Debate Now The Joe Biden USMB Approval Rating Thread

How about "don't think".

But you know how I feel about the other sales pitch. I hope you get a sense of how frustrating it is not to have something defined that you can clearly measure.

This is all about "generational investment" which is a nice way of saying, it'll be good for the kids. Except it won't. All they will have in NO HOUSING (I'll bet the government soon gets into that market too) with high interest rates, expensive groceries, expensive electric cars, expensive health care.....and Biden to thank for it.
My purpose with this thread was just to find out if ANY Biden voters honestly had a good reason to vote for Biden or if they were just voting party lines or as ordered to do. All of them probably can cut and paste some propaganda and call it their reasons, but so far nobody, and I do mean NOBODY, has provided any real evidence or any argument of any kind for why they will vote for Biden. None of them seem to be able to put any positive reason into their own words.

I would guess there isn't an opposition voter out there who can't give at least a dozen verifiable or arguable reasons why they won't vote for Biden though.
He's done an excellent job under very difficult circumstances, wracking up considerably more wins than I would have thought possible four years ago.

Some high points, in no particular order:
  • Actually did build back better, achieving G7-leading real GDP growth, restoring real wage growth, sparking a productivity boom, and stewarding the longest stretch of sub-4% unemployment in half a century while overseeing the first real decreases in inequality in recent memory
  • Immediately stabilized a teetering economy, pushing through aid to families that achieved unprecedented reductions in poverty (particularly child poverty), housing instability, and uninsurance
  • Guided the country out of the pandemic (e.g., massively successful vaccine rollout and use of the DPA to produce key supplies, while pushing through the American Rescue Plan to keep the economy afloat)
  • Untangled the post-COVID supply chain crisis, mitigating the post-pandemic price spikes
  • Beefed up the Affordable Care Act, lowering health care costs for millions of Americans and pushing uninsurance to an all-time low
  • Finally got Medicare the authority to negotiate prescription drug prices, poising seniors and taxpayers to save billions
  • Is making huge and long-awaited investments in American infrastructure, including roads and bridges, rail, the power grid, and broadband
  • Is making huge investments in American science and manufacturing capacity, leading to (among other things) the current American factory-building boom
  • Finally ended 20 years of futility in Afghanistan and de-escalated the drone war
  • Made the largest investment in combating climate change in American history, sparking (among other things) an electric vehicle price war
  • Made competition policy a centerpiece of his agenda, chilling the ongoing consolidation of our markets
  • Reasserted American's role as the leader of the free world and arsenal of democracy, realigning the U.S. against authoritarianism
  • Finally reformed the Postal Service, providing a pathway to fix its fiscal crisis
  • Has repeatedly backed the current resurgence of labor
  • Negotiated a global minimum corporate tax to preserve American competitiveness
  • Stood up to China, restricting their access to advanced chips, limiting U.S. investment in China, and gearing up to cut off their access to American cloud-computing services
  • Revamped the income-driven student loan repayment plans to make them more affordable for borrowers (I'll throw into this item Biden actually honoring the government's commitments under the Public Service Loan Forgiveness program instead of screwing then over red tape nonsense)
  • Got the first bipartisan gun control legislation in three decades (one in a string of unexpected bipartisan successes Biden achieved)
  • Got better health care for vets exposed to toxic substances (over inexplicable GOP opposition)
  • Has taken the first steps toward decriminalizing marijuana, starting with blanket pardons
  • Implemented a whole slew of consumer protections for families on everything from the obligations airlines have around the way they treat their customers to surprise medical billing to disclosure of junk fees

Oh hey, you forgot how he closed the borders.

Mayorkas said only 600,000 entered illegally in 2023. That rounds to zero.
I'm voting against white supremacy. Thar's why I will vote for Biden.
It will help stop it.
no it wont.....not with an old white fucker who has been a politician longer than many have been alive....the guy is not a good leader....its been 4 years and its still out there as strong as ever...biden is not that respected or well liked...its going to take someone new who people like and can at least listen to what they say to get this under control....and it sure as hell it aint biden or harris....
My purpose with this thread was just to find out if ANY Biden voters honestly had a good reason to vote for Biden or if they were just voting party lines or as ordered to do. All of them probably can cut and paste some propaganda and call it their reasons, but so far nobody, and I do mean NOBODY, has provided any real evidence or any argument of any kind for why they will vote for Biden. None of them seem to be able to put any positive reason into their own words.

Your problem seems to be that you don't understand what a "good reason" is.

I, for example, think funding cutting-edge biomedical research is a good thing. I think building roads and bridges is good. I think bringing factories and manufacturing back to our shores is good and that advanced tech should be developed here and not in China. I thing getting more people access to health care is a good thing, as is making prescription drugs more affordable. I think pro-competition policy, including strict anti-trust enforcement, is one of the most important things to focus on in this consolidated, top-heavy economy. And I think public policy should be facilitating all of those things. Under Biden, it finally is.

You oppose those things, fine, if your guy wins we'll go back to not doing them and return to stagnation and decay. But given all the fake lip service given to infrastructure investments and Medicare prescription drug negotiation under the prior administration (which failed to achieve them), surely you can understand why actually succeeding in doing those things could be appealing to a voter.
I'm voting against white supremacy. Thar's why I will vote for Biden.
Good choice......

Way back in 1977, he said that forced busing to desegregate schools would cause his children to “grow up in a racial jungle.”

Of course, he infamously worked with segregationist senators to oppose that mandatory busing, which decades later led to the strongest moment in Kamala Harris’s campaign for president, when she blasted him as having personally impacted her as a young girl.

Biden you ain't black.jpg

Your problem seems to be that you don't understand what a "good reason" is.

I, for example, think funding cutting-edge biomedical research is a good thing. I think building roads and bridges is good. I think bringing factories and manufacturing back to our shores is good and that advanced tech should be developed here and not in China. I thing getting more people access to health care is a good thing, as is making prescription drugs more affordable. I think pro-competition policy, including strict anti-trust enforcement, is one of the most important things to focus on in this consolidated, top-heavy economy. And I think public policy should be facilitating all of those things. Under Biden, it finally is.

You oppose those things, fine, if your guy wins we'll go back to not doing them and return to stagnation and decay. But given all the fake lip service given to infrastructure investments and Medicare prescription drug negotiation under the prior administration (which failed to achieve them), surely you can understand why actually succeeding in doing those things could be appealing to a voter.
Good things do not necessarily happen just because government does them and in my opinion the Constitution intended that the federal government not do anything that could not be done more effectively, efficiently, economically by the states and private sector. And so far government has for the most part created more problems and wasted more money than it has done good when it tries to do what the people themselves should do. The Constitution intended for the people to choose what they want within the very few limits of the Constitution and not have what the government considered 'good' forced on them by a central government.

But are you saying that Joe Biden is the person who has and will do everything that you consider good and and that's why you are voting for him? That you want the government to have total power to give us whatever it thinks we should have? And you trust Biden to have the intelligence, moral center, wisdom, and education to give us only what is good?
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I consider Biden “average”…in many aspects, his positions align with mine, in some they don’t so much. I don’t think he has been horrifically bad so there is no strong reason for me to not vote for him as incumbent. As a result, my vote would really be determined by who ran against him and whether they offered something both better and in keeping with my values.
I, for example, think funding cutting-edge biomedical research is a good thing. I think building roads and bridges is good. I think bringing factories and manufacturing back to our shores is good and that advanced tech should be developed here and not in China. I thing getting more people access to health care is a good thing, as is making prescription drugs more affordable. I think pro-competition policy, including strict anti-trust enforcement, is one of the most important things to focus on in this consolidated, top-heavy economy. And I think public policy should be facilitating all of those things. Under Biden, it finally is.

Yep, everyone is focused on that.

We can't let the economy dictate (that would not get us votes) so we screw things up in a really weird way.

Like trying to attract needless factories at a time when inflation is already running away and adding to a massive deficit (that you don't seem to care about......let me explain something....THAT'S A REALLY BAD IDEA).

Getting more access to health for people how....By running in standards that only add costs and more to the deficit.

People normally supporting Biden now are going other directions.
I consider Biden “average”…in many aspects, his positions align with mine, in some they don’t so much. I don’t think he has been horrifically bad so there is no strong reason for me to not vote for him as incumbent. As a result, my vote would really be determined by who ran against him and whether they offered something both better and in keeping with my values.
Just don't look toward the border, or the grocery store or fuel prices or the fact that Biden is accelerating the national debt to exceed the GDP.

When does you 'Danger Will Robinson' flag go off?
But are you saying that Joe Biden is the person who has and will do everything that you consider good and and that's why you are voting for him? That you want the government to have total power to give us whatever it thinks we should have? And you trust Biden to have the intelligence, moral center, wisdom, and education to give us only what is good?

Bizarre questions, but revealing about the mindset of the cult.

Despite your careful effort to not read anything I'm saying, the reason he's got my vote is very simple and should be apparent: he's done a good job, with a string of important legislative and regulatory wins the likes of which have been seen only a few times in history. He's investing in America--be it manufacturing, infrastructure, technology, workers, or families--to a degree we haven't seen in many decades. You can pick any number of critical issues (health policy and competition policy are some of my favorites) where's been excellent. I certainly didn't expect the oldest president ever to be the only one who seems to actually care about the future, but here we are.

Ultimately it seems to be a question of values. Watching rightwingers in this thread poo-pooing the idea of building factories in the U.S. instead of China, or building American roads and bridges, or investing in developing cutting-edge science and cures here instead of abroad, or making medications affordable for Americans, it's clear we simply don't value the same things. Which is obviously why you're having so much difficulty comprehending how facilitating such things could possibly make a candidate appealing.
Bizarre questions, but revealing about the mindset of the cult.

Despite your careful effort to not read anything I'm saying, the reason he's got my vote is very simple and should be apparent: he's done a good job, with a string of important legislative and regulatory wins the likes of which have been seen only a few times in history. He's investing in America--be it manufacturing, infrastructure, technology, workers, or families--to a degree we haven't seen in many decades. You can pick any number of critical issues (health policy and competition policy are some of my favorites) where's been excellent. I certainly didn't expect the oldest president ever to be the only one who seems to actually care about the future, but here we are.

Ultimately it seems to be a question of values. Watching rightwingers in this thread poo-pooing the idea of building factories in the U.S. instead of China, or building American roads and bridges, or investing in developing cutting-edge science and cures here instead of abroad, or making medications affordable for Americans, it's clear we simply don't value the same things. Which is obviously why you're having so much difficulty comprehending how facilitating such things could possibly make a candidate appealing.
Okay. You believe what you believe however unbelievable it is to most of us.
I know the mods really dislike this forum and for reasonable reasons, but it's still here and I'm going to request that they indulge me in a structured conversation that has only two simple rules:

RULE No. 1: The topic is limited to why you will vote for Joe Biden in 2024.

RULE No. 2: Donald Trump cannot be named or referenced in this thread. Focus only why Biden is supported.
But what if the primary answer to rule 1 is in violation of rule 2?

Hypothetically speaking, if I had a choice of voting for a mediocre guy or a knife-wielding lunatic, I'd vote for the mediocre guy. My primary reason for supporting the mediocre guy is simply because he's not a knife-wielding lunatic. That wouldn't be in compliance with your "rules", but that's still the truth.

If your point is to argue that Biden isn't that great, I agree. He's mediocre. And I would gladly take mediocre given my options.
But what if the primary answer to rule 1 is in violation of rule 2?

Hypothetically speaking, if I had a choice of voting for a mediocre guy or a knife-wielding lunatic, I'd vote for the mediocre guy. My primary reason for supporting the mediocre guy is simply because he's not a knife-wielding lunatic. That wouldn't be in compliance with your "rules", but that's still the truth.

If your point is to argue that Biden isn't that great, I agree. He's mediocre. And I would gladly take mediocre given my options.
If you think Biden's only flaw is that he is 'mediocre', could I show you the nice assortment of pretty bridges I have for sale?

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