The REAL genocide: Arab anti-Jewish genocide campaign since 1920 (VS PallyWeid]


Platinum Member
Nov 13, 2023
Facts VS fiction.

The problem is also the parroting Gaza-Death-ministry's manufactured "numbers" and always failing to add the ratio of about 1 terrorist neutralized to each civilian who are used by the jihad fascist regime to cause as more deaths as they can.

Yes. The real genocide of "adbakh Al yahud" by racist Arab / Islamic-fascists began on 1920.

And never let up.

Failure to succeed does not take away the attempts. Facts.


The world must be reminded of the Palestinian genocide campaign against Jews.

The Jerusalem Post, March 14, 2024.
There was a genocide campaign. It was conducted not against ‘Palestine’, but in Palestine, in the Mandate of Palestine.

If you do a Google search for the entry “Palestinian genocide accusation,” it starts with the 1948 Nakba, goes on to the 1967 Naksa, includes the Maronite-perpetrated Sabra and Shatila killings, and ends with the Gaza blockade. It references such terms as “ethnic cleansing,” “politicide,” “spaciocide,” and “cultural genocide.”
However, if you are looking for this year’s model, the entry is titled “Allegations of genocide in the 2023 Israeli attack on Gaza.” That includes such sub-sections as “Alleged genocidal intent,” “Academic and legal discourse,” “Statements by political organizations and governments,” and “Cultural discourse.” When I last looked, there were 299 references, not including footnotes.

The charge that Israel is engaged in a campaign of genocide in Gaza is ubiquitous, from The Hague to campuses, to the media, and in the streets. It is heard in museums and art galleries. It has led to the slogan “Abolish Zionism.” In a medical journal, British Medical Global Health, Israel’s policies were described as an “eliminatory settler colonial strategy.”
All this is propaganda, of course. After all, despite Israel’s campaigns against Hamas aggression, Gaza’s population shows no real signs of any serious demographic downfall. Neither has that of Judea and Samaria, except for voluntary emigration abroad.

DURING WORLD WAR II, the Grand Mufti collaborated with Hitler, broadcasting propaganda and recruiting Bosnian Muslims for the Waffen-SS.

Yet, there was a genocide campaign. It was conducted not against ‘Palestine’, but in Palestine, in the Mandate of Palestine. It was a campaign of attempted genocide, not against Arabs but against the Jews. It began in April 1920, and through riots, pogroms, and terror, as well as political and diplomatic pressure, it has not let up.

Attacks against Jews during the British mandate

Following the first murderous riot in Jerusalem during the Passover festival that coincided with the Nebi Mussa celebration, mob violence occurred again and again throughout the Mandate period. These attacks, as well as those that followed, targeted almost exclusively the defenseless and the weak – women, the elderly, and the young.

Although there were instances of violence over property and land purchases, as in Jerusalem in 1851, when Rabbi Avraham Shlomo Zalman Zoref was stabbed to death after obtaining permission to reconstruct the Hurva synagogue, or in Petah Tikva in 1886, these were localized events. With the Balfour Declaration, the San Remo Conference, and the separation of Palestine, known as Southern Syria, from Syria, the violence assumed a nationalist character that categorized all Jews as justified potential victims of Arab violence.

In Jerusalem, when Jewish schoolchildren marked the occasion of the first anniversary of the Balfour Declaration in a procession on November 2, 1918, Arab ruffians, encouraged by the Arab mayor, fell upon them with clubs. Ze’ev Jabotinsky, who was in the city, reported to Chaim Weizmann that there was a pogrom atmosphere and decried the lack of essential British security personnel.

As for Weizmann, he found himself engaged in countering an anti-Zionist propaganda campaign that claimed the Zionists were planning to replace the Dome of the Rock with a Temple, the echoes of which reverberate today. He even traveled to Egypt to meet the Sultan in an attempt to defuse this religiously activated potential explosion.

On November 27, 1919, a protest against Zionism was sent to the US Consulate offices in Haifa that included a direct threat of violence: “We hereby declare that we are not responsible for any trouble or disorder that may occur in this country as a consequence of the obvious general excitement and dissatisfaction.”
Tel Hai was attacked by marauding Bedouins in December 1919 and on February 2, 1920, resulting in two fatalities. It was then overrun on March 1 and Joseph Trumpeldor and his five compatriots were killed.

Sunday, April 4, 1920, during Passover, developed into a day of bloodshed. Here is what Khalil al-Sakakini recalled watching:

“[A] riot broke out, the people began to run about, and stones were thrown at the Jews… There were screams… I saw one Hebronite approach a Jewish shoeshine boy…take his box and beat him over the head… The riot reached its zenith. All shouted, ‘Muhammad’s religion was born with the sword’ … My soul is nauseated and depressed.”
By the end of the day, seven Jews had been murdered and two Jewish women had been raped. Many dozens were injured. The pattern had been set. Any and all Jews were to be killed; any and all Jews were legitimate targets for Arabs, and the method of killing was beastly and barbaric.

Those events were repeated in May 1921 in Jaffa, November 1921 in Jerusalem, August 1929, and for the almost three continuous years of 1936-1939, when over 500 Jews were murdered. During the in-between years, Arab genocidal terror occurred, such as the operations of Sheikh Izz ad-Din al-Qassam at Yagur and Nahalal. During the 1948 War of Independence, the genocidal phrase “drive the Jews into the sea” was often repeated.
Scholars over the past three decades have researched and chronicled what historians Matthias Küntzel and Jeffrey Herf term “the collaboration of leading [Arab] Palestinian nationalists with the Nazi regime,” despite Yad Vashem’s official unwillingness to link the Mufti directly to the Holocaust.
What is undeniable is that the British, under pressure to halt Arab terror, chose to severely restrict Jewish immigration into the Mandate just when the Hitler regime was beginning to accelerate its anti-Jewish policies. Due to the Arab violence, Jews had nowhere to flee. When the war broke out, they were trapped. The Mufti assisted in the fulfillment of the Nazis’ genocidal Final Solution.
In a current, invidious inversion, Mahmoud Al-Habbash, Mahmoud Abbas’s adviser on religious and Islamic affairs, said on February 10, as reported by Palestine Media Watch: “It may be that what the Palestinian people is experiencing now… by Israel… did not happen even in World War II… [and] are worse and a more criminal holocaust against the Palestinian people.”
Yes, there was a campaign of genocide in Palestine, but it was directed at the Jews. We need to remind the world of what happened.

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Facts VS fiction.

The problem is also the parroting Gaza-Death-ministry's manufactured "numbers" and always failing to add the ratio of about 1 terrorist neutralized to each civilian who are used by the jihad fascist regime to cause as more deaths as they can.

Yes. The real genocide of "adbakh Al yahud" by racist Arab / Islamic-fascists began on 1920.

And never let up.

Failure to succeed does not take away the attempts. Facts.


The world must be reminded of the Palestinian genocide campaign against Jews.

The Jerusalem Post, March 14, 2024.
There was a genocide campaign. It was conducted not against ‘Palestine’, but in Palestine, in the Mandate of Palestine.

If you do a Google search for the entry “Palestinian genocide accusation,” it starts with the 1948 Nakba, goes on to the 1967 Naksa, includes the Maronite-perpetrated Sabra and Shatila killings, and ends with the Gaza blockade. It references such terms as “ethnic cleansing,” “politicide,” “spaciocide,” and “cultural genocide.”
However, if you are looking for this year’s model, the entry is titled “Allegations of genocide in the 2023 Israeli attack on Gaza.” That includes such sub-sections as “Alleged genocidal intent,” “Academic and legal discourse,” “Statements by political organizations and governments,” and “Cultural discourse.” When I last looked, there were 299 references, not including footnotes.

The charge that Israel is engaged in a campaign of genocide in Gaza is ubiquitous, from The Hague to campuses, to the media, and in the streets. It is heard in museums and art galleries. It has led to the slogan “Abolish Zionism.” In a medical journal, British Medical Global Health, Israel’s policies were described as an “eliminatory settler colonial strategy.”
All this is propaganda, of course. After all, despite Israel’s campaigns against Hamas aggression, Gaza’s population shows no real signs of any serious demographic downfall. Neither has that of Judea and Samaria, except for voluntary emigration abroad.

DURING WORLD WAR II, the Grand Mufti collaborated with Hitler, broadcasting propaganda and recruiting Bosnian Muslims for the Waffen-SS.

Yet, there was a genocide campaign. It was conducted not against ‘Palestine’, but in Palestine, in the Mandate of Palestine. It was a campaign of attempted genocide, not against Arabs but against the Jews. It began in April 1920, and through riots, pogroms, and terror, as well as political and diplomatic pressure, it has not let up.

Attacks against Jews during the British mandate

Following the first murderous riot in Jerusalem during the Passover festival that coincided with the Nebi Mussa celebration, mob violence occurred again and again throughout the Mandate period. These attacks, as well as those that followed, targeted almost exclusively the defenseless and the weak – women, the elderly, and the young.

Although there were instances of violence over property and land purchases, as in Jerusalem in 1851, when Rabbi Avraham Shlomo Zalman Zoref was stabbed to death after obtaining permission to reconstruct the Hurva synagogue, or in Petah Tikva in 1886, these were localized events. With the Balfour Declaration, the San Remo Conference, and the separation of Palestine, known as Southern Syria, from Syria, the violence assumed a nationalist character that categorized all Jews as justified potential victims of Arab violence.

In Jerusalem, when Jewish schoolchildren marked the occasion of the first anniversary of the Balfour Declaration in a procession on November 2, 1918, Arab ruffians, encouraged by the Arab mayor, fell upon them with clubs. Ze’ev Jabotinsky, who was in the city, reported to Chaim Weizmann that there was a pogrom atmosphere and decried the lack of essential British security personnel.

As for Weizmann, he found himself engaged in countering an anti-Zionist propaganda campaign that claimed the Zionists were planning to replace the Dome of the Rock with a Temple, the echoes of which reverberate today. He even traveled to Egypt to meet the Sultan in an attempt to defuse this religiously activated potential explosion.

On November 27, 1919, a protest against Zionism was sent to the US Consulate offices in Haifa that included a direct threat of violence: “We hereby declare that we are not responsible for any trouble or disorder that may occur in this country as a consequence of the obvious general excitement and dissatisfaction.”
Tel Hai was attacked by marauding Bedouins in December 1919 and on February 2, 1920, resulting in two fatalities. It was then overrun on March 1 and Joseph Trumpeldor and his five compatriots were killed.

Sunday, April 4, 1920, during Passover, developed into a day of bloodshed. Here is what Khalil al-Sakakini recalled watching:

“[A] riot broke out, the people began to run about, and stones were thrown at the Jews… There were screams… I saw one Hebronite approach a Jewish shoeshine boy…take his box and beat him over the head… The riot reached its zenith. All shouted, ‘Muhammad’s religion was born with the sword’ … My soul is nauseated and depressed.”
By the end of the day, seven Jews had been murdered and two Jewish women had been raped. Many dozens were injured. The pattern had been set. Any and all Jews were to be killed; any and all Jews were legitimate targets for Arabs, and the method of killing was beastly and barbaric.

Those events were repeated in May 1921 in Jaffa, November 1921 in Jerusalem, August 1929, and for the almost three continuous years of 1936-1939, when over 500 Jews were murdered. During the in-between years, Arab genocidal terror occurred, such as the operations of Sheikh Izz ad-Din al-Qassam at Yagur and Nahalal. During the 1948 War of Independence, the genocidal phrase “drive the Jews into the sea” was often repeated.
Scholars over the past three decades have researched and chronicled what historians Matthias Küntzel and Jeffrey Herf term “the collaboration of leading [Arab] Palestinian nationalists with the Nazi regime,” despite Yad Vashem’s official unwillingness to link the Mufti directly to the Holocaust.
What is undeniable is that the British, under pressure to halt Arab terror, chose to severely restrict Jewish immigration into the Mandate just when the Hitler regime was beginning to accelerate its anti-Jewish policies. Due to the Arab violence, Jews had nowhere to flee. When the war broke out, they were trapped. The Mufti assisted in the fulfillment of the Nazis’ genocidal Final Solution.
In a current, invidious inversion, Mahmoud Al-Habbash, Mahmoud Abbas’s adviser on religious and Islamic affairs, said on February 10, as reported by Palestine Media Watch: “It may be that what the Palestinian people is experiencing now… by Israel… did not happen even in World War II… [and] are worse and a more criminal holocaust against the Palestinian people.”
Yes, there was a campaign of genocide in Palestine, but it was directed at the Jews. We need to remind the world of what happened.


Facts VS fiction.

The problem is also the parroting Gaza-Death-ministry's manufactured "numbers" and always failing to add the ratio of about 1 terrorist neutralized to each civilian who are used by the jihad fascist regime to cause as more deaths as they can.

Yes. The real genocide of "adbakh Al yahud" by racist Arab / Islamic-fascists began on 1920.

And never let up.

Failure to succeed does not take away the attempts. Facts.


The world must be reminded of the Palestinian genocide campaign against Jews.

The Jerusalem Post, March 14, 2024.
There was a genocide campaign. It was conducted not against ‘Palestine’, but in Palestine, in the Mandate of Palestine.

If you do a Google search for the entry “Palestinian genocide accusation,” it starts with the 1948 Nakba, goes on to the 1967 Naksa, includes the Maronite-perpetrated Sabra and Shatila killings, and ends with the Gaza blockade. It references such terms as “ethnic cleansing,” “politicide,” “spaciocide,” and “cultural genocide.”
However, if you are looking for this year’s model, the entry is titled “Allegations of genocide in the 2023 Israeli attack on Gaza.” That includes such sub-sections as “Alleged genocidal intent,” “Academic and legal discourse,” “Statements by political organizations and governments,” and “Cultural discourse.” When I last looked, there were 299 references, not including footnotes.

The charge that Israel is engaged in a campaign of genocide in Gaza is ubiquitous, from The Hague to campuses, to the media, and in the streets. It is heard in museums and art galleries. It has led to the slogan “Abolish Zionism.” In a medical journal, British Medical Global Health, Israel’s policies were described as an “eliminatory settler colonial strategy.”
All this is propaganda, of course. After all, despite Israel’s campaigns against Hamas aggression, Gaza’s population shows no real signs of any serious demographic downfall. Neither has that of Judea and Samaria, except for voluntary emigration abroad.

DURING WORLD WAR II, the Grand Mufti collaborated with Hitler, broadcasting propaganda and recruiting Bosnian Muslims for the Waffen-SS.

Yet, there was a genocide campaign. It was conducted not against ‘Palestine’, but in Palestine, in the Mandate of Palestine. It was a campaign of attempted genocide, not against Arabs but against the Jews. It began in April 1920, and through riots, pogroms, and terror, as well as political and diplomatic pressure, it has not let up.

Attacks against Jews during the British mandate

Following the first murderous riot in Jerusalem during the Passover festival that coincided with the Nebi Mussa celebration, mob violence occurred again and again throughout the Mandate period. These attacks, as well as those that followed, targeted almost exclusively the defenseless and the weak – women, the elderly, and the young.

Although there were instances of violence over property and land purchases, as in Jerusalem in 1851, when Rabbi Avraham Shlomo Zalman Zoref was stabbed to death after obtaining permission to reconstruct the Hurva synagogue, or in Petah Tikva in 1886, these were localized events. With the Balfour Declaration, the San Remo Conference, and the separation of Palestine, known as Southern Syria, from Syria, the violence assumed a nationalist character that categorized all Jews as justified potential victims of Arab violence.

In Jerusalem, when Jewish schoolchildren marked the occasion of the first anniversary of the Balfour Declaration in a procession on November 2, 1918, Arab ruffians, encouraged by the Arab mayor, fell upon them with clubs. Ze’ev Jabotinsky, who was in the city, reported to Chaim Weizmann that there was a pogrom atmosphere and decried the lack of essential British security personnel.

As for Weizmann, he found himself engaged in countering an anti-Zionist propaganda campaign that claimed the Zionists were planning to replace the Dome of the Rock with a Temple, the echoes of which reverberate today. He even traveled to Egypt to meet the Sultan in an attempt to defuse this religiously activated potential explosion.

On November 27, 1919, a protest against Zionism was sent to the US Consulate offices in Haifa that included a direct threat of violence: “We hereby declare that we are not responsible for any trouble or disorder that may occur in this country as a consequence of the obvious general excitement and dissatisfaction.”
Tel Hai was attacked by marauding Bedouins in December 1919 and on February 2, 1920, resulting in two fatalities. It was then overrun on March 1 and Joseph Trumpeldor and his five compatriots were killed.

Sunday, April 4, 1920, during Passover, developed into a day of bloodshed. Here is what Khalil al-Sakakini recalled watching:

“[A] riot broke out, the people began to run about, and stones were thrown at the Jews… There were screams… I saw one Hebronite approach a Jewish shoeshine boy…take his box and beat him over the head… The riot reached its zenith. All shouted, ‘Muhammad’s religion was born with the sword’ … My soul is nauseated and depressed.”
By the end of the day, seven Jews had been murdered and two Jewish women had been raped. Many dozens were injured. The pattern had been set. Any and all Jews were to be killed; any and all Jews were legitimate targets for Arabs, and the method of killing was beastly and barbaric.

Those events were repeated in May 1921 in Jaffa, November 1921 in Jerusalem, August 1929, and for the almost three continuous years of 1936-1939, when over 500 Jews were murdered. During the in-between years, Arab genocidal terror occurred, such as the operations of Sheikh Izz ad-Din al-Qassam at Yagur and Nahalal. During the 1948 War of Independence, the genocidal phrase “drive the Jews into the sea” was often repeated.
Scholars over the past three decades have researched and chronicled what historians Matthias Küntzel and Jeffrey Herf term “the collaboration of leading [Arab] Palestinian nationalists with the Nazi regime,” despite Yad Vashem’s official unwillingness to link the Mufti directly to the Holocaust.
What is undeniable is that the British, under pressure to halt Arab terror, chose to severely restrict Jewish immigration into the Mandate just when the Hitler regime was beginning to accelerate its anti-Jewish policies. Due to the Arab violence, Jews had nowhere to flee. When the war broke out, they were trapped. The Mufti assisted in the fulfillment of the Nazis’ genocidal Final Solution.
In a current, invidious inversion, Mahmoud Al-Habbash, Mahmoud Abbas’s adviser on religious and Islamic affairs, said on February 10, as reported by Palestine Media Watch: “It may be that what the Palestinian people is experiencing now… by Israel… did not happen even in World War II… [and] are worse and a more criminal holocaust against the Palestinian people.”
Yes, there was a campaign of genocide in Palestine, but it was directed at the Jews. We need to remind the world of what happened.

Facts VS fiction.

The problem is also the parroting Gaza-Death-ministry's manufactured "numbers" and always failing to add the ratio of about 1 terrorist neutralized to each civilian who are used by the jihad fascist regime to cause as more deaths as they can.

Yes. The real genocide of "adbakh Al yahud" by racist Arab / Islamic-fascists began on 1920.

And never let up.

Failure to succeed does not take away the attempts. Facts.


The world must be reminded of the Palestinian genocide campaign against Jews.

The Jerusalem Post, March 14, 2024.
There was a genocide campaign. It was conducted not against ‘Palestine’, but in Palestine, in the Mandate of Palestine.

If you do a Google search for the entry “Palestinian genocide accusation,” it starts with the 1948 Nakba, goes on to the 1967 Naksa, includes the Maronite-perpetrated Sabra and Shatila killings, and ends with the Gaza blockade. It references such terms as “ethnic cleansing,” “politicide,” “spaciocide,” and “cultural genocide.”
However, if you are looking for this year’s model, the entry is titled “Allegations of genocide in the 2023 Israeli attack on Gaza.” That includes such sub-sections as “Alleged genocidal intent,” “Academic and legal discourse,” “Statements by political organizations and governments,” and “Cultural discourse.” When I last looked, there were 299 references, not including footnotes.

The charge that Israel is engaged in a campaign of genocide in Gaza is ubiquitous, from The Hague to campuses, to the media, and in the streets. It is heard in museums and art galleries. It has led to the slogan “Abolish Zionism.” In a medical journal, British Medical Global Health, Israel’s policies were described as an “eliminatory settler colonial strategy.”
All this is propaganda, of course. After all, despite Israel’s campaigns against Hamas aggression, Gaza’s population shows no real signs of any serious demographic downfall. Neither has that of Judea and Samaria, except for voluntary emigration abroad.

DURING WORLD WAR II, the Grand Mufti collaborated with Hitler, broadcasting propaganda and recruiting Bosnian Muslims for the Waffen-SS.

Yet, there was a genocide campaign. It was conducted not against ‘Palestine’, but in Palestine, in the Mandate of Palestine. It was a campaign of attempted genocide, not against Arabs but against the Jews. It began in April 1920, and through riots, pogroms, and terror, as well as political and diplomatic pressure, it has not let up.

Attacks against Jews during the British mandate

Following the first murderous riot in Jerusalem during the Passover festival that coincided with the Nebi Mussa celebration, mob violence occurred again and again throughout the Mandate period. These attacks, as well as those that followed, targeted almost exclusively the defenseless and the weak – women, the elderly, and the young.

Although there were instances of violence over property and land purchases, as in Jerusalem in 1851, when Rabbi Avraham Shlomo Zalman Zoref was stabbed to death after obtaining permission to reconstruct the Hurva synagogue, or in Petah Tikva in 1886, these were localized events. With the Balfour Declaration, the San Remo Conference, and the separation of Palestine, known as Southern Syria, from Syria, the violence assumed a nationalist character that categorized all Jews as justified potential victims of Arab violence.

In Jerusalem, when Jewish schoolchildren marked the occasion of the first anniversary of the Balfour Declaration in a procession on November 2, 1918, Arab ruffians, encouraged by the Arab mayor, fell upon them with clubs. Ze’ev Jabotinsky, who was in the city, reported to Chaim Weizmann that there was a pogrom atmosphere and decried the lack of essential British security personnel.

As for Weizmann, he found himself engaged in countering an anti-Zionist propaganda campaign that claimed the Zionists were planning to replace the Dome of the Rock with a Temple, the echoes of which reverberate today. He even traveled to Egypt to meet the Sultan in an attempt to defuse this religiously activated potential explosion.

On November 27, 1919, a protest against Zionism was sent to the US Consulate offices in Haifa that included a direct threat of violence: “We hereby declare that we are not responsible for any trouble or disorder that may occur in this country as a consequence of the obvious general excitement and dissatisfaction.”
Tel Hai was attacked by marauding Bedouins in December 1919 and on February 2, 1920, resulting in two fatalities. It was then overrun on March 1 and Joseph Trumpeldor and his five compatriots were killed.

Sunday, April 4, 1920, during Passover, developed into a day of bloodshed. Here is what Khalil al-Sakakini recalled watching:

“[A] riot broke out, the people began to run about, and stones were thrown at the Jews… There were screams… I saw one Hebronite approach a Jewish shoeshine boy…take his box and beat him over the head… The riot reached its zenith. All shouted, ‘Muhammad’s religion was born with the sword’ … My soul is nauseated and depressed.”
By the end of the day, seven Jews had been murdered and two Jewish women had been raped. Many dozens were injured. The pattern had been set. Any and all Jews were to be killed; any and all Jews were legitimate targets for Arabs, and the method of killing was beastly and barbaric.

Those events were repeated in May 1921 in Jaffa, November 1921 in Jerusalem, August 1929, and for the almost three continuous years of 1936-1939, when over 500 Jews were murdered. During the in-between years, Arab genocidal terror occurred, such as the operations of Sheikh Izz ad-Din al-Qassam at Yagur and Nahalal. During the 1948 War of Independence, the genocidal phrase “drive the Jews into the sea” was often repeated.
Scholars over the past three decades have researched and chronicled what historians Matthias Küntzel and Jeffrey Herf term “the collaboration of leading [Arab] Palestinian nationalists with the Nazi regime,” despite Yad Vashem’s official unwillingness to link the Mufti directly to the Holocaust.
What is undeniable is that the British, under pressure to halt Arab terror, chose to severely restrict Jewish immigration into the Mandate just when the Hitler regime was beginning to accelerate its anti-Jewish policies. Due to the Arab violence, Jews had nowhere to flee. When the war broke out, they were trapped. The Mufti assisted in the fulfillment of the Nazis’ genocidal Final Solution.
In a current, invidious inversion, Mahmoud Al-Habbash, Mahmoud Abbas’s adviser on religious and Islamic affairs, said on February 10, as reported by Palestine Media Watch: “It may be that what the Palestinian people is experiencing now… by Israel… did not happen even in World War II… [and] are worse and a more criminal holocaust against the Palestinian people.”
Yes, there was a campaign of genocide in Palestine, but it was directed at the Jews. We need to remind the world of what happened.

Between 1920 and 1930 the population of Palestine doubled with European Jews.

You see how upset Americans are about illegal immigrants. Just imagine if there were 150 million illegal immigrants
From JR blog:

Oct 7 atrocities? A continuation of over 100 years of genocidal Arab campaign

On CNN, Apr 11, 2024. 10:42pm with Abby Phillip, Pro Nation of Islam Hitler-fan Farrakhan - Melina Abdullah, Islamist bigot, 'naturally,' refused to denounce Oct 7.

She went on about "75 years ago" and even stated "a state that was founded on G". Nevermind that the --Arab on Jews-- massacres and the genocidal calls of Itbakh [Adbakh] al Yahud began over 100 years ago: in 1920 [Another Tack: A-Dawla ma’ana], 1921, 1929 [October 7 Happened Before, in Hebron], then some 3 years after Arab-Palestine's leader, al-Husseini the Mufti rushed to offer help for the Nazi regime barely 2 months with Hitler ascend to power, that 1936-9 terror with the help of Nazi Germany's weapons, and of course we all know his crimes during WW2 and the consensus among Arab-Palestinians right after that, cheerfully backing his leadership.

As a journalist put it: 'The language of Hamas’ leaders echoes the language of Al-Husseini, who invoked listeners on Radio Berlin in 1944 to "Kill the Jews wherever you find them."'

As to mass-rape, that was already back then in 1929 Hebron massacre: "He learned that they had been living in Hebron for generations, that they knew their Arab neighbors well and regarded many of them as friends. In fact, the Sephardic community had been living in Hebron for eight hundred years, the Ashkenazim for perhaps one hundred. ... Sixty-seven Jews had been killed. Most were Ashkenazic men, but there were also a dozen women and three children under the age of five among the dead." [Year Zero of the Arab-Israeli Conflict 1929] [] on non-Zionist pious Jews, as well as in the other massacre which the aforementioned al-Husseini and Arab-Palestinian teachers instigated ahead of the Al-Muthanna / Futuwwa led Arab-Nazi pogrom in Iraq June-1941, the Farhoud. Author: 'Toddlers and babies were murdered in the arms of their parents. They also attacked girls and women and raped them in front of the men and then abused them, cut them to pieces and spread their organs all over.' [Yehude Bavel].

And what about "75" years ago? Truth must be told about the genocidal calls by Arab leaders, from the Muslim Brothethood (Hassan Al Bana on Aug 1, 1948: "If the Jewish state becomes a fact, and this is realized by the Arab peoples, they will drive the Jews who live in their midst into the sea" [AIM TO OUST JEWS PLEDGED BY SHEIKH; Head of Moslem Brotherhood Says U.S., British 'Politics' Has Hurt Palestine Solution (Published 1948)]) to Arab League (Azzam Pasha on Oct 11, 1947: "a war of extermination and momentous massacrewhich will be spoken of like the Mongolian massacre and the Crusades" [Azzam's Genocidal Threat]), and others. As well as the massive German Nazis, ex SS, training and aiding Arab soldiers to fight in 1947/8.

The first "liberation" guy [PLO], Ahmad Shukeiri [Shukairy] who advocated for Hitler during WW2 [Congressional Record] [Congressional Record] [February 03, 1967 - Image 9] and, with Jamal Husseini, had justified the Holocaust [‎⁨Behind the British Conspiracy ⁩ | ⁨B'nai B'rith Messenger⁩ | 12 July 1946 | Newspapers | The National Library of Israel] less than a year after, declared days ahead of the Six-Day war that "none of them will survive." [‎⁨emtorial ⁩ | ⁨B'nai B'rith Messenger⁩ | 11 August 1967 | Newspapers | The National Library of Israel].

Worth mentioning, that Oct 7 Arab Palestinian sick attackers were laughing [] as they raped and shot people in cold blood, or the large group surrounding hostage girl jeering as she wails [Terrifying new footage shows Noa Argamani being seized by Hamas], or the racist Arab nasses in Gaza rejoicing with jubilation upon receiving the injured hostages and some beating a boy too. I.E. it is the frightening revelation what happnes when just given the opportunity, the twisted groomed masses, to dehumanize Jews, by radical Imams' sermons and official media - burst out in the open.

First Abdullah tried to cop out by saying she is not a member of Hamas, but the anchor replied "I'm also not a member of Hamas and I have no problem to condemn the Oct 7 attacks." Then she began that ranting: "I find it..."

She appeared with Israelophobe Cornell West and reaffirmed proudly BLM's pro-Palestinian statement right on Oct 9.

The issue of Hamas' vision of an only Islamic state was not mentioned.

West (who also repeated that "75" song) seems more misguided seen it in his black liberation lense, than cynical malicious-Melina.

One can fairly assume, these two "activists" would not want to know that the essence of Arab rejection in 1947/8 was explicitly Arab racism. In the words of aforementioned Jamal Husseini representative of the Arab Higher Committee (AHC) at the time, that it would be against "Arab homogeneity." [Israel's Moment]. This same Jamal, on Sep 29 1947 served notice that they would drench the soil of the Holy Land "with the last drop of our blood in the lawful defense of all and every inch of it." [PALESTINIAN ARABS REJECT U.N. PLANS; WARN OF A BATTLE; Jamal el-Husseini Threatens to Drench Holy Land With Blood 'in Lawful Defense' (Published 1947)].
If one seeks the 'perfect' combination of racism and genocide, that is.
The 'gas the Jews' chants by Arabs in AU was already two days after Oct 7 nazi-Palestine atrocities by genocidal 3,000 Arab-Muslims ...

Christians in Nazareth decry Islamic palestine hate propaganda including palestine flag with swastikas...

Nazareth is networked with Palestinian flags, swastikas, martyrs' monuments, threats to the Christian community, the Palestinian flag in the Church of the Gospel. The police are afraid to enter ... and I ask out loud if this is the coexistence we expect?

May 31, 2021

Nazareth is networked with Palestinian flags, swastikas, martyrs' monuments, threats to the Christian community, the Palestinian flag in the Church of the Gospel. The police are afraid to enter ... and I ask out loud if this is the coexistence we expect?

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