The Questionable Military Trial of the Lincoln Assassination Conspirators

He was shot over the RIGHT eye and the Left back of his head was blown BACKWARDS. How come Malcolm Wallace fingerprints were found ? He had no business in the Depository.
No he was not

There was no wound whatsoever over his right eye

The back of his head was NOT blown backwards it was blown open as all head wounds tend to do

How do you know some random guy had no business there?
No he was not

There was no wound whatsoever over his right eye

The back of his head was NOT blown backwards it was blown open as all head wounds tend to do

How do you know some random guy had no business there?
Random? Malcolm Wallace was LBJ's "Wetboy". He murdered Henry Marshall. A Federal Agent investigating the Billy Sol Estes case. It was ruled a "Suicide". Somehow Marshall shot himself in the back several times with a deer rifle. Wallace was last person seen around the site.
Random? Malcolm Wallace was LBJ's "Wetboy". He murdered Henry Marshall. A Federal Agent investigating the Billy Sol Estes case. It was ruled a "Suicide". Somehow Marshall shot himself in the back several times with a deer rifle. Wallace was last person seen around the site.
No he was just a random person who knew and worked for LBJ

His prints are also in dispute
He is correct no one has proven otherwise

Every conspiracy theory about JFK has been disproven by harcore facts and evidence
This statement suggests that you have done very little reading on the JFK assassination. The vast majority of scholars who write on the subject reject the lone-gunman theory and posit a conspiracy.

A great deal of hard evidence proves there was a conspiracy. For example, the Zapruder film of the assassination, by even the most rigidly cautious analysis, shows reactions to at least five shots, but a lone gunman could have fired no more than three shots with the alleged murder rifle.

Reactions to Six Shots in the Zapruder Film

Or, take the two back-of-head bullet fragments on the JFK skull x-rays. Those fragments could not possibly have been deposited by the kind of ammo that Oswald allegedly used, i.e., FMJ ammo. No FMJ bullet in the history of forensic science has ever deposited one fragment, much less two fragments, on and near the outer table of the skull when entering the skull. Not a single one of the FMJ bullets fired in the Warren Commission's own wound ballistics tests did so. In several private wound ballistics tests, no FMJ bullet has done so either.

Forensic Science and President Kennedy's Head Wounds
This statement suggests that you have done very little reading on the JFK assassination. The vast majority of scholars who write on the subject reject the lone-gunman theory and posit a conspiracy.

A great deal of hard evidence proves there was a conspiracy. For example, the Zapruder film of the assassination, by even the most rigidly cautious analysis, shows reactions to at least five shots, but a lone gunman could have fired no more than three shots with the alleged murder rifle.

Reactions to Six Shots in the Zapruder Film

Or, take the two back-of-head bullet fragments on the JFK skull x-rays. Those fragments could not possibly have been deposited by the kind of ammo that Oswald allegedly used, i.e., FMJ ammo. No FMJ bullet in the history of forensic science has ever deposited one fragment, much less two fragments, on and near the outer table of the skull when entering the skull. Not a single one of the FMJ bullets fired in the Warren Commission's own wound ballistics tests did so. In several private wound ballistics tests, no FMJ bullet has done so either.

Forensic Science and President Kennedy's Head Wounds
No it does not suggest any other thing.

the vast majority of people positing a conspiracy are not scholars.

All of your so called evidence has been debuked and disproven. The Zapruder film shows no such thing sorrySorry buty the fragments were from the ammoa nd rifle he used as proven by neutrino activation tests

Forensic science has little to no data on such bullets depositing such fragments. Bullets are not all the same and it is not out of the ordinary for two identical biullets to do radically different things.

You are posing fiction not evidence
No it does not suggest any other thing.

the vast majority of people positing a conspiracy are not scholars.
Wrong. These scholars include medical doctors, historians, former intelligence personnel, ballistics experts, firearms experts, and former federal/state investigators.

FYI, I've been in the JFK assassination research community for about 30 years. My second book on the JFK case was published last year: A Comforting Lie: The Myth that a Lone Gunman Killed President Kennedy.

All of your so called evidence has been debuked and disproven.
No, it has not.
The Zapruder film shows no such thing sorry
Did you even read the article? If you had bothered to read the article, you would know that there are at least five blur/jiggle episodes in the film, and testing has proved that people taking movies will jiggle the camera every single time they hear gunfire, even if they know it is coming.

Sorry buty the fragments were from the ammoa nd rifle he used as proven by neutrino activation tests
This myth was debunked nearly 20 years ago. Independent scientific analysis of the NAA evidence has destroyed this claim.

Forensic science has little to no data on such bullets depositing such fragments.
Ok, you don't know what you're talking about, and you obviously did not bother to read the article I cited. Yes, forensic science has a wealth of data on how bullets behave when they strike skull bone.

Again, no FMJ bullet in the history of forensic science has deposited two "sheared" fragments from its cross-section onto or just above the outer table of the skull when striking the skull.

Nor has any FMJ bullet in the history of forensic science shattered into dozens of tiny fragments after penetrating a skull, yet JFK's autopsy skull x-rays show a veritable snowstorm of bullet fragments in the right-frontal region alone, plus fragments above and distant from either of the alleged rear head entry wounds. None of the FMJ bullets in the WC's wound ballistics tests did this, nor have any of the FMJ bullets fired in private tests done this.

Bullets are not all the same and it is not out of the ordinary for two identical biullets to do radically different things.
Again, you clearly have not studied this subject. No, two identical bullets are not going to do radically different things if they strike the same kind of object at approximately the same speed. We know this from numerous wound ballistics tests.

You are posing fiction not evidence
I suspect you did not bother to read the two articles of mine that I linked. You didn't address a single point of evidence that I present therein. You are the one posting fiction, not I.

And just FYI, you are among a small minority of people in the Western world when you defend the lone-gunman theory.
Wrong. These scholars include medical doctors, historians, former intelligence personnel, ballistics experts, firearms experts, and former federal/state investigators.

FYI, I've been in the JFK assassination research community for about 30 years. My second book on the JFK case was published last year: A Comforting Lie: The Myth that a Lone Gunman Killed President Kennedy.

No, it has not.

Did you even read the article? If you had bothered to read the article, you would know that there are at least five blur/jiggle episodes in the film, and testing has proved that people taking movies will jiggle the camera every single time they hear gunfire, even if they know it is coming.

This myth was debunked nearly 20 years ago. Independent scientific analysis of the NAA evidence has destroyed this claim.

Ok, you don't know what you're talking about, and you obviously did not bother to read the article I cited. Yes, forensic science has a wealth of data on how bullets behave when they strike skull bone.

Again, no FMJ bullet in the history of forensic science has deposited two "sheared" fragments from its cross-section onto or just above the outer table of the skull when striking the skull.

Nor has any FMJ bullet in the history of forensic science shattered into dozens of tiny fragments after penetrating a skull, yet JFK's autopsy skull x-rays show a veritable snowstorm of bullet fragments in the right-frontal region alone, plus fragments above and distant from either of the alleged rear head entry wounds. None of the FMJ bullets in the WC's wound ballistics tests did this, nor have any of the FMJ bullets fired in private tests done this.

Again, you clearly have not studied this subject. No, two identical bullets are not going to do radically different things if they strike the same kind of object at approximately the same speed. We know this from numerous wound ballistics tests.

I suspect you did not bother to read the two articles of mine that I linked. You didn't address a single point of evidence that I present therein. You are the one posting fiction, not I.

And just FYI, you are among a small minority of people in the Western world when you defend the lone-gunman theory.
Wrong they are conspiracy theory crackpotys with no expertise

I do know more about this than you and understand it perfectly

You are simply wrong. The hidtory of forensic ballistic studies does NOT include a comprehensive data vase of how and when bullets have fragmented.

Yes your evidence has been debunked and disproven there is NO WEALTH if information about how a FMJ bullet might fragment.

There is been no stufy or science making even a dent in the NAA evidence igt is rock solid

You have no book you have lies and that is proven

Your argument is that the bullet fragmented in a somewhat unusual manner. Which it did. This is not evidernce of a second gunman it is some. It is merely evieence of something unusal. Which in the world of ballistic is normal. Because no two bullets do the exacty same thing.

The zabruder film no shows no such thing as yuou claim and no tests exist proving such jiggling
Wrong they are conspiracy theory crackpotys with no expertise
Wow. You are way out on the fringe. Those scholars have far more qualifications than do the few scholars who still peddle the lone-gunman theory.

I do know more about this than you and understand it perfectly

You are simply wrong. The hidtory of forensic ballistic studies does NOT include a comprehensive data vase of how and when bullets have fragmented. Yes your evidence has been debunked and disproven there is NO WEALTH if information about how a FMJ bullet might fragment.
You have no clue what you are talking about. There are forensic textbooks that talk about this very subject precisely because forensic science has a wealth of data on how and when bullets fragment. You'd know this if you had bothered to ready my article Forensic Science and President Kennedy's Head Wounds.

You apparently know nothing about the wound ballistics tests that have been conducted on the JFK case, such as the WC's own test, the Failure Analysis test, the HSCA's test, and the DeSalles test. In all of these tests, no FMJ bullet deposited a single fragment on the outer table of the skull, much less two fragments, and much less two cross-section fragments.

There is been no stufy or science making even a dent in the NAA evidence igt is rock solid
Just shaking my head. Obviously you did not read the article I linked, which is based on a study published by the Journal of Forensic Science. Here's another article you can read on the invalid NAA evidence, written by Dr. Gary Aguilar: LINK. Here's an excerpt from Dr. Aguilar's article:

As two scientists from Lawrence Livermore Lab, metallurgist Erik Randich, Ph.D, and chemist Pat Grant, Ph.D, reported in an article in the Journal of Forensic Science in 2006 (which Bugliosi cites), "The lead cores of the bullets [Guinn] sampled from [Western Cartridge Company's] lots 6000–6003 contained approximately 600–900 ppm antimony and approximately 17–4516 ppm copper (with most of the copper concentrations in the 20–400 ppm range). In both of these aspects, the ... MC bullets are quite similar to other commercial FMJ [full metal jacketed] rifle ammunition." Thus, the scientists conclude, the JFK bullet fragments "need not necessarily have originated from MC ammunition. Indeed, the antimony compositions of the evidentiary specimens are consistent with any number of jacketed ammunitions containing unhardened lead." (my emphasis) [29] [F-11]

Using exquisite photomicrographs (photographs of enlarged microscopic images) of MC bullets cut in cross-section as proof, Randich and Grant also demolished the second and third pillars of Guinn's case for NAA – that individual MC bullets have uniform levels of antimony. In fact, like most jacketed ammunition, the antimony in MC bullet lead "microsegregates," that is, it clumps around microcrystals of lead during cooling, and so variations in antimony from one part of the bullet to another are to be expected. In other words, the bullets are not like single-colored crayons, they said, in effect. Instead, if I may offer yet another metaphor, MC bullets are more like a marbled cut of beef. Just as the amount of fat in a sliver taken from a single piece of marbled beef can vary depending on where it is snipped, so too can the amount of antimony vary in fragments snipped from different parts of a single bullet. Thus, Randich and Grant not only rebutted the claims that Bugliosi made regarding Guinn's original NAA work; they also upended the published claims made by anti-conspiracists Rahn and Sturdivan. [30]

You have no book you have lies and that is proven
FYI, my book has been given four or five stars by all of its Amazon reviewers and has an overall reviewer rating of 4.7 (five is the highest rating).

Your argument is that the bullet fragmented in a somewhat unusual manner. Which it did. This is not evidernce of a second gunman it is some. It is merely evieence of something unusal. Which in the world of ballistic is normal. Because no two bullets do the exacty same thing.
This is your answer to the documented fact that no FMJ bullet in the history of forensic science has deposited two cross-section fragments on the outer table of the skull?! Are you aware that even the former HSCA wound ballistics consultant, Dr. Larry Sturdivan, has admitted that no FMJ bullet could or would do such a thing? I mention this in my article "Forensic Science and President Kennedy's Head Wounds."

The zabruder film no shows no such thing as yuou claim and no tests exist proving such jiggling
You don't know what the Zapruder film does or does not show because you have not bothered to do any serious research on the subject. Regarding the blue episodes, I quote from my book:

When members of the HSCA’s Photographic Evidence Panel analyzed the Zapruder film for blur events, they found seven episodes that clearly exceeded the threshold of 2 percent of the field of view (“% of field-of-view”) and nine episodes that clearly exceeded the threshold of 10 for “frame-to-frame departure from smooth panning” (67:19-25; see also Figures 16 and 17 below). Zapruder’s startle reactions occurred one to five frames after the shot’s shockwave and sound reached him. (p. 97)

And we haven't even started talking about the reactions of the people seen in the film. Those reactions show at least six separate sets of reactions to gunfire. A lone gunman could not have fired more than three shots, a fact that no one disputes.
Wow. You are way out on the fringe. Those scholars have far more qualifications than do the few scholars who still peddle the lone-gunman theory.

You have no clue what you are talking about. There are forensic textbooks that talk about this very subject precisely because forensic science has a wealth of data on how and when bullets fragment. You'd know this if you had bothered to ready my article Forensic Science and President Kennedy's Head Wounds.

You apparently know nothing about the wound ballistics tests that have been conducted on the JFK case, such as the WC's own test, the Failure Analysis test, the HSCA's test, and the DeSalles test. In all of these tests, no FMJ bullet deposited a single fragment on the outer table of the skull, much less two fragments, and much less two cross-section fragments.

Just shaking my head. Obviously you did not read the article I linked, which is based on a study published by the Journal of Forensic Science. Here's another article you can read on the invalid NAA evidence, written by Dr. Gary Aguilar: LINK. Here's an excerpt from Dr. Aguilar's article:

As two scientists from Lawrence Livermore Lab, metallurgist Erik Randich, Ph.D, and chemist Pat Grant, Ph.D, reported in an article in the Journal of Forensic Science in 2006 (which Bugliosi cites), "The lead cores of the bullets [Guinn] sampled from [Western Cartridge Company's] lots 6000–6003 contained approximately 600–900 ppm antimony and approximately 17–4516 ppm copper (with most of the copper concentrations in the 20–400 ppm range). In both of these aspects, the ... MC bullets are quite similar to other commercial FMJ [full metal jacketed] rifle ammunition." Thus, the scientists conclude, the JFK bullet fragments "need not necessarily have originated from MC ammunition. Indeed, the antimony compositions of the evidentiary specimens are consistent with any number of jacketed ammunitions containing unhardened lead." (my emphasis) [29] [F-11]

Using exquisite photomicrographs (photographs of enlarged microscopic images) of MC bullets cut in cross-section as proof, Randich and Grant also demolished the second and third pillars of Guinn's case for NAA – that individual MC bullets have uniform levels of antimony. In fact, like most jacketed ammunition, the antimony in MC bullet lead "microsegregates," that is, it clumps around microcrystals of lead during cooling, and so variations in antimony from one part of the bullet to another are to be expected. In other words, the bullets are not like single-colored crayons, they said, in effect. Instead, if I may offer yet another metaphor, MC bullets are more like a marbled cut of beef. Just as the amount of fat in a sliver taken from a single piece of marbled beef can vary depending on where it is snipped, so too can the amount of antimony vary in fragments snipped from different parts of a single bullet. Thus, Randich and Grant not only rebutted the claims that Bugliosi made regarding Guinn's original NAA work; they also upended the published claims made by anti-conspiracists Rahn and Sturdivan. [30]

FYI, my book has been given four or five stars by all of its Amazon reviewers and has an overall reviewer rating of 4.7 (five is the highest rating).

This is your answer to the documented fact that no FMJ bullet in the history of forensic science has deposited two cross-section fragments on the outer table of the skull?! Are you aware that even the former HSCA wound ballistics consultant, Dr. Larry Sturdivan, has admitted that no FMJ bullet could or would do such a thing? I mention this in my article "Forensic Science and President Kennedy's Head Wounds."

You don't know what the Zapruder film does or does not show because you have not bothered to do any serious research on the subject. Regarding the blue episodes, I quote from my book:

When members of the HSCA’s Photographic Evidence Panel analyzed the Zapruder film for blur events, they found seven episodes that clearly exceeded the threshold of 2 percent of the field of view (“% of field-of-view”) and nine episodes that clearly exceeded the threshold of 10 for “frame-to-frame departure from smooth panning” (67:19-25; see also Figures 16 and 17 below). Zapruder’s startle reactions occurred one to five frames after the shot’s shockwave and sound reached him. (p. 97)

And we haven't even started talking about the reactions of the people seen in the film. Those reactions show at least six separate sets of reactions to gunfire. A lone gunman could not have fired more than three shots, a fact that no one disputes.
I have doen far more reswarcgh than you with your self aggrandizing claim of a book

Jihhlinh is proof of nothing and there are no such freaction in the zapruder film as you claim
The NAA is rock solid and the people you cited did not address it

Sorry you are a massive failure and have provided no evidence

I have doen far more reswarcgh than you with your self aggrandizing claim of a book

Jihhlinh is proof of nothing and there are no such freaction in the zapruder film as you claim
The NAA is rock solid and the people you cited did not address it

Sorry you are a massive failure and have provided no evidence
Yes, and the Earth is flat, and Agent Orange never harmed anyone, and no soldiers were exposed to chemical weapons during the Gulf War, etc.

Now, how about we get back to the subject of this thread, the questionable military trial of the alleged Lincoln assassination conspirators?

Or do you also deny the federal government's conspiracy finding in Lincoln's death, just as you deny the conspiracy finding of the last official federal investigation into JFK's death (the HSCA)?

Is that why you don't seem to want to talk about the military trial of the accused Booth accomplices, because you don't want to admit that a conspiracy killed Lincoln?

A conspiracy also killed Julius Caesar in 44 BC and Archduke Franz Ferdinand in 1914 (Ferdinand was next in line to be the emperor of the Austro-Hungarian Empire). In both cases, some of the chief conspirators remained unidentified and/or escaped justice. A conspiracy nearly killed Adolf Hitler in 1944.

Stanton's kangaroo military commission ignored evidence that implicated others in Lincoln's death and focused on the eight suspects rounded up by Stanton's dragnet.
Yes, and the Earth is flat, and Agent Orange never harmed anyone, and no soldiers were exposed to chemical weapons during the Gulf War, etc.

Now, how about we get back to the subject of this thread, the questionable military trial of the alleged Lincoln assassination conspirators?

Or do you also deny the federal government's conspiracy finding in Lincoln's death, just as you deny the conspiracy finding of the last official federal investigation into JFK's death (the HSCA)?

Is that why you don't seem to want to talk about the military trial of the accused Booth accomplices, because you don't want to admit that a conspiracy killed Lincoln?

A conspiracy also killed Julius Caesar in 44 BC and Archduke Franz Ferdinand in 1914 (Ferdinand was next in line to be the emperor of the Austro-Hungarian Empire). In both cases, some of the chief conspirators remained unidentified and/or escaped justice. A conspiracy nearly killed Adolf Hitler in 1944.

Stanton's kangaroo military commission ignored evidence that implicated others in Lincoln's death and focused on the eight suspects rounded up by Stanton's dragnet.
There is little to no evidence of Agent Orange causing all of the harm it is accused of and that is fact. Which does not mean it is harmless but the harm and threat is massively exaggerated and manufactured

Correct there was no exposure to chemical weapons during the gulf war

There absoolutely was a conpiracy in Lincolns death

Boothe had accomplices which by defintion means a conspiracy

Oswald had none and acted alone

Conspiracies are a dime a dozen and happen every day.l Conspiracy THEORY is delusioanal fiction
There is little to no evidence of Agent Orange causing all of the harm it is accused of and that is fact. Which does not mean it is harmless but the harm and threat is massively exaggerated and manufactured

Correct there was no exposure to chemical weapons during the gulf war

There absoolutely was a conpiracy in Lincolns death

Boothe had accomplices which by defintion means a conspiracy

Oswald had none and acted alone

Conspiracies are a dime a dozen and happen every day.l Conspiracy THEORY is delusioanal fiction
Yeah. And the Gov't always tells the Truth. CNN told me so.
There is little to no evidence of Agent Orange causing all of the harm it is accused of and that is fact. Which does not mean it is harmless but the harm and threat is massively exaggerated and manufactured
LOL! That is just obscenely erroneous. I won't even bother providing links on this issue. How any adult could not know about the effects of Agent Orange on American soldiers and the Vietnamese is beyond me. What planet do you live on?

Correct there was no exposure to chemical weapons during the gulf war.
Another jaw-dropper. So the dozens of chemical alarms by chemical-weapon sensors were all false alarms, every single one of them, right? I suspect you won't bother to read them, but here are some links to correct your ignorance on this issue: LINK. LINK. LINK.

There absoolutely was a conpiracy in Lincolns death

Boothe had accomplices which by defintion means a conspiracy

Oswald had none and acted alone
Wrong. Heard of David Ferrie, Guy Banister, Bernado de Torres ("Leopoldo"), Angelo Murgado?

Who were the people Oswald was seen with in Mexico City? Who was impersonating Oswald at the Soviet Embassy in Mexico City? Are you aware that we now know that J. Edgar Hoover informed LBJ that someone had been impersonating Oswald in Mexico City, a fact that the HSCA later confirmed?
Conspiracies are a dime a dozen and happen every day.l Conspiracy THEORY is delusioanal fiction
The last federal investigation into the JFK case, i.e., the House Select Committee on Assassinations (HSCA), disagreed with you. The HSCA concluded that two gunmen fired at JFK, that one gunman fired from the front, that four shots were fired at JFK, that the first shot to hit JFK was fired when Oswald's view of JFK would have been obstructed by the intervening oak tree, that someone impersonated Oswald in Mexico City shortly before the assassination, that Oswald was seen with radical right-wingers David Ferrie and Guy Banister and Clay Shaw, that Jack Ruby had extensive Mafia ties, that Ruby had help entering the police building's basement to shoot Oswald, that Ruby lied about how he entered the basement and about why he shot Oswald, and that the Warren Commission conducted a flawed and incomplete investigation.
LOL! That is just obscenely erroneous. I won't even bother providing links on this issue. How any adult could not know about the effects of Agent Orange on American soldiers and the Vietnamese is beyond me. What planet do you live on?

Another jaw-dropper. So the dozens of chemical alarms by chemical-weapon sensors were all false alarms, every single one of them, right? I suspect you won't bother to read them, but here are some links to correct your ignorance on this issue: LINK. LINK. LINK.

Wrong. Heard of David Ferrie, Guy Banister, Bernado de Torres ("Leopoldo"), Angelo Murgado?

Who were the people Oswald was seen with in Mexico City? Who was impersonating Oswald at the Soviet Embassy in Mexico City? Are you aware that we now know that J. Edgar Hoover informed LBJ that someone had been impersonating Oswald in Mexico City, a fact that the HSCA later confirmed?

The last federal investigation into the JFK case, i.e., the House Select Committee on Assassinations (HSCA), disagreed with you. The HSCA concluded that two gunmen fired at JFK, that one gunman fired from the front, that four shots were fired at JFK, that the first shot to hit JFK was fired when Oswald's view of JFK would have been obstructed by the intervening oak tree, that someone impersonated Oswald in Mexico City shortly before the assassination, that Oswald was seen with radical right-wingers David Ferrie and Guy Banister and Clay Shaw, that Jack Ruby had extensive Mafia ties, that Ruby had help entering the police building's basement to shoot Oswald, that Ruby lied about how he entered the basement and about why he shot Oswald, and that the Warren Commission conducted a flawed and incomplete investigation.
It is not erroneous it is fact. There is very little empirical evidence associating Agent Orange with a couple forms of cancer. That is it. The claim it causes every disease under the sun with NO empirical evidence of any sort

You are not well informed about that issue you are only repeating hearsay

None of those people were in mexico city with Oswald.

He had no accomplices in gthe shooting that is fact

he knew Ferrie as a teen but that is all. He never had any known contact with Bannister nor would he have. Hoobver never said any such thing

No one was impersonating Oswald. The false sighting On Oswald was simply an error admitted to by the CIA. They identified the wrong guy as Owwald because they had no idea what Oswald looked like at the time. They were only operating on when he was known to have visited the embassy and dug up a pic of a random guy who was there.

The HSCA did not conclude any such thing They concluded a PROBABLE second shooter. This conclusion was based exclusively on one and only one piece of evidence which was the recording of the sounds picked up by the shoulder mic of a motorcycle cop. It was determined by some not so smart experts that there were more than three shots on the recording. Unfortunately there are no shots heard at all on the recording and in fact the recording was made as the cop was at Parkland hospital not Dealey plaza,

The tree simply did not get in the way. The investigators made the simple mistake of checking the view years after the gfact and the tree had grown

NO witneses with any credibility saw Oswald with Shaw or Bannister. He only knew FZerrie and that was from years earlier as a teen.

No one determined Ruby lied about how he entered the basement. No one foundany evidence to challenge his stated motive and in fact The Warren Investigation has far fewer flaws than the HSCA and remains unchallenged

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