The left has embraced fascism in its purest form

Leftism is the voice, not of ignorance because ignorance is correctable, but that of stoopid. Stoopidity is not fixable. You qualify.

I've always said that ignorance is simply a lack of knowledge. Easily fixed. You, OTOH, have the opportunity to learn and choose to roll your turds into little balls of shit.

Go away and bother somebody else with your stoopidity.

I can't educate the stupid and there is no cure for that condition outside of God reclaiming the person. Hope you have a very long life and don't get gathered up before you learn to be not so damned stupid. For only God has the ability to cure stupidity.
you just don't like the idea that the majority of the people in this country support the democrat's ways of doing things
Like we saw in 2016?

You are deluding yourself.

The only reason why Old Joe won in 2020 is because Trump lost the confidence of the people who voted him in...

Not because "...a majority of the people in the country support..." :laughing0301:
you just don't like the idea that the majority of the people in this country support the democrat's ways of doing things
What evidence do you have of that?!? 😂
... so you try to brand them ...
If you want to call absolute truth “branding”, ok. Weird. But you do you.
Democrat defined
one who practices social equality ...
  1. an advocate or supporter of democracy:
    "as a democrat, I accepted the outcome of the referendum"
  2. a member of the Democratic Party.
late 18th century (originally denoting an opponent of the aristocrats in the French Revolution of 1790): from French démocrate, on the pattern of aristocrate ‘aristocrat’.
Translate democrat to

Where does it refer to a Democrat as a socialist or a Nasi or socialist ...
It doesn’t. Now tell me where the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) refers to oppression, human rights atrocities, etc.?

Wait. It doesn’t?? Gasp!!! How is such a thing possible? What sorcery permits such a thing?

It’s almost like a person can call themselves anything they want - even if it’s not even remotely true! 🤯
I can't educate the stupid and there is no cure for that condition outside of God reclaiming the person. Hope you have a very long life and don't get gathered up before you learn to be not so damned stupid. For only God has the ability to cure stupidity.
first of all, there is no god ... now that we have that settled, to be informed you need to put down your bible and read what the scientists are telling you ... they are the only ones who can tell you why things are ... not some ghost in the sky that never answers you, never converses with you ... as for liberals if you want to know whats right whats wrong ask a liberal we are usully well inform not som whacko like a republican... they couldn't find their ass even if they had both fing in it ... ...
What evidence do you have of that?!?
well last election 7 million more votes then you republicans is a good source ...
If you want to call absolute truth “branding”, ok. Weird. But you do you.
That's what you Republicans do you take the word fascist the brand it on liberals ... which is the stupidest thing you can say about liberals here's why ... the majority of liberals are supporting Antifa or are members of Antifa ... so I'll remind you... Antifa is a left-wing anti-fascist and anti-racist political movement in the United States ... so when you call us fascist or racist we tend to laugh in your face ... ...
It doesn’t. Now tell me where the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) refers to oppression, human rights atrocities, etc.?

Wait. It doesn’t?? Gasp!!! How is such a thing possible? What sorcery permits such a thing?

It’s almost like a person can call themselves anything they want - even if it’s not even remotely true! 🤯
this makes me laugh you took one thing (DPRK) and branded us with this nonsense as if you said oh look at me I'm a smart feller I guess I told him ... what you did was show us what a bigger fool you are ...the Democratic People's Republic of Korea is a communist nation ... it has nothing to do with our democrat beliefs ... it never has ... but just because a communist uses the term democratic... now were communist ... this is the branding that you guys do ...which does not correlate to our democratic way of life ,,, but you keep tap dancing thats all you
have done here
Like we saw in 2016?

You are deluding yourself.

The only reason why Old Joe won in 2020 is because Trump lost the confidence of the people who voted him in...

Not because "...a majority of the people in the country support..." :laughing0301:
in 2016 the democrats got more votes ... it was unfortunate it was who controlled the electoral vote ... trump got fewer mote then Hillary Clinton got 2.9 million more votes then trump ... in 2020 Biden got 7 million more votes than trump did ... the reason trump lost is he's a crook and con man ...
Like we saw in 2016?

You are deluding yourself.

The only reason why Old Joe won in 2020 is because Trump lost the confidence of the people who voted him in...

Not because "...a majority of the people in the country support..." :laughing0301:
Trump was a crap President...

He tanked the economy, had over a million die to virus he mishandled and lost trust of US Allies abroad...

He wasn't respected by his own staff or foreign leaders...

Just basic facts, US was a worse place when he gave the country back than when he recieved it...

All we got fro Trump was that it was his responsibility and everyone was out to get him...
well last election 7 million more votes then you republicans is a good source ...

That's what you Republicans do you take the word fascist the brand it on liberals ... which is the stupidest thing you can say about liberals here's why ... the majority of liberals are supporting Antifa or are members of Antifa ... so I'll remind you... Antifa is a left-wing anti-fascist and anti-racist political movement in the United States ... so when you call us fascist or racist we tend to laugh in your face ... ...
Democratic and Liberals support the ideals of ANTIFA but not there methods..

Actually I would ask the OP (@P@atriot), does he support the ideals of ANTIFA?
in 2016 the democrats got more votes ... it was unfortunate it was who controlled the electoral vote ... trump got fewer mote then Hillary Clinton got 2.9 million more votes then trump ... in 2020 Biden got 7 million more votes than trump did ... the reason trump lost is he's a crook and con man ...
Like I said, he lost the confidence of the people who voted him in... Independents and Reagan Democrats...
Trump was a crap President...

He tanked the economy, had over a million die to virus he mishandled and lost trust of US Allies abroad...

He wasn't respected by his own staff or foreign leaders...

Just basic facts, US was a worse place when he gave the country back than when he recieved it...

All we got fro Trump was that it was his responsibility and everyone was out to get him...
Yep... explaining why he lost the confidence of the people who voted him in... Independents and Reagan Democrats...
Like we saw in 2016?

You are deluding yourself.

The only reason why Old Joe won in 2020 is because Trump lost the confidence of the people who voted him in...

Not because "...a majority of the people in the country support..." :laughing0301:
I agree. The majority of this county doesn’t support the demafacist agenda.

And you are right people fell for the propaganda and fearmongering from Covid. Sadly they got tricked and got more death from the demafasict
Yep... explaining why he lost the confidence of the people who voted him in... Independents and Reagan Democrats...
Honestly I think Trump won in 2016 because Clinton voters just didn't turn up. They thought they had it won especially in the battleground states...
Like I said, he lost the confidence of the people who voted him in... Independents and Reagan Democrats...
he wasn't voted in by any Reagan Democrats... he didn't win the popular vote ...he lost that by 2 million plus ... if the republicans hadn't played their games over emails which turned out to be nothing she would have won ... regan democrats ... now thats funny ...
Democratic and Liberals support the ideals of ANTIFA but not there methods..

Actually I would ask the OP (@P@atriot), does he support the ideals of ANTIFA?
I see nothing wrong with antifa I'd support them ... they haven't done anything illega; ... just saying
first of all, there is no god ... now that we have that settled, to be informed you need to put down your bible and read what the scientists are telling you ...

I'll pray for your eternal soul anyway.

they are the only ones who can tell you why things are ... not some ghost in the sky that never answers you, never converses with you ... as for liberals if you want to know whats right whats wrong ask a liberal we are usully well inform not som whacko like a republican... they couldn't find their ass even if they had both fing in it ... ...

Funny, showing your stupidity that much so soon. I forgive you because God wants me to.
I'll pray for your eternal soul anyway.
Why??? there's no such thing a a soul … so I don’t need some fool who think there is some higher being .. there isn’t … nobody ever has had their prayers answered … if you want to pray don’t do it on my account … don’t need it …
Funny, showing your stupidity that much so soon. I forgive you because God wants me to.
And you talked to this so call god ??? And you heard him??? Or is that those voices in your head you keep hearing ??? Seek mental help
Why??? there's no such thing a a soul … so I don’t need some fool who think there is some higher being .. there isn’t … nobody ever has had their prayers answered … if you want to pray don’t do it on my account … don’t need it …

And you talked to this so call god ??? And you heard him??? Or is that those voices in your head you keep hearing ??? Seek mental help

Yah though I walk through the valley of death, I will fear no evil Because I am the MF in the valley.
Yah though I walk through the valley of death, I will fear no evil Because I am the MF in the valley.
Look out here comes a nuke in your valley … hope that guy in the sky can save you … pray your ass off … cause you keep getting your ass kicked here …

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