The Plight of the Black Man - I Have a Solution!

The Black day has been added to the Apple download.
I have never had a feeling of rejection of hard working people.
I respect my fellow man. His struggles like mine are basic!
People who want to keep B.S. going are sad POC.
Well that's what I say.. [ twis [ .... best to all....good night!
start a race war with the brown from down south. Let them kill each other off AFTER communists get enough votes in 2024 to rig things forever with them one-party control.

Are you saying all the Black People that were transported into the country before the Civil
war are here illegally but all their kids have rights of citizenship? All the descendants have the
same rights, buy homes, work and support families, pay their legal taxes, buy firearms and
shoot their fellow blacks?

Is that all their is? Well there are a lot of Crazy's out there !

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The Plight of the Ukrainian's seems adjacent to the 2016's administrations sniffing off,
refusing provide training of Ukraine's finest to defend their country because a middle finger by the Potus. ........ :TH_WAY~113:

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