The Warsaw Ghetto uprising.....why we have the 2nd Amendment....


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
The Anniversary of the uprising in the Warsaw Ghetto has come up the last few days......and this is just another clear reason why we have the 2nd the democrat party weaponizes our government agencies against their enemies........

Keep in mind....the Polish people were disarmed......they had few weapons during the fight......and they caused major problems for the socialists......

SS leader Himmler sealed the city’s fate early on by declaring, “Every inhabitant must be killed, no prisoners are allowed, Warsaw is to be razed to the ground, and in this way, an intimidating example for the whole of Europe is to be created.”

Germans, Ukrainians, and other Axis soldiers massacred between 40,000 and 50,000 civilians in the Wola section of Warsaw just between Aug. 5-7, 1944.


Because the citizens were disarmed.....a tiny force of national socialist leftists where able to murder 50,000 civilians..........this is why we have the 2nd Amendment....

By his own words, Stroop reported that after he took command on 19 April 1943 the forces at his disposal totaled 31 officers and 1,262 men:[51]

Warsaw Ghetto Uprising - Wikipedia

By his own words, Stroop reported that after he took command on 19 April 1943 the forces at his disposal totaled 31 officers and 1,262 men:[51]

Marek Edelman
, who was the only surviving uprising commander from the left-wing ŻOB, stated that the ŻOB had 220 fighters and each was armed with a handgun, grenades, and Molotov cocktails.

His organization had three rifles in each area, as well as two land mines and one submachine gun.[20][21][22][23]


Death toll[edit]
Stroop Report original caption: "Bandits jump to escape capture." A man leaps to his death from the top story window of an apartment block. Taken at 23 and 25 Niska Street[67]
Plaque commemorating Home Armysoldiers - Eugeniusz Morawski ps. "Młodek" and Józef Wilk ps. "Orlik" killed during the Ghetto Action on the wall Church of St. John of God at ul. Bonifraterska 12 in Warsaw.
13,000 Jews were killed in the ghetto during the uprising (some 6,000 among them were burnt alive or died from smoke inhalation). Of the remaining 50,000 residents, most were captured and shipped to concentration and extermination camps, in particular to Treblinka.

Jürgen Stroop's internal SS daily report for Friedrich Krüger, written on 16 May 1943, stated:

180 Jews, bandits and sub-humans, were destroyed. The former Jewish quarter of Warsaw is no longer in existence. The large-scale action was terminated at 20:15 hours by blowing up the Warsaw Synagogue. ... Total number of Jews dealt with 56,065, including both Jews caught and Jews whose extermination can be proved. ... Apart from 8 buildings (police barracks, hospital, and accommodations for housing working-parties) the former Ghetto is completely destroyed. Only the dividing walls are left standing where no explosions were carried out.[42]

According to the casualty lists in Stroop's report, German forces suffered a total of 110 casualties – 17 dead (of whom 16 were killed in action) and 93 injured – of whom 101 are listed by name, including over 60 members of the Waffen-SS. These figures did not include Jewish collaborators, but did include the "Trawniki men" and Polish police under his command. The real number of German losses, however, may be well higher (the Germans suffered about 300 casualties by Edelman's estimate). For propaganda purposes, the official announcement claimed the German casualties to be only a few wounded, while propaganda bulletins of the Polish Underground Stateannounced that hundreds of occupiers had been killed in the fighting.

Because the citizens were disarmed....a leftist force of national socialists 1,293 in number, was able to defeat 50,000 people.........

Why didn't this happen to the Swiss?


That is why the Nazis despised Switzerland. Joseph Goebbels called Switzerland "this stinking little state" where "sentiment has turned very much against us." Adolf Hitler decided that "all the rubbish of small nations still existing in Europe must be liquidated," even if it meant he would later "be attacked as the 'Butcher of the Swiss.'"

The 1940 Nazi invasion plan, Operation Tannenbaum, was not executed, and SS Oberst Hermann Bohme's 1943 memorandum warned that an invasion of Switzerland would be too costly because every man was armed and trained to shoot.

This did not stop the Gestapo from preparing lists of Swiss to be liquidated once the Nazis overran the country.

The other European nations were easily toppled and had little means to wage a partisan war against the occupation. Once their standing armies were defeated, the governments capitulated and the populaces were defenseless.

Only in Switzerland was the entire populace armed and prepared to wage a relentless guerrilla war against an invader. When the war began in 1939, Switzerland mobilized 435,000 citizen soldiers out of a population of 4.2 million.

Production figures for Swiss service rifles, which had firepower equal to those of the Germans, demonstrate an ample supply of small arms.

Swiss militiamen were instructed to disregard any alleged "official" surrender as enemy propaganda and, if necessary, to fight individually. This meant that a nation of sharpshooters would be sniping at German soldiers at long ranges from every mountain.

While neutral, Switzerland was prepared to fight a Nazi invasion to the end. The celebrated Swiss Gen. Henri Guisan developed the strategy known as defense du reduit--an initial opposition followed by a retreat into the Alps, where a relentless war to the death would be waged. Most Swiss strongly opposed Nazism. Death sentences were issued for fifth-column activities, and proclamations against anti-Semitism were passed at various official levels. There was no Holocaust on Swiss soil, something that can not be said for France, the Netherlands, Poland or most of Europe.




Never.....ever....give up your weapons......
The Anniversary of the uprising in the Warsaw Ghetto has come up the last few days......and this is just another clear reason why we have the 2nd the democrat party weaponizes our government agencies against their enemies........

Keep in mind....the Polish people were disarmed......they had few weapons during the fight......and they caused major problems for the socialists......

SS leader Himmler sealed the city’s fate early on by declaring, “Every inhabitant must be killed, no prisoners are allowed, Warsaw is to be razed to the ground, and in this way, an intimidating example for the whole of Europe is to be created.”

Germans, Ukrainians, and other Axis soldiers massacred between 40,000 and 50,000 civilians in the Wola section of Warsaw just between Aug. 5-7, 1944.


Because the citizens were disarmed.....a tiny force of national socialist leftists where able to murder 50,000 civilians..........this is why we have the 2nd Amendment....

By his own words, Stroop reported that after he took command on 19 April 1943 the forces at his disposal totaled 31 officers and 1,262 men:[51]

Warsaw Ghetto Uprising - Wikipedia

By his own words, Stroop reported that after he took command on 19 April 1943 the forces at his disposal totaled 31 officers and 1,262 men:[51]

Marek Edelman
, who was the only surviving uprising commander from the left-wing ŻOB, stated that the ŻOB had 220 fighters and each was armed with a handgun, grenades, and Molotov cocktails.

His organization had three rifles in each area, as well as two land mines and one submachine gun.[20][21][22][23]


Death toll[edit]
Stroop Report original caption: "Bandits jump to escape capture." A man leaps to his death from the top story window of an apartment block. Taken at 23 and 25 Niska Street[67]
Plaque commemorating Home Armysoldiers - Eugeniusz Morawski ps. "Młodek" and Józef Wilk ps. "Orlik" killed during the Ghetto Action on the wall Church of St. John of God at ul. Bonifraterska 12 in Warsaw.
13,000 Jews were killed in the ghetto during the uprising (some 6,000 among them were burnt alive or died from smoke inhalation). Of the remaining 50,000 residents, most were captured and shipped to concentration and extermination camps, in particular to Treblinka.

Jürgen Stroop's internal SS daily report for Friedrich Krüger, written on 16 May 1943, stated:

180 Jews, bandits and sub-humans, were destroyed. The former Jewish quarter of Warsaw is no longer in existence. The large-scale action was terminated at 20:15 hours by blowing up the Warsaw Synagogue. ... Total number of Jews dealt with 56,065, including both Jews caught and Jews whose extermination can be proved. ... Apart from 8 buildings (police barracks, hospital, and accommodations for housing working-parties) the former Ghetto is completely destroyed. Only the dividing walls are left standing where no explosions were carried out.[42]

According to the casualty lists in Stroop's report, German forces suffered a total of 110 casualties – 17 dead (of whom 16 were killed in action) and 93 injured – of whom 101 are listed by name, including over 60 members of the Waffen-SS. These figures did not include Jewish collaborators, but did include the "Trawniki men" and Polish police under his command. The real number of German losses, however, may be well higher (the Germans suffered about 300 casualties by Edelman's estimate). For propaganda purposes, the official announcement claimed the German casualties to be only a few wounded, while propaganda bulletins of the Polish Underground Stateannounced that hundreds of occupiers had been killed in the fighting.

Because the citizens were disarmed....a leftist force of national socialists 1,293 in number, was able to defeat 50,000 people.........

Why didn't this happen to the Swiss?


That is why the Nazis despised Switzerland. Joseph Goebbels called Switzerland "this stinking little state" where "sentiment has turned very much against us." Adolf Hitler decided that "all the rubbish of small nations still existing in Europe must be liquidated," even if it meant he would later "be attacked as the 'Butcher of the Swiss.'"

The 1940 Nazi invasion plan, Operation Tannenbaum, was not executed, and SS Oberst Hermann Bohme's 1943 memorandum warned that an invasion of Switzerland would be too costly because every man was armed and trained to shoot.

This did not stop the Gestapo from preparing lists of Swiss to be liquidated once the Nazis overran the country.

The other European nations were easily toppled and had little means to wage a partisan war against the occupation. Once their standing armies were defeated, the governments capitulated and the populaces were defenseless.

Only in Switzerland was the entire populace armed and prepared to wage a relentless guerrilla war against an invader. When the war began in 1939, Switzerland mobilized 435,000 citizen soldiers out of a population of 4.2 million.

Production figures for Swiss service rifles, which had firepower equal to those of the Germans, demonstrate an ample supply of small arms.

Swiss militiamen were instructed to disregard any alleged "official" surrender as enemy propaganda and, if necessary, to fight individually. This meant that a nation of sharpshooters would be sniping at German soldiers at long ranges from every mountain.

While neutral, Switzerland was prepared to fight a Nazi invasion to the end. The celebrated Swiss Gen. Henri Guisan developed the strategy known as defense du reduit--an initial opposition followed by a retreat into the Alps, where a relentless war to the death would be waged. Most Swiss strongly opposed Nazism. Death sentences were issued for fifth-column activities, and proclamations against anti-Semitism were passed at various official levels. There was no Holocaust on Swiss soil, something that can not be said for France, the Netherlands, Poland or most of Europe.




Never.....ever....give up your weapons......

There is an interesting book about the Warsaw massacre called The Silver Sword.
I read it when I was a kid.
There is an interesting book about the Warsaw massacre called The Silver Sword.
I read it when I was a kid.
View attachment 812018

The anti-gun extremists tell us that even if these people had guns, it wouldn't have stopped the leftist, national socialists from murdering them....

What they fail to understand, since they are leftists themselves and wisdom is not part of their DNA.......Switzerland was not invaded because their people were heavily armed and occupying their country would have been to multiply that by every single European country, and the leftist, national socialists wouldn't have been able to invade any of their countries since each one would have been a nightmare to occupy......
The resistance combatants pulled off quite a feat of defense against the Nazis, considering they were mostly civilians of all stripes, including men, women & children. The resistance had little choice but to fight with all they had for the option was the gas chambers @ the still operating Treblinka death camp or @ best the KZ camps(slow death/starvation). Fortunately as the accompanying link states only a small number(60,000 or so) of the resistance fighters who surrendered ended up @ the death camps of Treblinka &/or Majdanek(pronounced mai-daa-nuhk)or the KZ camps of Mauthausen, Ravensbruck(womens camp). The Warsaw uprising illustrates what everyday civilians can accomplish when their backs are to the wall with physical death staring them in the face!

The statist left goon(2nd from right) with the submachine gun is Josef Blosche which EARNED the prestigious title of "Frankenstein" from the Warsaw defenders, like quite a compliment eh???

MY HERO! If I could reach back in time & take ANY woman for my own it would be Tadeusz, like she's smiling for the cameraman surrounded by death & knowing she's about to be killed/murdered or worse. The ONLY way one can smile in that situation is by PURE FAITH in their Maker. The gal on the right looks like she's ready to kill for sure, like that look in her eyes tells the story!!!

As far as g'ment disarming any civilian population that's a no-no! It should be the citizenry that disarms the g'ment but that takes a constituency based in morality to do so. Get tough on criminals, & ESPECIALLY the criminals holding office as SERVANTS to their bosses, THE CONSTITUENCY!!! Just say NO to g'ment elitists & their narcissistic mentalities. No more Pol Pot's, Stalin's, Idi Amin's like we know what an armed g'ment & a disarmed citizenry leads to for we have a complete history of that problem dating back for many many MANY moons!
The Anniversary of the uprising in the Warsaw Ghetto has come up the last few days......and this is just another clear reason why we have the 2nd the democrat party weaponizes our government agencies against their enemies........

Keep in mind....the Polish people were disarmed......they had few weapons during the fight......and they caused major problems for the socialists......

SS leader Himmler sealed the city’s fate early on by declaring, “Every inhabitant must be killed, no prisoners are allowed, Warsaw is to be razed to the ground, and in this way, an intimidating example for the whole of Europe is to be created.”

Germans, Ukrainians, and other Axis soldiers massacred between 40,000 and 50,000 civilians in the Wola section of Warsaw just between Aug. 5-7, 1944.


Because the citizens were disarmed.....a tiny force of national socialist leftists where able to murder 50,000 civilians..........this is why we have the 2nd Amendment....

By his own words, Stroop reported that after he took command on 19 April 1943 the forces at his disposal totaled 31 officers and 1,262 men:[51]

Warsaw Ghetto Uprising - Wikipedia

By his own words, Stroop reported that after he took command on 19 April 1943 the forces at his disposal totaled 31 officers and 1,262 men:[51]

Marek Edelman
, who was the only surviving uprising commander from the left-wing ŻOB, stated that the ŻOB had 220 fighters and each was armed with a handgun, grenades, and Molotov cocktails.

His organization had three rifles in each area, as well as two land mines and one submachine gun.[20][21][22][23]


Death toll[edit]
Stroop Report original caption: "Bandits jump to escape capture." A man leaps to his death from the top story window of an apartment block. Taken at 23 and 25 Niska Street[67]
Plaque commemorating Home Armysoldiers - Eugeniusz Morawski ps. "Młodek" and Józef Wilk ps. "Orlik" killed during the Ghetto Action on the wall Church of St. John of God at ul. Bonifraterska 12 in Warsaw.
13,000 Jews were killed in the ghetto during the uprising (some 6,000 among them were burnt alive or died from smoke inhalation). Of the remaining 50,000 residents, most were captured and shipped to concentration and extermination camps, in particular to Treblinka.

Jürgen Stroop's internal SS daily report for Friedrich Krüger, written on 16 May 1943, stated:

180 Jews, bandits and sub-humans, were destroyed. The former Jewish quarter of Warsaw is no longer in existence. The large-scale action was terminated at 20:15 hours by blowing up the Warsaw Synagogue. ... Total number of Jews dealt with 56,065, including both Jews caught and Jews whose extermination can be proved. ... Apart from 8 buildings (police barracks, hospital, and accommodations for housing working-parties) the former Ghetto is completely destroyed. Only the dividing walls are left standing where no explosions were carried out.[42]

According to the casualty lists in Stroop's report, German forces suffered a total of 110 casualties – 17 dead (of whom 16 were killed in action) and 93 injured – of whom 101 are listed by name, including over 60 members of the Waffen-SS. These figures did not include Jewish collaborators, but did include the "Trawniki men" and Polish police under his command. The real number of German losses, however, may be well higher (the Germans suffered about 300 casualties by Edelman's estimate). For propaganda purposes, the official announcement claimed the German casualties to be only a few wounded, while propaganda bulletins of the Polish Underground Stateannounced that hundreds of occupiers had been killed in the fighting.

Because the citizens were disarmed....a leftist force of national socialists 1,293 in number, was able to defeat 50,000 people.........

Why didn't this happen to the Swiss?


That is why the Nazis despised Switzerland. Joseph Goebbels called Switzerland "this stinking little state" where "sentiment has turned very much against us." Adolf Hitler decided that "all the rubbish of small nations still existing in Europe must be liquidated," even if it meant he would later "be attacked as the 'Butcher of the Swiss.'"

The 1940 Nazi invasion plan, Operation Tannenbaum, was not executed, and SS Oberst Hermann Bohme's 1943 memorandum warned that an invasion of Switzerland would be too costly because every man was armed and trained to shoot.

This did not stop the Gestapo from preparing lists of Swiss to be liquidated once the Nazis overran the country.

The other European nations were easily toppled and had little means to wage a partisan war against the occupation. Once their standing armies were defeated, the governments capitulated and the populaces were defenseless.

Only in Switzerland was the entire populace armed and prepared to wage a relentless guerrilla war against an invader. When the war began in 1939, Switzerland mobilized 435,000 citizen soldiers out of a population of 4.2 million.

Production figures for Swiss service rifles, which had firepower equal to those of the Germans, demonstrate an ample supply of small arms.

Swiss militiamen were instructed to disregard any alleged "official" surrender as enemy propaganda and, if necessary, to fight individually. This meant that a nation of sharpshooters would be sniping at German soldiers at long ranges from every mountain.

While neutral, Switzerland was prepared to fight a Nazi invasion to the end. The celebrated Swiss Gen. Henri Guisan developed the strategy known as defense du reduit--an initial opposition followed by a retreat into the Alps, where a relentless war to the death would be waged. Most Swiss strongly opposed Nazism. Death sentences were issued for fifth-column activities, and proclamations against anti-Semitism were passed at various official levels. There was no Holocaust on Swiss soil, something that can not be said for France, the Netherlands, Poland or most of Europe.




Never.....ever....give up your weapons......

You're fucking human garbage....

The Holocaust has nothing to do with your damned fetish.
You're fucking human garbage....

The Holocaust has nothing to do with your damned fetish.

It has everything to do with people who are defenseless against their governments and political rivals...
You're a can't beat a tank with a rifle.

They didn't use tanks....

And the whole point is to keep the socialists from taking over in the first place, which is aided when normal people have guns so when the socialists start beating up shop keepers they get shot........and they can't take over the country in the first place....

And had Europe not disarmed their people....the socialists could not have held all of the territory they we know from Switzerland.....


That is why the Nazis despised Switzerland. Joseph Goebbels called Switzerland "this stinking little state" where "sentiment has turned very much against us." Adolf Hitler decided that "all the rubbish of small nations still existing in Europe must be liquidated," even if it meant he would later "be attacked as the 'Butcher of the Swiss.'"

The 1940 Nazi invasion plan, Operation Tannenbaum, was not executed, and SS Oberst Hermann Bohme's 1943 memorandum warned that an invasion of Switzerland would be too costly because every man was armed and trained to shoot. This did not stop the Gestapo from preparing lists of Swiss to be liquidated once the Nazis overran the country.

The other European nations were easily toppled and had little means to wage a partisan war against the occupation. Once their standing armies were defeated, the governments capitulated and the populaces were defenseless.

Only in Switzerland was the entire populace armed and prepared to wage a relentless guerrilla war against an invader. When the war began in 1939, Switzerland mobilized 435,000 citizen soldiers out of a population of 4.2 million. Production figures for Swiss service rifles, which had firepower equal to those of the Germans, demonstrate an ample supply of small arms. Swiss militiamen were instructed to disregard any alleged "official" surrender as enemy propaganda and, if necessary, to fight individually. This meant that a nation of sharpshooters would be sniping at German soldiers at long ranges from every mountain.

While neutral, Switzerland was prepared to fight a Nazi invasion to the end. The celebrated Swiss Gen. Henri Guisan developed the strategy known as defense du reduit--an initial opposition followed by a retreat into the Alps, where a relentless war to the death would be waged. Most Swiss strongly opposed Nazism. Death sentences were issued for fifth-column activities, and proclamations against anti-Semitism were passed at various official levels. There was no Holocaust on Swiss soil, something that can not be said for France, the Netherlands, Poland or most of Europe.

The anti-gun extremists tell us that even if these people had guns, it wouldn't have stopped the leftist, national socialists from murdering them....

What they fail to understand, since they are leftists themselves and wisdom is not part of their DNA.......Switzerland was not invaded because their people were heavily armed and occupying their country would have been to multiply that by every single European country, and the leftist, national socialists wouldn't have been able to invade any of their countries since each one would have been a nightmare to occupy......

The Swiss were also prepared to blow every pass and tunnel.
The anti-gun extremists tell us that even if these people had guns, it wouldn't have stopped the leftist, national socialists from murdering them....

What they fail to understand, since they are leftists themselves and wisdom is not part of their DNA.......Switzerland was not invaded because their people were heavily armed and occupying their country would have been to multiply that by every single European country, and the leftist, national socialists wouldn't have been able to invade any of their countries since each one would have been a nightmare to occupy......
You're a goddamned scumbag.

Fuck you, may you die slowly and painfully.
The Swiss were also prepared to blow every pass and tunnel.

Had all the other countries of Europe maintained gun ownership....the Germans could never have held those countries under occupation.......they didn't have the manpower or resources......they couldn't even take on Switzerland..........
Had all the other countries of Europe maintained gun ownership....the Germans could never have held those countries under occupation.......they didn't have the manpower or resources......they couldn't even take on Switzerland..........

You've never been to Switzerland, have you? They have guns, but they aren't gun happy. The Alps proteçted Switzerland.
You've never been to Switzerland, have you? They have guns, but they aren't gun happy. The Alps proteçted Switzerland.

From my link....

Only in Switzerland was the entire populace armed and prepared to wage a relentless guerrilla war against an invader. When the war began in 1939, Switzerland mobilized 435,000 citizen soldiers out of a population of 4.2 million.

Production figures for Swiss service rifles, which had firepower equal to those of the Germans, demonstrate an ample supply of small arms.
From my link....

Only in Switzerland was the entire populace armed and prepared to wage a relentless guerrilla war against an invader. When the war began in 1939, Switzerland mobilized 435,000 citizen soldiers out of a population of 4.2 million.

Production figures for Swiss service rifles, which had firepower equal to those of the Germans, demonstrate an ample supply of small arms.


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