The left's politics: Barely disguised fascist tactics

Am I innocent of what? A, I'm not a tribalist as I am neither right nor left nor do I belong to any political party. B, I thought you were talking about Democrats engaging in their "barely disguised fascism" and avoiding debate. Why did you move the goal post once your hypocrisy was exposed?
Why did you want to make it about me?
"The left is trying to deflect and avoid real debates by tarnishing the right with lawfare since the left now dominates the legal system."

Use of the word "lawfare" has become commonplace by the Right in trying to disparage the legal system's attempt to hold Trump to account for his alleged crimes. It's an example of the Right trying to deflect and avoid debates by tarnishing our judicial system.
The courts are doing a fine job all by themselves…
Go to any thread on this board started by one of the leftists and see how fast it devolves into insults by MAGA. Tribalists all behave the same way. You're simply two sides of the same coin.

You and your weak/two-faced ilk remind me of this scene in Gangs of NY....In particular :17 - :24.

You preach no end from some faux perch of "superiority" but make absolutely no difference at all. Nobody really cares for such people.
Don't believe me? take a look at any topic in this particular message board....within the first page, if not the first couple of postings, the debate is over, and the name calling, or worse begins...These are tactics of fascists....
Awwwwww. Did poor widdle j-mac get humiliated by the mean ol' liberals again? Why, that's fascism!

What a pansy. What a whimpering snowflake.

This is why I keep advocating for free testosterone supplements for conservative "men". If we could inject a little courage into them, we could instantly end the pathology of conservativsm.
People who believe that are believers in Trump's contemptuous whining about being held to account for his various criminal acts. If anything the courts have given him too much deference.
In my experience in life, I see a man in Hunter promoted to a great living for being a total piece of shit. There has to be people protecting who are of the same ways. Watching him make a mockery of the investigations is proof of it with the media/entertainers/security state doing nothing.
Am I innocent of what? A, I'm not a tribalist as I am neither right nor left nor do I belong to any political party. B, I thought you were talking about Democrats engaging in their "barely disguised fascism" and avoiding debate. Why did you move the goal post once your hypocrisy was exposed?
You are a TDS full of Hate Moonbat.

Tell me when we have used the IRS to target leftist groups?

Tell me when you have been ordered by us to put Solar on your roof.

Forced the jab on you.

Use the courts for BS trials that most in Congress are already guilty of.


We have said NO to this BS and arent backing down.

Cant help it if TDS afflicted have no spine to say NO to the Swamp
First post....congrats on proving my point.
I mean, your post whines about name calling while calling liberals fascists in the title.

Did you do much introspection before writing this?
"The left is trying to deflect and avoid real debates by tarnishing the right with lawfare since the left now dominates the legal system."

Use of the word "lawfare" has become commonplace by the Right in trying to disparage the legal system's attempt to hold Trump to account for his alleged crimes. It's an example of the Right trying to deflect and avoid debates by tarnishing our judicial system.
No where near as bad as the Left tarnishing our law enforcement systems with their defund the police and villianization of LEOs!
I've been noticing a trend on political debate message boards over the past 8 years or longer...And It's a shift from actually debating a policy, or issue, to simply what I call, "agree or die"....

The liberal, or 'illiberal' if you will, left has turned things on their head, by either ignoring anything inconvenient to their positions, to outright attack of their political opponents....Which means that the marketplace of ideas has failed....

Don't believe me? take a look at any topic in this particular message board....within the first page, if not the first couple of postings, the debate is over, and the name calling, or worse begins...These are tactics of fascists....That's right, democrats have embraced fascism, even as they dishonestly try and label their political opponents of the very same....

The question of this thread, which I am sure will be devolved into name calling, and lies about one side or another, which will prove my point, is, can we any longer debate the facts? I don't think we can....
I find it funny that a Trump supporter would talk about others attacking political opponents.
I've been noticing a trend on political debate message boards over the past 8 years or longer...And It's a shift from actually debating a policy, or issue, to simply what I call, "agree or die"....

The liberal, or 'illiberal' if you will, left has turned things on their head, by either ignoring anything inconvenient to their positions, to outright attack of their political opponents....Which means that the marketplace of ideas has failed....

Don't believe me? take a look at any topic in this particular message board....within the first page, if not the first couple of postings, the debate is over, and the name calling, or worse begins...These are tactics of fascists....That's right, democrats have embraced fascism, even as they dishonestly try and label their political opponents of the very same....

The question of this thread, which I am sure will be devolved into name calling, and lies about one side or another, which will prove my point, is, can we any longer debate the facts? I don't think we can....
It is HILARIOUS that you start a thread to discuss clean debating and use it to attack people who disagree with you on other threads.
Worthy of the classic

But the truth is you and your fellow, what word would you like to use?
MAGATS is current
TEABAGGERS was about 14 years ago
tell ya what, in honor of your complete disconnect from reality let's call you

Since 2002 you CONSERVATIVES have been wholly disconnected from reality.
you live a completely fact free existence.

The American economy is strong
Birth certificate
Every word from Trump's mouth
HB's dick...

There is no lie you will not tell and no fact to which you will admit.

You can't have a frank, honest, AND POLITE discussion when one side simply makes it up as they go along.

CONSERVATIVES start a thread with a lie, ALWAYS
CONSERVATIVES respond on threads with lies, ALWAYS
CONSERVATIVES use sources like HOTAIR.COM and GATEWAYPUNDIT as "fact sources" when, in fact, the only facts ever appearing on these sites are only there to support the lies.
And when called on their lies, CONSERVATIVES invariably resort to insults and whining to their favorite moderator.

There is almost no attempt from CONSERVATIVES at serious discussion. Almost every thread they start is designed for "HEAT" rather than information exchange. Look at the current "New" list.


5 out of the 6 top threads are nothing more than what I call "MAGAT Butthurt of the Day" threads. They're not there for discussion but strictly for the chance to hurl insults and whine to the MODS.

So, OP, if you don't like what is going on, change what you are doing.

This was a serious attempt at a serious discussion

But you CONSERVATIVES couldn't handle an actual discussion.
Of the first 20 posts, 4 by me, only 1 other post actually tried to address the topic.
The rest were off topic insults and lies.

CONSERVATIVES are the problem.


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"The left is trying to deflect and avoid real debates by tarnishing the right with lawfare since the left now dominates the legal system."

Use of the word "lawfare" has become commonplace by the Right in trying to disparage the legal system's attempt to hold Trump to account for his alleged crimes. It's an example of the Right trying to deflect and avoid debates by tarnishing our judicial system.
These ARE the people who constantly sue when someone says something TRUE about them.
See Devin Nunez for reference,

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