The Supreme Court case that could turn homelessness into a crime

Christianity has nothing to do with this. We are a secular nation and even the jesus character never addressed this issue.

Homelessness need not be a crime but we know it worked well in the not so distant past to enforce vagrancy laws and enforce rules for public spaces.

Thanks to progressive politicians in many cities they are destrpying communties by allowiing the homeless to run amok.

In the past such people would be driven out of the public spaces by law enforcement and of course they would end up in homeless shelters which we have in excess. Most sit empty until a bunch of immigrants show up who then demand hotel rooms on the tax payers dime. They sit empty because the homeless hate staying in them for the simple reason that shelters have a few basic and reasonable rules such as no drugs or drinking.

It is absolute insanity and immoral to make the tax payers fund homeless shelters and then watch as the homeless ignore the shelters and instead camp out pollute and destroy the parlks and city streets which were also funded by the tax payers. All the whle the homless have no job and so do not contibute a dime,

It is not harming the poor to make them get off the fucking streets and into the shelters provided by the tax payers
Homeless shelters are also exceedingly violent places.
Why does that person have the right to occupy a public space and ruin it vs my right to use it as it was intended?

And this is enforcement at the State level, so "big government" accusations ring hollow.

Maybe I believe you are ruining the space when you use it?
China makes.the homeless a crime. Is this the path we want society to take? Billions given to California for the issue,.where are the receipts?..Furthermore, if they produced,.where are the charges of corruption.and theft?
Maybe we could charge lawless regimes.. I mean Administrations that jack up inflation so that a lot of normally responsible people cannot afford rent?

Irresponsible politicians who profess to be doing something for poor Americans but are really pocketing the money or their cronies are

yeh... Why no talk about that?

Covid made a lot of people homeless when they lost their jobs. I guess they are criminals for losing their jobs
Maybe we could charge lawless regimes.. I mean Administrations that jack up inflation so that a lot of normally responsible people cannot afford rent?

Irresponsible politicians who profess to be doing something for poor Americans but are really pocketing the money or their cronies are

yeh... Why no talk about that?

Covid made a lot of people homeless when they lost their jobs. I guess they are criminals for losing their jobs
What Administrations have “jacked up inflation “ and by what mechanism?
Looks like it would solve the homeless problem. Rounding them up seems like the only way to go. Good work by Kavanaugh, Barrett, and Gorsuch.

---The Supreme Court case that could turn homelessness into a crime---

I would give any homeless person a certain amount of time to get their act together. Say, 6 weeks, or so. If they can't, it means they have alienated all their friends and family, that they no longer have friends, their friends and family have given up on them, and that begs the question, why? Drugs, maybe. Mentally ill, maybe, alcohols, maybe, or some combination of all these it's just that these are lost souls, and they need help, the kind that is available in institutions, and, for those who beleive homeless should have rights, I would say, up to a certain amount of time to get their act together, and if they can't, they are a health issue and at that juncture they forfeit their rights, so I say round them up and send them to mental hospitals, where they can get the care they desperately need. Thing is, they become a health issue in the communities they live in. They are not criminals, but they are not well, and sick people need care.
It is abortion and homosexuality that are the ROOT.
The family is decaying and homelessness is one of its more evident and speedy results.

WE look to low birthrate Japan and see it also.
Kodokushi (孤独死) or lonely death is a Japanese phenomenon of people dying alone and remaining undiscovered for a long period of time. attributed to economic troubles and Japan's increasingly elderly population

Biden is doing his best to destroy social fabrics and any sense of well-being. He lets a 72-year old grandmother go to jail for silently praying outside an abortion clinic and does nothing about BLM riots.

“A 2004 UK study reported that the rise of divorce contributed to more homelessness in people over the age of 50. A news report on the study stated that over 27,000 householders became homeless directly because of relationship breakdown”.

Divorce often leads to many legal issues, which puts a strain on an individual financially, as well as emotionally. Some of these marital issues are due to domestic violence. If the situation involves domestic abuse, the victim wants to get out as soon as possible and quickly. This leaves them vulnerable, with barely anything and in a panic. That also increases the odds of experiencing homelessness.
Staying single and not getting married creates stronger more independent people who never have to go through the pain of divorce.

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