There are lies, more lies, and then there is the data. Keep telling the hurting middleclass and poor, that they arent really hurting.

40 years of trickledown economics, destroying the American middle class, by giving the rich $56 trillion of their mony, will do that.

But there's good news. Efforts have begun to take that $56 trillion back from them, raise their taxes, and restore America to the workers.
That would be a disaster.
The Democrats treat the taxpayers like their slaves.

'There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics' - the meaning and origin of this phrase

MSN Why is the data always wrong? Because if it was the REAL data then it would make Joe Biden's admin shown as worthless, uncaring, sycophants who dont care at all for the hard working people, but only for themselves who not only steal elections, but the very tax dollars many of the working class have to give to such a feckless government.

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Billionaires need to pay their fair share.
Some food items are up almost 50% over the last three years. Regular working people are really struggling.
Those people I grew up around lived through the great depression were tough from the hardships they went through. What we are going through is nothing like a depression.
Many are 'struggling' because they insist on maintaining a certain lifestyle in spite of earning less. I recently read about a woman who "didn't know how she was going to afford to send her kids to summer camp this year."
I have to pay over $200,000 in Federal Taxes this year. So yeah, i have had to cut back on spending, which is okay, because i wont support Joe Bribem's economy. Tax US more, we spend less, less poor get FREE STUFF. Fuck the poor.
I have to pay over $200,000 in Federal Taxes this year. So yeah, i have had to cut back on spending, which is okay, because i wont support Joe Bribem's economy. Tax US more, we spend less, less poor get FREE STUFF. Fuck the poor.
Evidently you suck at tax avoision
I have to pay over $200,000 in Federal Taxes this year. So yeah, i have had to cut back on spending, which is okay, because i wont support Joe Bribem's economy. Tax US more, we spend less, less poor get FREE STUFF. Fuck the poor.

Oh look, another MAGA internet millionaire.

The number of you people on this forum is shocking
Some food items are up almost 50% over the last three years. Regular working people are really struggling.
Yea but remember those people took the biggest hit in the 2000s when their high paying union manufacturing jobs went overseas and they were forced to go into non union service jobs.

Unions are gaining popularity in the south. Tennessee and Alabama is next. These poor uneducated blue collar workers need to organize.

Or, watch and see their employers will give them raises because they are afraid they will organize.

Workers in the south saw what workers could do in 2023. Thanks to Biden
Nope. Any time a turd party candidate enters the race, the win always goes to the far Left Communist, or does H. Ross Perot ring a bell? If it weren't for him, we would not have been stuck with the Hill and Bill show for eight long years.
Why do cons keep pushing rfk? And us lines want him to go away?

I think he’s stealing from trump too. Conspiracy theorist nuts. Perhaps he will benefit Biden. Interesting.
Yea but remember those people took the biggest hit in the 2000s when their high paying union manufacturing jobs went overseas and they were forced to go into non union service jobs.

Unions are gaining popularity in the south. Tennessee and Alabama is next. These poor uneducated blue collar workers need to organize.

Or, watch and see their employers will give them raises because they are afraid they will organize.

Workers in the south saw what workers could do in 2023. Thanks to Biden
And force companies to close, which I hope they will.

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