The Religious Right's Policies Are More Consistent With Science Than The Mainstream Democratic Party of Fiction and Make Believe

Government is the fix for everything eh? Even contraception has to be free, eh? I bought my own condoms even as a teenager. Freakin Socialists. Quit blaming others and take responsibility for your actions.

Government does not need to provide food, clothing, shelter, and certainly not contraception, except to the truly disabled.

Quit looking for handouts, and REAP WHAT YOU SOW.
Yes indeed, do not promote healthy sex, let them go without a condom and spread more diseases.
Government is the fix for everything eh? Even contraception has to be free, eh? I bought my own condoms even as a teenager. Freakin Socialists. Quit blaming others and take responsibility for your actions.
A few pennies of prevention vs millions in social welfare. It's not a tough call for most who follow logic. That wouldn't be you.
Government does not need to provide food, clothing, shelter, and certainly not contraception, except to the truly disabled.
So much for the compassion of the religious right...
Quit looking for handouts, and REAP WHAT YOU SOW.
Quit embarrassing yourself.
Yeah, yeah, whenever you're done chanting your litany of, "I AM wonderful, I AM wonderful, it CAN'T be that I'm embarrassing myself", trot out that so-called science you tried to pretend you had.
When did I say I'm wonderful? I mean, I am, but that needs no mention. My science isn't out of ancient mythological writings, sorry. It won't interest you.
I am more of a sociologist and know history well.

'A breaking point': Anti-lockdown efforts during Spanish flu offer a cautionary tale for coronavirus​

Opposition to public health directives forced some cities to roll back orders too quickly.
America was tired.

Tired of the stay-at-home orders, mandatory masks, business closures and social distancing rules.

During the Spanish flu era, officials pushing public health mandates to stop the pandemic in its tracks were met with pushback across the country. From San Francisco to Atlanta, Denver to Cleveland, pockets of opposition sprang up to decry the effects of the restrictions on businesses, religious communities and ordinary people.

The efforts bear a striking resemblance to those taking place today against the stay-at-home orders and other guidelines aimed to stop the spread of COVID-19. The efficacy of the various demonstrations offers a potential warning about how such strong opposition forced cities to roll back orders too quickly and disrupt what public health officials believed was a fairly tractable pandemic.
Granted. Neither the resistors nor those currently in charge of the health care system actually change the outcome of a pandemic. And so far, boy-o, I've had Covid and it's greatly over rated. Best advice: Follow your heart, Do what you think is right, by all means. But don't excuse mandating it to the rest of us...OK?
We used to do that actually (pretty much). When I worked public health, contraceptives were available at our clinics for a nominal fee. Then around 2008, Then federal programs of Title X and XX were essentially taken away from public health vendors and taken over by the State (as a way of getting "even" with Planned Parenthood). So now public assistance spending is swelling, there are shortages of baby formula in a lot of red states, and wow, who'd a thunk it crime is on the increase.
Anyone can buy a condom at 7-11 for a dollar.

No sympathy.
Granted. Neither the resistors nor those currently in charge of the health care system actually change the outcome of a pandemic. And so far, boy-o, I've had Covid and it's greatly over rated. Best advice: Follow your heart, Do what you think is right, by all means. But don't excuse mandating it to the rest of us...OK?
I have no power to mandate to anyone but myself.
You do realize that potential binding to some proteases isn't enough to stop a virus's reproduction.
Doctors like the ones who have a patent on something they really want you to buy?

The primary outcome was all-cause in-hospital mortality. Secondary outcomes included subgroup mortality in patients with severe pulmonary involvement and extubation rates for patients requiring invasive ventilation. Results: Univariate analysis showed lower mortality in the ivermectin group (25.2% versus 15.0%, OR 0.52, 95% CI 0.29-0.96, P=.03). Mortality was also lower among 75 patients with severe pulmonary disease treated with ivermectin (38.8% vs 80.7%, OR 0.15, CI 0.05-0.47, P=.001), but there was no significant difference in successful extubation rates (36.1% vs 15.4%, OR 3.11 (0.88-11.00), p=.07). After adjustment for between-group differences and mortality risks, the mortality difference remained significant for the entire cohort (OR 0.27, CI 0.09-0.85, p=.03; HR 0.37, CI 0.19-0.71, p=.03). Conclusions and Relevance: Ivermectin was associated with lower mortality during treatment of COVID-19, especially in patients who required higher inspired oxygen or ventilatory support. These findings require randomized controlled trials for confirmation.

I contend that the Conservative Religious Right (RR) supports issues which are much more consistent with Science than the main stream Democratic Party (Dems). The Dems have moved so far Left, that they have turned into believers in fiction and fairies (pun intended).

The RR believes that there are men and women with sex determined at conception, and that it would be an injustice against the weaker sex to allow men with Y chromosomes to compete against them in physical sports. Dems believe that gender identity is psychological and can be chosen at will. Some even believe that you can be gender fluid and change your gender at will based upon the state of one's mind when one wakes up in the morning. (1)

While the RR believes in forgiveness, the Dems seem to think everyone deserves an 'eleventeenth' chance and that prosecutions and punishments should be relaxed because the statistics are racist. We are seeing this in cities across America, where the peacemakers (police) are vilified and the career criminals are let out time after time in the name of criminal justice reform, resulting in surging violent crime against innocents. (2)

The RR believes a traditional family involving a father and a mother who raise children result in the best outcomes for society. Dems call this privilege, and think that alternatives of two mothers, two fathers, single mothers, or three parents are just as acceptable. (3)

It is wrong to teach heathen sexual practices to children. So go be gay if you want, but keep it to yourself and do not corrupt easily-influenced children. (4)

The RR thinks abortion of the most innocent and defenseless among us is murder, and when you abort a baby after 20 weeks (five months), you are actually killing a human being with unique DNA, a beating heart, and a working nervous system that can experience excruciating pain, and this is inhumane. Dems call it "choice" or "women's reproductive health," and think abortion should be legal for any reason at least up until the time of birth.

The RR believes in equal opportunity for all. Dems embrace "equity" and free stuff for everyone, with an emphasis on the "historically marginalized." Those who don't succeed are supposedly victims of an unjust system as opposed to being victims of their own efforts and toils. (5)

Conservatives recognize that our creator has gifted us with an immune system which is far more effective than any man-made vaccine (6). Dems push government-compelled vaccine and mask mandates. The mandates have obviously not worked; even after the large majority of the population submitted to vaccines, Omicron surged resulting in more cases than ever. It's only now that nature has taken its natural course and resulted in nearly everyone getting COVID that true widespread immunity has been obtained and we are starting to get back to normal as God intended.

Hmmm... Looks like those Bible thumpers are the scientific ones after all. It's the anti-religious progressives that are living in a land of make believe, fiction and magic.

God bless ✝️✡️⚛️🔬

1) Lia Thomas Wins an N.C.A.A. Swimming Title
2) Violent Crime Surges in Democrat-Run Cities
3) Traditional Family
4) LGTBQ teachers in their own words - Tucker: Libs of TikTok oust campaign was designed to shut down a highly effective Twitter feed
5) Kamala in her own words -
6) Fauci himself admitted it here

Ignorant and incorrect conception of the actual policies and differences.

No one is claiming that gender is psychological.
It is physiological, but NOT necessarily consistent with the chromosomes.
If a fetus is exposed to certain pesticides for example, the wrong genitalia can result.

No one is suggesting infinite chances, but the reality is the game is rigged, the wealthy are cheating, and deliberately committing crimes they are not punished for. Humans are inherently not criminal. When people commit crimes, it is because there is something wrong with society. And that is obvious. Being wealthy, I can easily avoid paying any taxes at all, while the poor are forced to pay more taxes than I.

Not at all true. In fact, no primates are even remotely monogamous, so families are likely totally fake and a product of a corrupt human culture.

I actually agree with this until puberty. Only then can sexual facts be discussed.

Except that over population and poverty producing children threatens our entire society. We should value life more, but by not having such a large and aggressive military, police force, etc. We reproduce at a rate of prey, so have to artificially reduce reproductive rates.

Wrong. The game is totally rigged, and is much easier to make money if you have money to start with.

Wrong. Vaccines are much better than our immune system alone because we have to recover first before we get a natural immunity, while a vaccine immunity skips the risk of being infected.
The only problem is the mRNA concoctions are not real vaccines, and don't work.
Meanwhile back in the numbers of fully vaccinated citizens increased, the number of deaths suffered daily decreased.

Actually that has to do only with the fact all viruses select for the least deadly variant.
There is no vaccine for covid in the US, and the mRNA concoctions are totally fake that only help a little for less than 6 months.
You do realize that potential binding to some proteases isn't enough to stop a virus's reproduction.
See, this is what we get from non-scientists

I'm very sorry, but you need to go to school for 8 years to get a clue about virology.

There is no substance anywhere, protease inhibitor or vaccine or anything else, that will "stop" a virus. From reproducing, or even just remaining intact.

You need to reduce "enough" of the function to give your immune system time to do its thing. It's virus kinetics versus immune system kinetics. If you slow down the virus "enough", you won't die
The clearly stated point was that the immune system provided by our creator is more effective than any man-made treatment.

Vaccines try to mimic natural immunity, but they don't quite match the effectiveness of the immune system. We have had influenza vaccines for decades, and they are tuned at least annually, but in a good year, they are about 50% effective. In a bad year, less than 20%.

This is Science.

But if you want to believe your God, Fauci, you can. He used to speak the truth, and I included him doing so in my OP, so watch the video.

Science is a gift from God. You would be wise to learn about it.


The reason flu vaccines do not work well is that there are about 300 different viral infections we call "flu", and it take over a year to prepare vaccines. So we guess, and always get it wrong a little. Sometimes a lot wrong.
The reason the mRNA injections do not work is they are not vaccines at all.
Vaccines have to contain a dead virus, so the immune system has something to remember.
The mRNA injection has nothing to remember.
But REAL vaccines work great, like for polio, smallpox, etc.

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