Zone1 the RCC is not from God

Peter established the first Christian Church 10 days after Christ ascended to heaven. In Jerusalem. The Catholic church was established 300 years after the churches started by the disciples began.

Although Peter's death is not described in Scripture, numerous writers of the time (or shortly thereafter) described his death as having occurred in Rome during the reign of the emperor Nero in 64 CE. According to tradition.
Bearing false witness is exactly what Joseph Smith did.

Most indigenous people people are related to Polynesians and they were here long before Jews were expelled from Spain.
The Israelites were expelled way back in 751 BC. That included the tribe of Joseph in which the Book of Mormon says Lehi was a member of. So, once again, you now are also false bearing.
James of Jerusalem is referred to in the New Testament as the brother of Our Lord Jesus Christ. He was for many years the leader of the Christian congregation in Jerusalem.
James stayed with Peter, and after Peter was arrested and forced to flee Jerusalem, James took over for Peter at the church and the Council of Jerusalem.
Although Peter's death is not described in Scripture, numerous writers of the time (or shortly thereafter) described his death as having occurred in Rome during the reign of the emperor Nero in 64 CE. According to tradition.
We are told about Peter's grand opening in Jerusalem after the disciples received the Holy Spirit:

Acts 2:14 Then Peter stepped forward with the eleven other apostles and shouted to the crowd, “Listen carefully, all of you, fellow Jews and residents of Jerusalem!
Acts 2:41 Those who believed what Peter said were baptized and added to the church that day—about 3,000 in all.

After 15 years preaching in Jerusalem, Peter was arrested, escaped, and headed for Rome where he was killed.
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The Israelites were expelled way back in 751 BC. That included the tribe of Joseph in which the Book of Mormon says Lehi was a member of. So, once again, you now are also false bearing.

The book of the Mormon says... Not in the Bible.

The Jews and American Indians share no DNA markers.
The book of the Mormon says... Not in the Bible.

The Jews and American Indians share no DNA markers.
And, they should not unless they live in the Americas and cross pollinated. It doesn't matter if it's the Bible that says so or the Book of Mormon. The debate is why doesn't the indigenous people's DNA match with the Jews in Israel? You are trying to disprove the Book of Mormon using the DNA excuse. But, then you dismiss Lehi altogether. Your reasoning isn't even circular. It's disjointed.

So, Lehi is necessary to be a real person to make your claim. Lehi was of the tribe of Joseph. Joseph's tribe was carried away in 721 BC and never known about since. I'm sure a few either hid or came back when they had the chance. But, they never had the blood of Judah or Benjamin in them. And, that is the DNA of the Israelites in Israel today as well as in 721 BC. I don't know how I can be any more clear. Therefore, whether the Book of Mormon is made up or not doesn't matter to your attempt to prove Joseph Smith is not a Prophet of God.
And, they should not unless they live in the Americas and cross pollinated. It doesn't matter if it's the Bible that says so or the Book of Mormon. The debate is why doesn't the indigenous people's DNA match with the Jews in Israel? You are trying to disprove the Book of Mormon using the DNA excuse. But, then you dismiss Lehi altogether. Your reasoning isn't even circular. It's disjointed.

So, Lehi is necessary to be a real person to make your claim. Lehi was of the tribe of Joseph. Joseph's tribe was carried away in 721 BC and never known about since. I'm sure a few either hid or came back when they had the chance. But, they never had the blood of Judah or Benjamin in them. And, that is the DNA of the Israelites in Israel today as well as in 721 BC. I don't know how I can be any more clear. Therefore, whether the Book of Mormon is made up or not doesn't matter to your attempt to prove Joseph Smith is not a Prophet of God.

Okay did Joseph Smith tell you how these Jews traveled to America 500 years before Christ?

Any scoundrel can claim to be a prophet. The Egyptian funeral book he translated is absolutely hysterical.

He only had a third grade education.
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Nope Episcopalian.. very traditional Christianity. I've been going to church, Sunday school and Bible study my whole life.
Haven't learned anything I see. Well, Christians are being attacked for believing in the words of the Bible. I've been loo king through Episcopalian literature and while some sounds like you, more sounds like they do believe in literal prophecy. I understand the idea behind your teachings is to control the people from believing in the return of Elijah and the Messiah, which was misunderstood by the Jews in those days of John the Baptist and Jesus Christ. The return of Elijah wasn't to happen before the Lord's 1st coming. It is to happen before his 2nd coming of Christ. And, it did April 3rd, 1836 to the Kirkland Temple bringing back the sealing keys of families. Believe what you may. But, it's not something the Lord approves of. He told Joseph Smith not to join any of the Churches because they were all wrong in the doctrine and ordinances.
Haven't learned anything I see. Well, Christians are being attacked for believing in the words of the Bible. I've been loo king through Episcopalian literature and while some sounds like you, more sounds like they do believe in literal prophecy. I understand the idea behind your teachings is to control the people from believing in the return of Elijah and the Messiah, which was misunderstood by the Jews in those days of John the Baptist and Jesus Christ. The return of Elijah wasn't to happen before the Lord's 1st coming. It is to happen before his 2nd coming of Christ. And, it did April 3rd, 1836 to the Kirkland Temple bringing back the sealing keys of families. Believe what you may. But, it's not something the Lord approves of. He told Joseph Smith not to join any of the Churches because they were all wrong in the doctrine and ordinances.

Some Episcopalian churches have become infected by the Schofield heresy.

Revelation tells you who it's written to and when it will happen.

Daniel is about Antiochus IV Epiphanies who defiled the temple and turned it in to the abomination of desolation in his efforts to Hellenize the Jews.
Some Episcopalian churches have become infected by the Schofield heresy.

Revelation tells you who it's written to and when it will happen.

Daniel is about Antiochus IV Epiphanies who defiled the temple and turned it in to the abomination of desolation in his efforts to Hellenize the Jews.
There is no doubt that the prophets wrote about what was going on in their time period. But, that doesn't exclude prophecy of the future.
Isaiah 5:28 Their arrows are sharpened, and all their bows are strung. The hooves of their horses are like flint; their chariot wheels are like a whirlwind.
Doesn't sound like what was in the times of Isaiah.
There is no doubt that the prophets wrote about what was going on in their time period. But, that doesn't exclude prophecy of the future.
Isaiah 5:28 Their arrows are sharpened, and all their bows are strung. The hooves of their horses are like flint; their chariot wheels are like a whirlwind.
Doesn't sound like what was in the times of Isaiah.

Isaiah was writing about Israel.

The rapture concept is relatively new. It started with an Anglo-Irish theologian, who in the 1830s invented the concept. This may come as a shock, but it’s a fact: Before John Nelson Darby imagined this scenario in the clouds, no Christian had ever heard of the rapture.

The idea was popularized by Cyrus I. Scofield, an American minister who published a famous reference Bible in 1908, one that developed the idea of an elaborate series of final periods in history known as dispensations. Scofield, like Darby, read the Book of Revelation as a vision of the future, not a fiery dream of the destruction of Jerusalem by the Romans in A.D. 70.
onSome Episcopalian churches have become infected by the Schofield heresy.

Revelation tells you who it's written to and when it will happen.

Daniel is about Antiochus IV Epiphanies who defiled the temple and turned it in to the abomination of desolation in his efforts to Hellenize the Jews.
Oh, you and your Schofield. You should marry the guy. The Spirit of God teaches that prophets foretold of the future even in our days. So, take Malachi. What is the "great and dreadful day of the Lord in Malachi's days? And, were the hearts of the children turned to their fathers (ancestors)? The 2nd Coming of Christ is this great and dreadful day of the lord. He saw Malachi in the Kirtland Temple. Plain and simple. And, the people in the Kirtland temple saw Elijah.
The rapture is basically an invention of John Nelson Darby, and belief in it is pretty much non-existent outside the United States. It is not in any way part of traditional Christian doctrine.

The purpose of the “Rapture” is to protect the elect from the tribulations of the end times. Yet Jesus said nothing about sparing anyone from tribulation. In fact, He said,

“In the world you have tribulation, but be of good cheer. I have overcome the world.”

It's become popular among evangelical African churches.
Oh, you and your Schofield. You should marry the guy. The Spirit of God teaches that prophets foretold of the future even in our days. So, take Malachi. What is the "great and dreadful day of the Lord in Malachi's days? And, were the hearts of the children turned to their fathers (ancestors)? The 2nd Coming of Christ is this great and dreadful day of the lord. He saw Malachi in the Kirtland Temple. Plain and simple. And, the people in the Kirtland temple saw Elijah.

Scofield was a convicted felon hired to promote Christian Zionism. It was just another con job like Joseph Smith.
Scofield was a convicted felon hired to promote Christian Zionism. It was just another con job like Joseph Smith.
Now you are just being a fascist. We can read the prophesies and know their meaning with the Holy Ghost. You can’t because you have a double mind. I ask you again about Malachi and the coming of the Lord day. Is that not a vision of our day?
Now you are just being a fascist. We can read the prophesies and know their meaning with the Holy Ghost. You can’t because you have a double mind. I ask you again about Malachi and the coming of the Lord day. Is that not a vision of our day?
read her posts she is no Christian she does not believe the Bible is true and even said Jesus was not a real person.
read her posts she is no Christian she does not believe the Bible is true and even said Jesus was not a real person.

Oh the Bible is truth. . Jesus is real and true, Scofield and Hal Lindsey are not. I have never said Jesus wasn't real.

How do you think the Jews came to America 500 years before Christ?

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