The University of Southern California cancels its Muslim valedictorian’s commencement speech

There are no hostages alive.
there might be----there should be an accounting for each fatality and execution for the murderers. ALSO complete maps of the tunnels and
As opposed to you saying it was because the university reviewed her speech
why do you doubt that the speech was reviewed--as far as I know--THAT IS STANDARD PRACTICE
there might be----there should be an accounting for each fatality and execution for the murderers. ALSO complete maps of the tunnels and

why do you doubt that the speech was reviewed--as far as I know--THAT IS STANDARD PRACTICE
I’m not saying it was not reviewed. I am saying there is no proof her speech has anything to do with why she is not being allowed to speak.
They stopped her from making the speech. Actually all school speeches are reviewed for content. They read the speech, considered it in light of her media posts and pulled her appearance.

Why is this so hard to understand?
I understand what you’re saying. I just don’t believe you can prove that happened. You’re making assumptions. If you read that somewhere, then post the link. I listened to an interview with this girl who said that the school had no idea what she was going to say. So if that’s true, you’re either listening to fake news or spreading it yourself
I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt and assume that you didn't read my post #260 where I made it crystal clear that I don't hate ANY entire group of people because of religion, race or nationality. Hating people goes against what I believe.

If you DID see my post, then you are just plain dishonest and you use slimy tactics (slander and personal attacks) in lieu of an actual argument.

I just call it the way I see it. Perhaps you can point to your empathy for Israel after the 10/7 attack then?
I’m not saying it was not reviewed. I am saying there is no proof her speech has anything to do with why she is not being allowed to speak.

There is no proof for any specific reason, you just made an ASSumption, the same as everyone else.
"As they try to silence you"

Ya know, this melodramatic wail just doesn't quite have any teeth anymore. Because we have... the internet.

Silence her? I had never even hear of her, until now. The same probably goes for half or more of the graduates.

Now I know who she is and what she says and...

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