The left's politics: Barely disguised fascist tactics

I've been noticing a trend on political debate message boards over the past 8 years or longer...And It's a shift from actually debating a policy, or issue, to simply what I call, "agree or die"....

The liberal, or 'illiberal' if you will, left has turned things on their head, by either ignoring anything inconvenient to their positions, to outright attack of their political opponents....Which means that the marketplace of ideas has failed....

Don't believe me? take a look at any topic in this particular message board....within the first page, if not the first couple of postings, the debate is over, and the name calling, or worse begins...These are tactics of fascists....That's right, democrats have embraced fascism, even as they dishonestly try and label their political opponents of the very same....

The question of this thread, which I am sure will be devolved into name calling, and lies about one side or another, which will prove my point, is, can we any longer debate the facts? I don't think we can....
^^^ So then, the OP (a magaturd) creates a thread on purpose in order to bait others. Hypocrite much? Rubber Room shit. :rolleyes:
There ya go.
A MAGAT "truth" that's never been real.
How quickly you Leftist forget your insurrection of the Summer of 2020 conducted by your AntiFa and BLM thugs with attacks upon police stations in several cities across this nation and your placards and chants to "de-fund the police".

But then truth and reality are stranger to your anti-USA ideology.
Awwwwww. Did poor widdle j-mac get humiliated by the mean ol' liberals again? Why, that's fascism!

What a pansy. What a whimpering snowflake.

This is why I keep advocating for free testosterone supplements for conservative "men". If we could inject a little courage into them, we could instantly end the pathology of conservativsm.
How quickly you Leftist forget your insurrection of the Summer of 2020 conducted by your AntiFa and BLM thugs with attacks upon police stations in several cities across this nation and your placards and chants to "de-fund the police".

But then truth and reality are stranger to your anti-USA ideology.
Add I don't forget MAGAT idiots who think that means completely dismantle of police functions.
I do remember


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