The Media Pressures Cruz to Declare Obama is a Christian


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
I read several articles this morning on-line declaring how 'the (liberal) media' is pressuring Ted Cruz to declare Obama is a Christian:

1. It is NOT Ted Cruz's job / responsibility to declare Obama to be a Christian or not. One of my pet peeves is anyone trying to speak for me or anyone else. People should stick to speaking for themselves and let others speak for themselves. The (liberal) media just wants to pressure Cruz declaring something and then will use whatever he says against him. Cruz should stick to the issues and tell the media to go ask Obama is they want 'confirmation'.

2. The media wants someone else to decide is the is a Christian or not? they can't decide for themselves?
- "The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam."
- "The sweetest sound I have ever heard is the Muslim call to prayer."
- Attacking Christianity by mis-representing history, especially the Crusades
- Helping an internationally recognized terrorist organization (Muslim Brotherhood) take over the govt of our ally, Egypt; armed them, brought members - even ones on No-Fly list - to attend Cabinet mtgs; has several associated members on his Cabinet as Advisors
- Valerie Jarrett, a Muslim, his top advisor
- Armed terrorists in NE-ern Libya, who had for years been hiring jihadists to go to Afghanistan and Iraq to kill American troops, to fight Qadaffi; took the nation to war on his own without Congressional approval to help Al Qaeida - perpetrators of 9/11/01 and 9/11/12 - take over their own country; violated the War Powers Act by not going to Congress to ask for an extension when his time ran out because he knew Congress would not approve it when they found out he was helping Al Qaeida; hired an Al Qaeida-associated militia to protect a US Ambassador...the 1st to be murdered in over 30 years

3. Allowed a US ambassador to be murdered (while 20 US Embassies throughout the M.E. were attacked and he and Hillary went into hiding); hired an Al Qaeida-associated militia to guard him; reduced the number of US Security members on his security detail AFTER 2 previous terrorist attacks and WHILE he KNEW of the threats of attack and on Stevens life called for on 9/11/12...COULD have gotten him out as a precaution but left him there to over-see his gin-running operation to Syrian Rebels (who became ISIS) and later blamed others for Stevens death, primarily on a B$ video! Helped modify the CIA's report 13 times, eliminating all references to 'terrorism' to support his false claim about a video.

4. Has been manipulating Intel since just before the 2012 election to deceive America and protect his lies that 'The war on terror is over' and 'Al Qaeida is on the run'!

5. Allowed the Boston Marathon attack to happen; ignored Putin/Russian warnings, and asked for US citizen help to ID the culprits afterwards when Obama / the Obama administration ALREADY KNEW WHO THEY WERE!

6. Called the Ft. Hood terrorist attack a case of 'workplace violence'; denied military of benefits and medals they deserved...until pressured to do so.

7. Denied a shooting at a recruiting office that cost several US military members their lives was a terrorist attack

8. Released from Gitmo terrorists caught on the battle field trying to kill Americans

9. Paid the ransom for Bo Bergdahl to the terrorists who held him then released the Taliban 5, lying to America that they were part of the deal - which they were not - because the 5 were too 'high profile' to just simply release from Gitmo.....claimed he does not 'leave Americans behind' yet cared so little for Americans that he did not even ASK Iran to release the 4 Americans being held as part of the Iran deal in fear that Iran might walk and his own 'legacy' would not be secured.

10. The Iran deal....A treaty with Iran, called a 'deal' so he could by-pass Congress and the Constitution that requires Congress to ratify all treaties. Doing this allowed Obama to impose this deal without even having a MAJORITY of Congress supporting it. - only 33% of Congress approves of this treaty that will allow Iran to eventually have nuclear weapons (78% of Americans disapprove, according to the last poll). Knowing America / Congress would not approve of the deal, which includes all kids of secret deals 0 many that have not been made known yet - Obama classified the deal as SECRET, told the American people AND members of Congress that they had no right to know what was in it, and then took it straight to the UN for approval before getting any type of approval from Congress! NOW, in an attempt to prevent a revolt against him and the deal, Obama refuses to release the number of Americans maimed and killed by Iran, as the number would shock Americans, especially when they consider how much Obama is trying to work for and help THEM now!

This is only PART of Obama's dossier - his Islamic Extremist Sympathizing / Muslim 'resume'.... If the media wants to know or decide is Obama is a Christian or a Muslim, let THEM do their own homework and make their decision for themselves.
I hope Cruz tells them to go to hell. he doesn't ANSWER to them.

stop letting them take this election off into some Stupid land for their ratings and their lapdog commitment to the DNC.

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