Zone1 The Original Race Hustlers


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Gold Supporting Member
Mar 11, 2015
I get real tired of reading right wing whites talking about race pimps. This is the ultimate in irony. Whites are the original race pimps and WHITE IS A RACE! So each time Trump stands up in front of a crowd talking about illegal immigrants, his --- is race pimping. And how long have white race pimped? Since the beginning of this country. Right wing whites race pimped themselves into believing equal opportunity policies discriminate against whites. Right wing whites have race pimped themselves to believe in a phantom anti white racism. Right wing whites race pimped themselves into opposing things like the accurate teaching of history, CRT and DEI. Right wing whites race pimped themselves to make BLM equivalent to the KKK. So let's not talk about race pimps only when non whites have legitimate grievances that right wing whites do not like hearing. Talk about white race pimps like Limbaugh, the college flunk out who left the world 800 million dollars richer after race pimping whites for more than 3 decades. Talk about white race pimps like the prime time line up at Fox news or almost every right wing media source. Talk about white race pimps like Elon Musk, who changed twitter into a haven for white race pimps and white race hustlers.

White is a race, no matter if you want to see race or not. White is a race whether race is a construct or not. Whites created the concept of race in modern tmes and whites have used race to advance themselves while excluding others. Right now Donald Trump has made a political career out of race hustling whites but he didn't start it. In recent years right wing talk radio has created legendary race hustlers. People who were losers until they used race to get wealthy. Rush Limbaugh flunked out of SE Missouri State, not exactly known as a bastion of higher learning, but he died worth over 800 million. Sean Hannity, another college dropout, has race hustled is way to a net worth of over 500 milion dollars.

Yet when we hear or read right wing whites talking about race hustlers, they talk about blacks like Sharpton or Jackson. Both of these mens combined net worth is what Hannity makes in about two weeks. The history of this country shows that whites have been the master race hustlers of all time. So why do right wing whites make claims about non whites hustling race?
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I get real tired of reading right wing whites talking about race pimps. This is the ultimate in irony. Whites are the original race pimps and WHITE IS A RACE! So each time Trump stands up in front of a crowd talking about illegal immigrants, his --- is race pimping. And how long have white race pimped? Since the beginning of this country. Right wing whites race pimped themselves into believing equal opportunity policies discriminate against whites. Right wing whites have race pimped themselves to believe in a phantom anti white racism. Right wing whites race pimped themselves into opposing things like the accurate teaching of history, CRT and DEI. Right wing whites race pimped themselves to make BLM equivalent to the KKK. So let's not talk about race pimps only when non whites have legitimate grievances that right wing whites do not like hearing. Talk about white race pimps like Limbaugh, the college flunk out who left the world 800 million dollars richer after race pimping whites for more than 3 decades. Talk about white race pimps like the prime time line up at Fox news or almost every right wing media source. Talk about white race pimps like Elon Musk, who changed twitter into a haven for white race pimps and white race hustlers.

[a href="[URL=""]A Short History of the 'Race Hustler' Accusation[/URL]"]Accusing Advocates of Profiting From Racial Conflict Is Nothing New—And It’s Always Been Problematic[/a]

White is a race, no matter if you want to see race or not. White is a race whether race is a construct or not. Whites created the concept of race in modern tmes and whites have used race to advance themselves while excluding others. Right now Donald Trump has made a political career out of race hustling whites but he didn't start it. In recent years right wing talk radio has created legendary race hustlers. People who were losers until they used race to get wealthy. Rush Limbaugh flunked out of SE Missouri State, not exactly known as a bastion of higher learning, but he died worth over 800 million. Sean Hannity, another college dropout, has race hustled is way to a net worth of over 500 milion dollars.

Yet when we hear or read right wing whites talking about race hustlers, they talk about blacks like Sharpton or Jackson. Both of these mens combined net worth is what Hannity makes in about two weeks. The history of this country shows that whites have been the master race hustlers of all time. So why do right wing whites make claims about non whites hustling race?
Quit referring to the past. Whites today do not do what SOME whites did in the past. You are one who consistently use your race card every time something is not perfect for a black person. Contrary to your racists beliefs, it IS NOT white people who are to blame.
I get real tired of reading right wing whites talking about race pimps. This is the ultimate in irony. Whites are the original race pimps and WHITE IS A RACE! So each time Trump stands up in front of a crowd talking about illegal immigrants, his --- is race pimping. And how long have white race pimped? Since the beginning of this country. Right wing whites race pimped themselves into believing equal opportunity policies discriminate against whites. Right wing whites have race pimped themselves to believe in a phantom anti white racism. Right wing whites race pimped themselves into opposing things like the accurate teaching of history, CRT and DEI. Right wing whites race pimped themselves to make BLM equivalent to the KKK. So let's not talk about race pimps only when non whites have legitimate grievances that right wing whites do not like hearing. Talk about white race pimps like Limbaugh, the college flunk out who left the world 800 million dollars richer after race pimping whites for more than 3 decades. Talk about white race pimps like the prime time line up at Fox news or almost every right wing media source. Talk about white race pimps like Elon Musk, who changed twitter into a haven for white race pimps and white race hustlers.

White is a race, no matter if you want to see race or not. White is a race whether race is a construct or not. Whites created the concept of race in modern tmes and whites have used race to advance themselves while excluding others. Right now Donald Trump has made a political career out of race hustling whites but he didn't start it. In recent years right wing talk radio has created legendary race hustlers. People who were losers until they used race to get wealthy. Rush Limbaugh flunked out of SE Missouri State, not exactly known as a bastion of higher learning, but he died worth over 800 million. Sean Hannity, another college dropout, has race hustled is way to a net worth of over 500 milion dollars.

Yet when we hear or read right wing whites talking about race hustlers, they talk about blacks like Sharpton or Jackson. Both of these mens combined net worth is what Hannity makes in about two weeks. The history of this country shows that whites have been the master race hustlers of all time. So why do right wing whites make claims about non whites hustling race?
You should quit acting like its still 1824 or 1924.
I get real tired of reading right wing whites talking about race pimps. This is the ultimate in irony. Whites are the original race pimps and WHITE IS A RACE! So each time Trump stands up in front of a crowd talking about illegal immigrants, his --- is race pimping. And how long have white race pimped? Since the beginning of this country. Right wing whites race pimped themselves into believing equal opportunity policies discriminate against whites. Right wing whites have race pimped themselves to believe in a phantom anti white racism. Right wing whites race pimped themselves into opposing things like the accurate teaching of history, CRT and DEI. Right wing whites race pimped themselves to make BLM equivalent to the KKK. So let's not talk about race pimps only when non whites have legitimate grievances that right wing whites do not like hearing. Talk about white race pimps like Limbaugh, the college flunk out who left the world 800 million dollars richer after race pimping whites for more than 3 decades. Talk about white race pimps like the prime time line up at Fox news or almost every right wing media source. Talk about white race pimps like Elon Musk, who changed twitter into a haven for white race pimps and white race hustlers.

White is a race, no matter if you want to see race or not. White is a race whether race is a construct or not. Whites created the concept of race in modern tmes and whites have used race to advance themselves while excluding others. Right now Donald Trump has made a political career out of race hustling whites but he didn't start it. In recent years right wing talk radio has created legendary race hustlers. People who were losers until they used race to get wealthy. Rush Limbaugh flunked out of SE Missouri State, not exactly known as a bastion of higher learning, but he died worth over 800 million. Sean Hannity, another college dropout, has race hustled is way to a net worth of over 500 milion dollars.

Yet when we hear or read right wing whites talking about race hustlers, they talk about blacks like Sharpton or Jackson. Both of these mens combined net worth is what Hannity makes in about two weeks. The history of this country shows that whites have been the master race hustlers of all time. So why do right wing whites make claims about non whites hustling race?
The irony is that mathematically and intellectually-challenged idiot is pimping as he writes
You should quit acting like its still 1824 or 1924.
When you stop celebrating 1776 let me know. Other than that, quit pretending that I'm talking about 1924 as if whites have quit being racists. This forum is an example of 21st century racism and you are a racist in the year 2024. Whites invented the race hustle and continue doing it daily. Now, in 2024.
I get real tired of reading right wing whites talking about race pimps. This is the ultimate in irony. Whites are the original race pimps and WHITE IS A RACE! So each time Trump stands up in front of a crowd talking about illegal immigrants, his --- is race pimping. And how long have white race pimped? Since the beginning of this country. Right wing whites race pimped themselves into believing equal opportunity policies discriminate against whites. Right wing whites have race pimped themselves to believe in a phantom anti white racism. Right wing whites race pimped themselves into opposing things like the accurate teaching of history, CRT and DEI. Right wing whites race pimped themselves to make BLM equivalent to the KKK. So let's not talk about race pimps only when non whites have legitimate grievances that right wing whites do not like hearing. Talk about white race pimps like Limbaugh, the college flunk out who left the world 800 million dollars richer after race pimping whites for more than 3 decades. Talk about white race pimps like the prime time line up at Fox news or almost every right wing media source. Talk about white race pimps like Elon Musk, who changed twitter into a haven for white race pimps and white race hustlers.

White is a race, no matter if you want to see race or not. White is a race whether race is a construct or not. Whites created the concept of race in modern tmes and whites have used race to advance themselves while excluding others. Right now Donald Trump has made a political career out of race hustling whites but he didn't start it. In recent years right wing talk radio has created legendary race hustlers. People who were losers until they used race to get wealthy. Rush Limbaugh flunked out of SE Missouri State, not exactly known as a bastion of higher learning, but he died worth over 800 million. Sean Hannity, another college dropout, has race hustled is way to a net worth of over 500 milion dollars.

Yet when we hear or read right wing whites talking about race hustlers, they talk about blacks like Sharpton or Jackson. Both of these mens combined net worth is what Hannity makes in about two weeks. The history of this country shows that whites have been the master race hustlers of all time. So why do right wing whites make claims about non whites hustling race?
Spot on!

Rush and O'Reilly: Race hustlers, Inc.
Limbaugh, Hannity, Bill-O and other right-wing white-grievance mongers are stoking racial tension for cash

I was in Ireland when President Obama made his surprise 18-minute comment about the George Zimmerman verdict, so I didn’t see it. I read a wide range of reactions, but they didn’t prepare me for what he actually said. It was a sober, balanced, thoughtful and painful portrait of how race is lived by African Americans, particularly black men. I can even understand, though I don’t support, the criticism from the left: while making the powerful statement “Trayvon Martin could have been me 35 years ago,” the president also went out of his way to praise the judge and jury in the Zimmerman trial and to say the system worked; to acknowledge the problem of so-called “black on black” crime; and to observe that this country is getting better every generation when it comes to race, which it surely is.

On their entirely separate planet, though, the right wing race hustlers went crazy, and they aren’t shutting up. Monday night Fox’s Bill O’Reilly accused Obama himself of making life worse for African Americans, because his speech showed he had “no clue” how to combat “gangsta culture.”

An unusually crazed, agitated O’Reilly declared that the plight of black America “has nothing to do with slavery. It has everything to do with you Hollywood people and you derelict parents… Race hustlers and the grievance industry,” he went on, “have intimidated the so-called ‘conversation,’ turning any valid criticism of African-American culture into charges of racial bias,” leaving African-Americans to “fend for themselves in violent neighborhoods.” I can’t wait to hear the ignorant O’Reilly generalize more about “African American culture.”

But I agree with O’Reilly about “race hustlers and the grievance industry” being the problem here – only we define them differently. Bill-O himself is a consummate race hustler and grievance peddler, pushing the drug of racial grievance to white people, making himself rich by worsening racial tension. He’s second only to Rush Limbaugh in terms of spewing ignorance to a vast, frightened audience.

This is the new right wing racket. Well, it’s not entirely new – race baiting is an old racket on the right – but the extent to which conservatives are now comfortable telling white people they’re the new victims, in danger of being unfairly prosecuted like George Zimmerman when they should actually be thanked for ending slavery, is unique and brazen and dangerous. We need more Republicans, as well as more media figures, to call it what it is: a race hustle.

White is a race, no matter if you want to see race or not. White is a race whether race is a construct ir not. Whites created the concept of race in modern tmes and whites have used race to advance themselves while excluding others. Right now Donald Trump has made a political career out of race hustling whites but he didn't start it. In recent years right wing talk radio has created legendary race hustlers. People who were losers until they used race to get wealthy. Rush Limbaugh flunked out of SE Missouri State, not exactly known as a bastion of higher learning, but he died worth over 800 million. Sean Hannity, another college dropout, has race hustled is way to a net worth of 300 milion dollars.

Yet when we hear or read right wing whites talking about race hustlers, they talk about blacks like Sharpton or Jackson. Both of these mens combined net worth is what Hannity makes in about two weeks. The history of this country shows that whites have been the master race hustlers of all time. So why do right wing whites make claims about non whites hustling race?
I get real tired of reading right wing whites talking about race pimps. This is the ultimate in irony. Whites are the original race pimps and WHITE IS A RACE! So each time Trump stands up in front of a crowd talking about illegal immigrants, his --- is race pimping. And how long have white race pimped? Since the beginning of this country. Right wing whites race pimped themselves into believing equal opportunity policies discriminate against whites. Right wing whites have race pimped themselves to believe in a phantom anti white racism. Right wing whites race pimped themselves into opposing things like the accurate teaching of history, CRT and DEI. Right wing whites race pimped themselves to make BLM equivalent to the KKK. So let's not talk about race pimps only when non whites have legitimate grievances that right wing whites do not like hearing. Talk about white race pimps like Limbaugh, the college flunk out who left the world 800 million dollars richer after race pimping whites for more than 3 decades. Talk about white race pimps like the prime time line up at Fox news or almost every right wing media source. Talk about white race pimps like Elon Musk, who changed twitter into a haven for white race pimps and white race hustlers.

White is a race, no matter if you want to see race or not. White is a race whether race is a construct or not. Whites created the concept of race in modern tmes and whites have used race to advance themselves while excluding others. Right now Donald Trump has made a political career out of race hustling whites but he didn't start it. In recent years right wing talk radio has created legendary race hustlers. People who were losers until they used race to get wealthy. Rush Limbaugh flunked out of SE Missouri State, not exactly known as a bastion of higher learning, but he died worth over 800 million. Sean Hannity, another college dropout, has race hustled is way to a net worth of over 500 milion dollars.

Yet when we hear or read right wing whites talking about race hustlers, they talk about blacks like Sharpton or Jackson. Both of these mens combined net worth is what Hannity makes in about two weeks. The history of this country shows that whites have been the master race hustlers of all time. So why do right wing whites make claims about non whites hustling race?
Yes ....yes they are
Not only are they ****** hating race hustlers They are the black populations official spokesmen

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”

IM2 will be here shortly to shout about how blacks weren’t free in 1776 so white people are racist white people racist whites racism white racism whites people racism….
Some are. Most people are too busy give much thought to racism.
But yet they are not too busy to stop practicing it. Thats the problem. They commit acts of racism without thinking. Too busy to give much thought to racism. Wow!
But yet they are not too busy to stop practicing it. Thats the problem. They commit acts of racism without thinking. Too busy to give much thought to racism. Wow!
Like you supporting the persecution of LGBT by Islamists in Gaza?
The original race hustlers


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