The President with the worst average unemployment rate since World War II is?

Trump enjoyed 3 years of wonderful economy. Then he shit the bed in his last year. Biden had to deal with that.

The unemployment rate has remained low and stable, fluctuating between 3.4% and 3.9% since Dec. 2021.5 days ago
Prices under Trump great, handing off!!! Inflation started under creepy’s rule, no matter what you do
Trump enjoyed 3 years of wonderful economy. Then he shit the bed in his last year. Biden had to deal with that.

The unemployment rate has remained low and stable, fluctuating between 3.4% and 3.9% since Dec. 2021.5 days ago
SOURCE??? Please how difficult is it to use the Internet and LINK it?
NOTE: Biden's nearly 4 year term Average AFTER Covid recovery... 4.1%
Trump's 4 years excluding Covid exception of 8.1% or 4.0% less than Biden who HAD benefit of increased hiring.
Trump's 4 years INCLUDING 2020 8.1% or average for 4 years...5.0%
FACTS folks easy to come by!

Poor, senile gramps.

Trump: 419,000
Biden: 768,000

BLS: Manufacturing Jobs
FACTS:From this source: Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

Recovery versus “Creation.” Nearly 72 percent of all job gains since 2021 were simply jobs that were being recovered from the pandemic, not new job creation. In fact, when looking at today’s economy compared to pre-pandemic levels, employment is up only by 3.7 million.
  • Labor Force Participation Was Stronger Under Trump. The labor force participation rate remains 0.7 percentage points lower under Biden than it was when President Trump was in office. When adjusting for population gains, nearly 2 million more Americans are on the sidelines today than they were during the previous Administration.
  • Wages Are Not Keeping up with Biden’s Inflation Crisis. Real wages are down over 5 percent since President Biden entered the Oval Office.
  • Inflation Still Shows No Signs of Slowing Down. Americans are still feeling the sting of this inflation crisis—prices are up 15.3 percent under Biden. Inflation remains over three times higher than just a couple years ago.

In 2023, the U.S. job market experienced a trend where nearly 25% of all job gains were attributed to government positions, underscoring a significant reliance on public sector employment to sustain economic growth
The government was 3rd highest in new jobs...
View attachment 930097

/——-/ Bidenomics strikes again,
/——-/ Bidenomics strikes again,
Bidenomics strikes again,

How It Started... How It's Going: Energy prices soar as Biden pursues green agenda

Biden guarantees it! "I guarantee We Are Going To Get Rid of Fossil Fuels” September 06, 2019, 5:49 PM
FACTS:From this source: Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

Recovery versus “Creation.” Nearly 72 percent of all job gains since 2021 were simply jobs that were being recovered from the pandemic, not new job creation. In fact, when looking at today’s economy compared to pre-pandemic levels, employment is up only by 3.7 million.
  • Labor Force Participation Was Stronger Under Trump. The labor force participation rate remains 0.7 percentage points lower under Biden than it was when President Trump was in office. When adjusting for population gains, nearly 2 million more Americans are on the sidelines today than they were during the previous Administration.
  • Wages Are Not Keeping up with Biden’s Inflation Crisis. Real wages are down over 5 percent since President Biden entered the Oval Office.
  • Inflation Still Shows No Signs of Slowing Down. Americans are still feeling the sting of this inflation crisis—prices are up 15.3 percent under Biden. Inflation remains over three times higher than just a couple years ago.

View attachment 930212

I didn't say created. They were added on his watch and he gets credit for them.
What's wrong with switching from fossil fuels to renewable energy by 2050?
Absolutely nothing... if it doesn't cost the 127 million individual households anything IN addition to electricity costs.
But here are some facts that most people evidently don't know:

So how will the 3,400 fossil fuel plants that Biden guarantees to "rid of fossil fuels" be replaced?
We will have a shortage of 2,580,300,000,000 kWh per year and that doesn't count the additional 4,807 kWh per EV which by 2032 according to Biden's plans, will be an additional 800 billion kWh per year for EVs! A total of 3.380 Trillion kWh because Biden guarantees to "rid of fossil fuels”!

Please don’t tell me Nuclear power plants as it takes around 6 to 8 years to build a nuclear reactor.
It will take somewhat almost 500 nuclear power plants each producing 1 GWh, assuming a duty factor near 92%.
How much does a nuclear power plant cost to build? between $6 billion and $9 billion for each 1,100 MW plant.
So who will pay for the below types of supposedly "green" fuels? The 127 million households will either directly through increased electricity costs or INDIRECTLY as businesses usually pass all their operating costs on to their customers. So at about $4 trillion that will be over twenty years additional cost added to our electric bill or indirectly by the business or $131/month added to the The average electric bill in the United States is $138.90.
Double our electric bill today. You ready for that?

I didn't say created. They were added on his watch and he gets credit for them.
First of all this is what people with more expertise than you and definitely me say about Biden's JOBS...
So "CREATION" means adding to existing jobs,,, i.e. NEW jobs!
According to these experts... Biden's bragging about "NEW jobs" is a lie! 72% are recovered jobs... NOT NEW.
That being the case your example of Trump 419,000 Biden 768,000 less 72% recovered...equals 552,960
recovered existing jobs. Which is this then:
Biden 215,040 created new jobs
Trump 419,000 Created New Jobs... NOT recovered jobs....

Recovery versus “Creation.” Nearly 72 percent of all job gains since 2021 were simply jobs that were being recovered from the pandemic, not new job creation. In fact, when looking at today’s economy compared to pre-pandemic levels, employment is up only by 3.7 million.
Labor Force Participation Was Stronger Under Trump. The labor force participation rate remains 0.7 percentage points lower under Biden than it was when President Trump was in office. When adjusting for population gains, nearly 2 million more Americans are on the sidelines today than they were during the previous Administration.
Wages Are Not Keeping up with Biden’s Inflation Crisis. Real wages are down over 5 percent since President Biden entered the Oval Office.
Inflation Still Shows No Signs of Slowing Down. Americans are still feeling the sting of this inflation crisis—prices are up 15.3 percent under Biden. Inflation remains over three times higher than just a couple years ago.

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Absolutely nothing... if it doesn't cost the 127 million individual households anything IN addition to electricity costs.
But here are some facts that most people evidently don't know:

So how will the 3,400 fossil fuel plants that Biden guarantees to "rid of fossil fuels" be replaced?
We will have a shortage of 2,580,300,000,000 kWh per year and that doesn't count the additional 4,807 kWh per EV which by 2032 according to Biden's plans, will be an additional 800 billion kWh per year for EVs! A total of 3.380 Trillion kWh because Biden guarantees to "rid of fossil fuels”!

Please don’t tell me Nuclear power plants as it takes around 6 to 8 years to build a nuclear reactor.
It will take somewhat almost 500 nuclear power plants each producing 1 GWh, assuming a duty factor near 92%.
How much does a nuclear power plant cost to build? between $6 billion and $9 billion for each 1,100 MW plant.
So who will pay for the below types of supposedly "green" fuels? The 127 million households will either directly through increased electricity costs or INDIRECTLY as businesses usually pass all their operating costs on to their customers. So at about $4 trillion that will be over twenty years additional cost added to our electric bill or indirectly by the business or $131/month added to the The average electric bill in the United States is $138.90.
Double our electric bill today. You ready for that?

View attachment 930226

Please stop attempting to do math.
It never ends well for you.
Please stop attempting to do math.
It never ends well for you.
WELL being the smart ass you are PROVE my numbers are wrong! Otherwise you are just another ignorant ass who believes everything the MSM writes. Tell me why haven't there been an honest efforts to prove where we will get the nearly 79% replacement of fossil fuels, and the nearly 1 trillion needed to meet 2032's EV requirements of 50% of light trucks...(NOTE semi-trucks aren't included!! and vehicles?
HEY idiot Toddsterpatriot said:
How many kWh does a nuclear power plant generate in a year?
How many kWh per solar panel is created?
How many acres does a Wind turbine take?
All that information is found with sources... but I totally understand how these appear complicated and too hard for your peabrain to handle!
But I know that it means nothing to you as you don't ever substantiate your idiotic comments!

Trump enjoyed 3 years of wonderful economy. Then he shit the bed in his last year. Biden had to deal with that.
Democrats planned the whole pandemic to wreck the economy (Trump's ace card in the 2020 campaign), then they did just that with shutdowns + Pelosi refusing to allow stimulus checks to be sent.

Now they strut around blaming it all on Trump ("his watch"), acting like Biden had it rough because of that.

Not only did Biden NOT have it rough, but the "shit the bed" BY DEMOCRATS, was only in the first 2 quarters of 2020, and that was long over whe Biden took over. Actually. what Biden got handed to him was a GREAT economy of Q 3 & 4 of 2020, with Q3 the largest GDP% in US history.

This is why Biden, a total economic F'ck up, had decent GDPs in his first year (from the influence of the good Trump 2020 quarter (3 & 4).
After these wore off and Biden was on his own in 2022, we saw how horrible our economy could really get, with a clown like Biden in charge,, We had consecutive quarters with BELOW ZERO GDPs, followed by consecutive recessions. As bad as it could be.

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