The Stench of Political Death Surrounds the trump Campaign

I've been trying to teach you kids critical thinking, I'm not gonna teach you how to wipe your ass without getting shit on yourself.

Crap on a crutch (no pun intended) grow up.
maybe you should worry about washing your hands after you take a shit,,
Trump spends his time out of court on the golf course or at Mara Lago with the sycophants rather than campaigning.

No matter what the "grab some eyeballs" polls say Trump's own polls are telling him the truth.

He's losing by 8+ points in the polls.
He'll lose by 12M+ popular votes and 120+ EC votes in November.

Why waste time and money campaigning.
Keep grifting the MAGADUMIANS for all they got.
Sell those sneakers, bibles, photo cards
Pump and dump DJT
Let the surrogates go hold their pay to play "rallies" and conventions.
Use the campaign donations money for personal expenses.
don't pay the lawyers. Fuck the lawyers, they deserve it.

Play out the string and try to stay out of prison as long as possible.

Sound about right?

If you listen very closely, you can actually hear the rusty clankings and screeeeches of what's left of this democrats brain cells as he tries with admirable effort to convey a thought that occurred to him.


You poor thing!

That's the worst excuse for a silver lining I've ever seen!

But hey- at least ya found one, eh?
Just shitting all over the thread again as usual, then?

Cool. Come back when you are housebroken instead of just flat broken.
That does not say what you claim.
Says exactly what I claimed. Dude presently has a stump speech of less than 20 mins. They are cutting that to literally 3 or 4 talking points. Nothing off teleprompter

Death spiral of a campaign.
Says exactly what I claimed. Dude presently has a stump speech of less than 20 mins. They are cutting that to literally 3 or 4 talking points. Nothing off teleprompter

Death spiral of a campaign.
It says "less is more", and that they are targeting the speeches.

Nothing about the excuses you read into it.

It doesn't support your claims.
I've been trying to teach you kids critical thinking, I'm not gonna teach you how to wipe your ass without getting shit on yourself.

Crap on a crutch (no pun intended) grow up.
Before you can teach, you must first know how. There is ZERO evidence you have any critical thinking skills at all. So far you have merely exhibited the typical lock step parroting of a trained baboon.
It says "less is more", and that they are targeting the speeches.

Nothing about the excuses you read into it.

It doesn't support your claims.
How do you get less "nothing"
LOL did you expect the campaign to literally come out and say "our candidate is a demented fuckstick? LOL
It says "less is more", and that they are targeting the speeches.

Nothing about the excuses you read into it.

It doesn't support your claims.
LOL did you expect the campaign to literally come out and say "our candidate is a demented fuckstick? LOL

"Dude, your leader's campaign just admitted he can't handle a 20 minute stump speech and they are going to have to cut it to three talking points.

"Still, the effort appears to be a work in progress. At an infrastructure event in North Carolina on Thursday, Biden often deviated from the script in the teleprompter to add some political flourishes and spoke for more than 20 minutes."

"“There’s a strategic advantage at this point in the race to boiling down your message to the three or four most salient, compelling arguments for why President Biden should be re-elected,” said TJ Ducklo, the Biden campaign’s senior adviser for communications. “That will often translate to the stump [speech] being whittled down to its sharpest, most dynamic form. That’s what you’re seeing.”

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