The murder of DNC computer analyst Seth Rich 3 years ago.

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No, I mean what I asked?

Like Sandy Hook? Real or hoax?

That wasn't a government cover up.
I didn't ask you if the government covered it up. I asked you if you believe the deadly assault was real or a hoax?

What about PizzaGate? Real or hoax?

How deep do your conspiracies run?
Pizza gate? Podesta art work says it might be real
I didn't ask you if the government covered it up. I asked you if you believe the deadly assault was real or a hoax?

What about PizzaGate? Real or hoax?

How deep do your conspiracies run?
Feel free to investigate my post history if you're so curious..
At most, that would only show you haven't talked about it yet. Why are you so shy to answer? Do you think the deadly assault at Sandy Hook really happened? Do you believe PizzaGate was real or a hoax?
At most, that would only show you haven't talked about it yet. Why are you so shy to answer? Do you think the deadly assault at Sandy Hook really happened? Do you believe PizzaGate was real or a hoax?
Why are you going off topic ?

The topic is about a conspiracy. This isn't your first conspiracy you've posted on. I'm trying to gauge how big of a conspiracy nut you are. But no worries, your refusal to answer, answers for you. Carry on.
The topic is about a conspiracy. This isn't your first conspiracy you've posted on. I'm trying to gauge how big of a conspiracy nut you are. But no worries, your refusal to answer, answers for you. Carry on.
I don't have time today. My friend Jesse Ventura and I are grilling and watching football while the wives are out shopping.
Ask me later.
Because they investigated? Lol it will be thrown out.. you don’t like America move out
Because fox news created conspiracy theory. They exploited Seth Rich's death for political gain.

Fox news had actually issued a retraction on it, but Hannity kept pushing it.
Because they investigated? Lol it will be thrown out.. you don’t like America move out
Because fox news created conspiracy theory. They exploited Seth Rich's death for political gain.

Fox news had actually issued a retraction on it, but Hannity kept pushing it.
Huh? Asking questions is against the law? What do you think investigative journalism is?
Because they investigated? Lol it will be thrown out.. you don’t like America move out
Because fox news created conspiracy theory. They exploited Seth Rich's death for political gain.

Fox news had actually issued a retraction on it, but Hannity kept pushing it.
Huh? Asking questions is against the law? What do you think investigative journalism is?
investigative journalism doesn't include fabricating conspiracy theories.
Especially when thats used to exploit somebody's death for political purpose.

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