break too. So do I. So does everyone.
Some food items are up almost 50% over the last three years. Regular working people are really struggling.
I think I bought a $5.00 bag of chips with only one potato chip in it...pass that bill Congress: fill up those snack bags again!!!
I think I bought a $5.00 bag of chips with only one potato chip in it...pass that bill Congress: fill up those snack bags again!!!
About a month ago, I went out to eat, and paid $5 for a handful of fries.

I was so pissed about paying $5 for a tiny handful of fries.... I actually bought a tiny 2-liter fryer, and now I will go buy the burger for $6, and cook my own fries.

Not sure if that was entirely wise or not, but it does save me money.
About a month ago, I went out to eat, and paid $5 for a handful of fries.

I was so pissed about paying $5 for a tiny handful of fries.... I actually bought a tiny 2-liter fryer, and now I will go buy the burger for $6, and cook my own fries.

Not sure if that was entirely wise or not, but it does save me money.
I just bought a chocolate chip cookie at a walk-up counter place. It was $5, and then the register asked whether I wanted to pay an 18%, 20%, or 22% tip.

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