The murder of DNC computer analyst Seth Rich 3 years ago.

Try again there Billy-Joe. Ain't nuthin' orwellian about pitying stupid people.
And if you had more than 4 brain cells you'd realize that
I'm just sitting back watching you talk gibberish to an Orwell quote web meme .
But if I ever need your opinion I'll just squeeze Hillary's head.., Democrat phony.
So if he wasn't the Wikileaks source of the so-called "hacked" servers, then why did the DNC refuse
to cooperate with the FBI when they asked to see them ?

Here's a good discussion on the subject that's been brushed aside by the MSM from 2 years ago.

Forensic scientists say that the server matters not, as long as they have a copy of the server..... multiple copies of the server actually, so all of their workers can search down the thieves all at once, and for the specific period of the thefts.

And ALSO, I read that the DNC is still using that server, to this very day...
Forensic scientists say that the server matters not, as long as they have a copy of the server..... multiple copies of the server actually, so all of their workers can search down the thieves all at once, and for the specific period of the thefts.

And ALSO, I read that the DNC is still using that server, to this very day...
The point is, the NSA knows everything either way, which means that Clapper, Brennan ,the MSM and members of Congress are involved and complicit in this elaborate cover-up.,
Show us where the Mueller report proved that Russians hacked the DNC server.
I'll wait.
More conspiracy nonsense??

Is it your life's ambition to fill the void left by delusional dale smith?
My personal troll Faun.
How you doing today cuz ?
Show us where the Mueller report proved that Russians hacked the DNC server.
I'll wait.
More conspiracy nonsense??

Is it your life's ambition to fill the void left by delusional dale smith?
My personal troll Faun.
How you doing today cuz ?
I'm good, thanks for asking.

So is there a conspiracy you haven't fallen for?
I know a guy who lives across the street from someone whose cousin told him that he had heard that Trump ordered the hit on Seth Rich
More meaningless babbling from the most prolific poster here.
No wonder most intelligent people know not to waste their time here.
It’s true

That is more evidence than you have on Hillary
then read this

This Is Robert Mueller’s Chance to Dismantle the Seth Rich Conspiracy Theory

WASHINGTON — With just a sentence or two, Robert Mueller could demolish one of the most viral and cruel conspiracy theories of the Trump era.

On Wednesday, the former special counsel will testify before the House Intelligence and Judiciary Committees about his final report on Russian interference in the 2016 election and any conspiracy between Russia and members of the Trump campaign. The Justice Department has urged Mueller to “remain within the boundaries” of his report, and Mueller, a former FBI director and career G-man, will surely avoid any questions that stray beyond what he and his team of lawyers spelled out in their nearly 450-page final product.

There is, however, one brief passage that might benefit from some elaboration.

Mueller devotes three paragraphs of his report to a particularly fraught moment in the middle of 2016 involving Seth Rich, a 27-year-old DNC staffer who was murdered in July of that year, and the website WikiLeaks. That summer, news outlets had reported that Russian agents hacked into Democratic National Committee and the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee and stole a massive trove of emails and other documents. Not long after, WikiLeaks published thousands of those emails, plunging the Democratic Party into chaos and leading to the resignation of DNC Chairwoman Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-FL).

As the reports emerged about Russia’s role in the DNC leak, WikiLeaks and its cofounder, Julian Assange, made several public statements that seemed designed to imply that Rich, not Russia, was behind the leak. WikiLeaks offered a $20,000 reward for information about Rich’s killer. In an interview with Dutch TV about the leaked emails, Assange brought up Rich’s murder out of the blue. In another interview, when asked why he was so interested Rich’s killer, Assange replied, “We’re very interested in anything that might be a threat to alleged Wikileaks sources.”

Assange’s comments about the Rich case acted like an accelerant, transforming a minor brush fire into a raging inferno. Baseless claims about Rich’s death had already appeared online in a smattering of tweets and Reddit threads that suggested the Clintons somehow orchestrated Rich’s murder. But those rumors didn’t ignite into a full-blown, international conspiracy theory until Assange insinuated Rich might have been his source.

This Is Robert Mueller’s Chance to Dismantle the Seth Rich Conspiracy Theory

There was no evidence for any of this: The D.C. police say Rich was the victim of an armed robbery gone wrong and that his death had nothing to do with his DNC job. Rich’s parents said that law enforcement officials searched Seth’s email and laptop and found no communications between him and WikiLeaks or anything to suggest he had leaked emails to Assange’s group
. But that didn’t stop everyone from anonymous Redditors to former Trump adviser Steve Bannon to Fox News host Sean Hannity from pushing unfounded theories about Rich. (WikiLeaks, Fox News, Sean Hannity, and a lawyer for Assange all did not respond to requests for comment from Rolling Stone after Mueller’s final report was released in April.)

These conspiracy theories prevented Rich’s family from grieving Seth and made their lives a nightmare from which they couldn’t wake up. “The amount of pain and anguish this has caused us is unbearable,” Joel and Mary Rich, Seth’s parents, wrote in the Washington Post in 2017. “With every conspiratorial flare-up, we are forced to relive Seth’s murder and a small piece of us dies as more of Seth’s memory is torn away from us.” (Through their lawyer, Joel and Mary Rich declined to comment for this story.)

The Rich family felt a measure of relief and vindication in July 2018 when then-Special Counsel Mueller indicted 12 Russian nationals for hacking into the DNC, DCCC, and the personal email account of John Podesta, the chairman of Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign. It was the most definitive statement yet that Rich had nothing to do with the DNC leak.

This April, Mueller’s final redacted report concluded WikiLeaks had obtained the leaked emails from cutouts used by Russian intelligence. Assange and WikiLeaks’ public statements about Rich, the report goes on to say, were “apparently designed to obscure the source of the materials that WikiLeaks was releasing.”

Mueller’s brief section about Rich and WikiLeaks specifically accused Assange of “dissembling” about the source of the stolen DNC emails. It also says that Assange “implied falsely” that Rich was his source.
then read this

This Is Robert Mueller’s Chance to Dismantle the Seth Rich Conspiracy Theory

WASHINGTON — With just a sentence or two, Robert Mueller could demolish one of the most viral and cruel conspiracy theories of the Trump era.

On Wednesday, the former special counsel will testify before the House Intelligence and Judiciary Committees about his final report on Russian interference in the 2016 election and any conspiracy between Russia and members of the Trump campaign. The Justice Department has urged Mueller to “remain within the boundaries” of his report, and Mueller, a former FBI director and career G-man, will surely avoid any questions that stray beyond what he and his team of lawyers spelled out in their nearly 450-page final product.

There is, however, one brief passage that might benefit from some elaboration.

Mueller devotes three paragraphs of his report to a particularly fraught moment in the middle of 2016 involving Seth Rich, a 27-year-old DNC staffer who was murdered in July of that year, and the website WikiLeaks. That summer, news outlets had reported that Russian agents hacked into Democratic National Committee and the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee and stole a massive trove of emails and other documents. Not long after, WikiLeaks published thousands of those emails, plunging the Democratic Party into chaos and leading to the resignation of DNC Chairwoman Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-FL).

As the reports emerged about Russia’s role in the DNC leak, WikiLeaks and its cofounder, Julian Assange, made several public statements that seemed designed to imply that Rich, not Russia, was behind the leak. WikiLeaks offered a $20,000 reward for information about Rich’s killer. In an interview with Dutch TV about the leaked emails, Assange brought up Rich’s murder out of the blue. In another interview, when asked why he was so interested Rich’s killer, Assange replied, “We’re very interested in anything that might be a threat to alleged Wikileaks sources.”

Assange’s comments about the Rich case acted like an accelerant, transforming a minor brush fire into a raging inferno. Baseless claims about Rich’s death had already appeared online in a smattering of tweets and Reddit threads that suggested the Clintons somehow orchestrated Rich’s murder. But those rumors didn’t ignite into a full-blown, international conspiracy theory until Assange insinuated Rich might have been his source.

This Is Robert Mueller’s Chance to Dismantle the Seth Rich Conspiracy Theory

There was no evidence for any of this: The D.C. police say Rich was the victim of an armed robbery gone wrong and that his death had nothing to do with his DNC job. Rich’s parents said that law enforcement officials searched Seth’s email and laptop and found no communications between him and WikiLeaks or anything to suggest he had leaked emails to Assange’s group
. But that didn’t stop everyone from anonymous Redditors to former Trump adviser Steve Bannon to Fox News host Sean Hannity from pushing unfounded theories about Rich. (WikiLeaks, Fox News, Sean Hannity, and a lawyer for Assange all did not respond to requests for comment from Rolling Stone after Mueller’s final report was released in April.)

These conspiracy theories prevented Rich’s family from grieving Seth and made their lives a nightmare from which they couldn’t wake up. “The amount of pain and anguish this has caused us is unbearable,” Joel and Mary Rich, Seth’s parents, wrote in the Washington Post in 2017. “With every conspiratorial flare-up, we are forced to relive Seth’s murder and a small piece of us dies as more of Seth’s memory is torn away from us.” (Through their lawyer, Joel and Mary Rich declined to comment for this story.)

The Rich family felt a measure of relief and vindication in July 2018 when then-Special Counsel Mueller indicted 12 Russian nationals for hacking into the DNC, DCCC, and the personal email account of John Podesta, the chairman of Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign. It was the most definitive statement yet that Rich had nothing to do with the DNC leak.

This April, Mueller’s final redacted report concluded WikiLeaks had obtained the leaked emails from cutouts used by Russian intelligence. Assange and WikiLeaks’ public statements about Rich, the report goes on to say, were “apparently designed to obscure the source of the materials that WikiLeaks was releasing.”

Mueller’s brief section about Rich and WikiLeaks specifically accused Assange of “dissembling” about the source of the stolen DNC emails. It also says that Assange “implied falsely” that Rich was his source.
Mueller's as in bed with the deep state as any of those clowns,
and Trump is bringing them down, one by one even if it's his only accomplishment.
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