The WHO Pandemic Treaty Would Literally Make Bill Gates the Most Powerful Man on Earth


Diamond Member
Dec 18, 2012
Biden and WHO are gunning for a treaty which would make WHO supreme after it declares a pandemic, including power to dictate lockdowns, digital vaccination IDs, travel rights, and mandatory vaccinations. So far five countries are already saying no way. Five countries have now pushed back on WHO Pandemic Treaty

Daily Signal-- Biden’s Global Pandemic Agreement Empowers WHO, China, Conservatives Warn
Fred Lucas / @FredLucasWH / April 18, 2024

"Congressional Republicans are calling on President Joe Biden to abandon plans for a pandemic treaty that would strengthen the World Health Organization, citing that global body’s numerous failures during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Sen. Ron Johnson, R-Wis., backed by about half of all Senate Republicans, signed a letter to Biden urging him to withdraw from two agreements with the World Health Organization that would boost its authority to declare public health emergencies and give it new powers over the U.S. and 193 other member states during such emergencies. GOP: Biden’s Pandemic Agreement Empowers WHO, China "

Now here's what they are NOT telling you.


GAVI the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization was founded by Gates and is a creature of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation So when the GAVI contributions to WHO are added to those of the Gates Foundation, the amount rivals the donations of the US, the single largest donor. Gates is not exactly a man who wants no influence for his money.

2017 Politico:

“The [Gates] foundation’s impact on the WHO is enormous,” said Garrett, of the Council on Foreign Relations. “If they weren’t there, if they walked away with their money, the deleterious impact would be profound, and everyone is all too aware of that.”

WHO President "Tedros" is a Gates implant and lackey. Tedros is also a certified terrorist as a member of the Ethiopian Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPFL,) still on the US State Department's Watch List. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus: is the WHO led by a terrorist? The go-between of Gates and China engaged in the global leadership battle.

When Tedros orders a pandemic declared it is Gates talking. These simple facts should be enough to make the whole world squash the coming WHO pandemic treaty.

Dr. Mike Yeadon: "Treaty of lies. Pandemic of lies. Whistleblowers of truth."

"By implementing all the decisions of the WHO without discussion and from one day to the next, the Director-General of the WHO will be able to declare a pandemic for a disease that does not kill and force States to undergo a whole series of liberticidal measures. Which we unfortunately experienced in the not-so-distant past. For example, border closures, lockdowns, mandatory administration of unproven drug products. Never in history has there been such a threat to our fundamental freedoms." Treaty of lies. Pandemic of lies. Whistleblowers of truth.

"Five Countries Push Back on WHO Pandemic Treaty"
Five countries have now pushed back on WHO Pandemic Treaty

The dweeb did one thing supremely well but is addled that he can do many things uniquely well
We should get the hell out of this retarded organization. They didn't do shit during the pandemic. They're just a group of greedy assholes enriching themselves on other people's misfortunes.
Yes .
WW3 is on the point of being lost and the Sheeple have no clue as to what now becomes possible .
As Lock Down showed , if you can promote hysteria and control , the Gullibles will do just about anything you order them to
So when can we expect the next Fake pandemic ?
And how will they improve on the Fake Covid Killer Shots ?
They want you dead and if you do not know whom “ They” are , you should take up knitting or gardening .
They need a new Mengele as Fauci is in hiding .
But some monster is coming to get you .
Biden and WHO are gunning for a treaty which would make WHO supreme after it declares a pandemic, including power to dictate lockdowns, digital vaccination IDs, travel rights, and mandatory vaccinations. So far five countries are already saying no way. Five countries have now pushed back on WHO Pandemic Treaty

Daily Signal-- Biden’s Global Pandemic Agreement Empowers WHO, China, Conservatives Warn
Fred Lucas / @FredLucasWH / April 18, 2024

"Congressional Republicans are calling on President Joe Biden to abandon plans for a pandemic treaty that would strengthen the World Health Organization, citing that global body’s numerous failures during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Sen. Ron Johnson, R-Wis., backed by about half of all Senate Republicans, signed a letter to Biden urging him to withdraw from two agreements with the World Health Organization that would boost its authority to declare public health emergencies and give it new powers over the U.S. and 193 other member states during such emergencies. GOP: Biden’s Pandemic Agreement Empowers WHO, China "

Now here's what they are NOT telling you.


GAVI the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization was founded by Gates and is a creature of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation So when the GAVI contributions to WHO are added to those of the Gates Foundation, the amount rivals the donations of the US, the single largest donor. Gates is not exactly a man who wants no influence for his money.

2017 Politico:

“The [Gates] foundation’s impact on the WHO is enormous,” said Garrett, of the Council on Foreign Relations. “If they weren’t there, if they walked away with their money, the deleterious impact would be profound, and everyone is all too aware of that.”

WHO President "Tedros" is a Gates implant and lackey. Tedros is also a certified terrorist as a member of the Ethiopian Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPFL,) still on the US State Department's Watch List. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus: is the WHO led by a terrorist? The go-between of Gates and China engaged in the global leadership battle.

When Tedros orders a pandemic declared it is Gates talking. These simple facts should be enough to make the whole world squash the coming WHO pandemic treaty.

Dr. Mike Yeadon: "Treaty of lies. Pandemic of lies. Whistleblowers of truth."

"By implementing all the decisions of the WHO without discussion and from one day to the next, the Director-General of the WHO will be able to declare a pandemic for a disease that does not kill and force States to undergo a whole series of liberticidal measures. Which we unfortunately experienced in the not-so-distant past. For example, border closures, lockdowns, mandatory administration of unproven drug products. Never in history has there been such a threat to our fundamental freedoms." Treaty of lies. Pandemic of lies. Whistleblowers of truth.

"Five Countries Push Back on WHO Pandemic Treaty"
Five countries have now pushed back on WHO Pandemic Treaty

Just say No!

If they refuse to listen say FUCK NO!!
what happened to all those Ukraine biolabs would be my Q 'Lu ~S~

Agree, but have no reliable details .
Obviously the Russian Freedom Defenders immediately secured some or many of the bio labs but I doubt they managed those in western ex-Ukraine .
Same for the nuclear power plants . Zaporizhzhia being the most important .

And Moscow made a deliberate and considered capture of the Azovstal Iron and Steel plant in Mariupol because of its huge underground bio-lab complex where a large number of Americans worked .
We have some suggestions of some of the ideas that were being researched . They are filthy evil, but hard evidence and full confirmation is needed at my humble level .
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But I will tell you something interesting that you may not know , Sparkle .

The Deep State credo bottom line is what might be called Satanism . More accurately Luciferism I suspect .

In order to deflect Karma, Luciferians are bound to always tell their enemies of their next moves in advance , even if it is only done through the Entertainment industry which they completely own .
They must follow this procedure and it is irrelevant how others view that because it is as important to them as , say , Jesus is to Cult Christians .

The point is that they are 100% bound to reveal all plans before they are carried out .And historically they have done this , without exception .

So Eyes Wide and to the Sky . No Fear .
( love that ending . Guy from Space News with the great deep voice uses it )
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As Michael Caine allegedly said ,

"Not a lot of people know that ".

They have tinkered with disease X , Monkey Pox , and Marburg and if you read widely they love to give you Ebola and Plague data even it is only a single case in Outer Mongolia .

I have nearly finished our cave , fifty feet below with all of the trimmings
We should get the hell out of this retarded organization. They didn't do shit during the pandemic. They're just a group of greedy assholes enriching themselves on other people's misfortunes.

Trump tried to pull out of WHO but he did a bad job of explaining why. So as usual he got clobbered in the media.
Agree, but have no reliable details .
Obviously the Russian Freedom Defenders immediately secured some or many of the bio labs but I doubt they managed those in western ex-Ukraine .
Same for the nuclear power plants . Zaporizhzhia being the most important .

And Moscow made a deliberate and considered capture of the Azovstal Iron and Steel plant in Mariupol because of its huge underground bio-lab complex where a large number of Americans worked .
We have some suggestions of some of the ideas that were being researched . They are filthy evil, but hard evidence and full confirmation is needed at my humble level .

Biden and WHO are gunning for a treaty which would make WHO supreme after it declares a pandemic, including power to dictate lockdowns, digital vaccination IDs, travel rights, and mandatory vaccinations. So far five countries are already saying no way. Five countries have now pushed back on WHO Pandemic Treaty

Daily Signal-- Biden’s Global Pandemic Agreement Empowers WHO, China, Conservatives Warn
Fred Lucas / @FredLucasWH / April 18, 2024

"Congressional Republicans are calling on President Joe Biden to abandon plans for a pandemic treaty that would strengthen the World Health Organization, citing that global body’s numerous failures during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Sen. Ron Johnson, R-Wis., backed by about half of all Senate Republicans, signed a letter to Biden urging him to withdraw from two agreements with the World Health Organization that would boost its authority to declare public health emergencies and give it new powers over the U.S. and 193 other member states during such emergencies. GOP: Biden’s Pandemic Agreement Empowers WHO, China "

Now here's what they are NOT telling you.


GAVI the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization was founded by Gates and is a creature of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation So when the GAVI contributions to WHO are added to those of the Gates Foundation, the amount rivals the donations of the US, the single largest donor. Gates is not exactly a man who wants no influence for his money.

2017 Politico:

“The [Gates] foundation’s impact on the WHO is enormous,” said Garrett, of the Council on Foreign Relations. “If they weren’t there, if they walked away with their money, the deleterious impact would be profound, and everyone is all too aware of that.”

WHO President "Tedros" is a Gates implant and lackey. Tedros is also a certified terrorist as a member of the Ethiopian Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPFL,) still on the US State Department's Watch List. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus: is the WHO led by a terrorist? The go-between of Gates and China engaged in the global leadership battle.

When Tedros orders a pandemic declared it is Gates talking. These simple facts should be enough to make the whole world squash the coming WHO pandemic treaty.

Dr. Mike Yeadon: "Treaty of lies. Pandemic of lies. Whistleblowers of truth."

"By implementing all the decisions of the WHO without discussion and from one day to the next, the Director-General of the WHO will be able to declare a pandemic for a disease that does not kill and force States to undergo a whole series of liberticidal measures. Which we unfortunately experienced in the not-so-distant past. For example, border closures, lockdowns, mandatory administration of unproven drug products. Never in history has there been such a threat to our fundamental freedoms." Treaty of lies. Pandemic of lies. Whistleblowers of truth.

"Five Countries Push Back on WHO Pandemic Treaty"
Five countries have now pushed back on WHO Pandemic Treaty


What a big fuckiing lie.
"Congressional Republicans are calling on President Joe Biden to abandon plans for a pandemic treaty that would strengthen the World Health Organization, citing that global body’s numerous failures during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Tell me you laughed your ass off at this statement. You MUST have laughed your ass off in light of Trump's colossal incompetence and stupidity in his handling of the pandemic.

Why aren't Congressional Republicans calling to abandon Trump? The man is responsible for a million American deaths!

As for Bill Gates, we would not have had a vaccine as quickly as we did were it not for his selfless voluntary financial commitment to the cause.

I didn't see Trump stepping up and donating. All he did was take credit, as he always does for shit he had nothing to do with.

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