The Full List of Anti-Trump Attacks and Harassment This Year is Stunning

She wasnt hit by the car seriously. She had a small wound to her leg if I remember correctly.
If ya wanna argue you can look at my links.
She died because of this kook's actions. Blunt force injury to the chest:
Anti-racism activist Heather Heyer's cause of death has been revealed in a medical report

Don't try to get out of the fact that this ghoul deliberately drove his car into the crowd. Anyway, why would you defend such an action? He tried to murder and he murdered.

Did you read the article, or the one they reference kido? "The manner of Heyer’s death is still pending, a representative with the office said Monday."

The other option is that the doctors/examiners lied to the girls mother about how she had died [of a heart attack]... I'd think that'd be malpractice or some such, medical fraud maybe? Where's one of our USMB lawyers?

Stop speculating. She died of being her chest crusted. Why do you support a murderer? Do tell. Her mother has a right to depend upon the findings of the coroners.s>s. Again: why are you trying to white-wash this on behalf of a person who deliberately revered up a car and drove it into a crowd? Just what is your program? You know that he INTENDED to commit harm and perhaps murder. The worst problem is why are you trying to defend him? Just what is YOUR deal?

Honey, you're the one speculating according to the link you posted okay. The fact that /you/ didn't read your own linked "evidence" has nothing to do with me nor my beliefs. Again, your own source says "The manner of Heyer’s death is still pending, a representative with the office said Monday."

Lashing out like a snotty two year old here just results in me... "parenting" at you because you're throwing a tantrum. Try adulting hmm?
Provide sources for your "beliefs." I do think that the experts (coroners, etc.) have disclosed the cause of death. Her "cause of death" was resolved months ago. Now you explain why purposely reving up the engine of an automobile and purposely ramming it into a crowd of people is not murder/attempted murder. Why do you defend a deliberate murderer?

What would you say if the person who drove this car and was a Muslim? Anything different?

The "evidence" I'm citing would be the video of her mother saying she had a heart attack in this thread, are you daft? My "belief" on the matter was never given, never shared, NOR does it have any bearing on my response to /your/ link and /your/ false claim as to what it said: Anti-racism activist Heather Heyer's cause of death has been revealed in a medical report "with a ruling on the manner of death still pending." and the Daily beast said "The manner of Heyer’s death is still pending, a representative with the office said Monday."

However, since you're asking about /my/ belief - or maybe I should say you're speculating on it as that seems to be your MO here; as far as I'm concerned it doesn't especially matter if the woman died due to an over weight heart attack, a trampling, or getting hit - it was all the result of the vehicle accident.

That said, I'm not ready to declare myself a god who can read minds and speculate that he intended to kill protesters like you are. If he was intending to kill protesters then he's got shitty aim as he ran into the back of two stopped vehicles in the middle of the road at an intersection. If his intent was to kill protesters he should have driven down the fucking sidewalk and mowed them down /before/ approaching the stopped traffic, specifically along the left side where there wasn't a vehicle nor pole in the way.

I'm not going to speculate on why he did it/why it happened because the evidence isn't as clear cut as you apparently want it to be so you can play partisan politics over this girls dead body. Now, if you want to call me a NAZI/sympathizer for that, then feel free child.

August 18, 2018: Trump supporter assaulted by aging punk rocker.
August 14, 2018: CNN’s Chris Cuomo justifies and encourages violence against Trump supporters.
August 12, 2018: TX Restaurant forced to close social media accounts over photo of Jeff Sessions
August 9, 2018: FBI announce arrest for contract killing threat of ICE agent via Twitter
August 9, 2018: Antifa blocks Infowars reporter’s access to park
August 8, 2018: Democrat protester harass GOP rep. “Shame on your Mexican wife!”
August 6, 2018: Infowars reported harassed by Antifa in Portland
August 6, 2018: FL: Vandals throw dead fish on Lee Co. Republican headquarters
August 4, 2018: Trump supporter’s car has all 4 tires slashed in Philly.
August 4, 2018: Left-wing terrorists Antifa follow and harass Candace Owens
August 2, 2018: Man arrested for threatening Rep. SteveScalise
August 1, 2018: Woman charged with trying to hit man with her car over Trump sticker
July 26, 2018: KY: Fayette County GOP headquarters vandalized
July 26, 2018: Trump supporter punched in Hollywood
July 25, 2018: Trump’s Hollywood Walk of Fame star destroyed 
July 25, 2018: Man arrested, indicted on charges after allegedly threatening Congresswoman Diane Black
July 24, 2018: Sen Cory Booker (D-NJ) Says Brett Kavanaugh supporters are “complicit in evil”
July 23, 2018: Denver Post Runs Letter to Editor Suggesting Trump Should Be Executed
July 23, 2018: Elizabeth Warren Supporter Shoves Challenger
July 20, 2018: Green-Haired “Gender Fluid” Guy Spits All Over Teen’s MAGA Hat
July 20, 2018: ‘Hang Trump’ Shirt Peddled on Facebook
July 19, 2018: ‘New Yorker’ Kills Trump
July 19, 2018: CA Anti-Trump Protesters Target Legal Immigrant’s Cafe Over Trump Support, Hurl Feces
July 17, 2018: Uber Driver Refuses to Serve Black Conservatives Over MAGA Hat
July 17, 2018: Gory Trump Throat-Cutting Art Decorates Portland Gallery
July 16, 2018: House Democrat Calls For ‘Military Folks’ To ‘Stop Trump’
July 16, 2018: Mob chases pro-Trump group out of Los Angeles bar
July 15, 2018: Anti-Trump Paraglider Who Buzzed Trump Visit Arrested in Britain
July 15, 2018: Former Clinton WH Staffer: It’s ‘Tempting’ to Beat up Rand Paul
July 13, 2018: Anti-Israel protesters harass Jared and Ivanka with loud speakers outside their home
July 13, 2018: 76-year-old man assaulted by anti-Trump thugs in San Diego.
July 11, 2018: ABC’s Terry Moran shames Fox News’s Shannon Bream for feeling threatened at SCOTUS protest
July 10, 2018: Protesters arrested, accused of assaulting officer at Portland ICE office
July 10, 2018: Man threatens to ‘curb stomp’ Trump supporter at Disneyland
July 10, 2018: Fox News Reporter Harassed, Threatened And Forced To Leave Supreme Court By Leftist Mob
July 9, 2018: Far-left blog Talking Points Memo mocks Stephen Miller over report of confrontation with bartender.
July 9, 2018: Trump senior aide Stephen Miller harassed on street by angry bartender.
July 9, 2018: Motorists scream curse words at Sean Spicer in his yard.
July 9, 2018: Trump senior aide Kellyanne Conway harassed in grocery store
July 9, 2018: Anti-Trump activists vandalize New York DHS office
July 8, 2018: LISTEN: Idaho GOP Rep. Receives Threatening Voicemails, Emails Because of This Facebook Post
July 8, 2018: Longtime Hillary Clinton aide publishes contact information about bookstore owner who stopped the harassment of Steve Bannon, Reines’s obvious goal is to see the bookstore owner harassed.
July 8, 2018: Far-left Daily Beast writer defends public harassment of Steve Bannon
July 7, 2018: Sen. Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) menaced outside restaurant. We know where you live!
July 7, 2018: Steve Bannon harassed at bookstore; police called
July 7, 2018: Left-wing AntiFa terrorists attack peaceful Tommy Robinson supporters in San Francisco
July 7, 2018: New York Times editorial calls for Dems to “take a page from The Godfather” to “go to the mattresses” to stop Trump’s Supreme Court nominee.
July 6, 2018: BLM activist calls for assassination of Supreme Court Justice
July 6, 2018: Brick Thrown Through Front Door Of Wheeling, IL, Township Republican Headquarters
July 6, 2018: CNN analyst justifies violence against Trump supporters
July 6, 2018: Long Island Man Threatened to Kill Supporters of Republican Congressman, Trump: Police
July 6, 2018: Florida man attacked over Trump flag in yard.
July 6, 2018: Woman threatens to stab Alan Dershowitz in heart.
July 5, 2018: Founder of #WalkAway campaign refused service at camera store.
July 5, 2018: Trump supporter wearing Make America Great Again hat allegedly assaulted in burger joint (video at link).
July 4, 2018: Paul Begala Reportedly Sending Serial-Harasser Mike Stark To Harass Barbara Comstock July 4th
July 3, 2018: Left-wing Catholic calls for sending Trump supporters to the guillotine
July 3, 2018: Nebraska GOP office vandalized.
July 3, 2018: EPA head Scott Pruitt harassed at restaurant.
July 2, 2018: MAGA hat wearer harassed at seafood restaurant
July 2, 2018: Mother of cancer survivor harassed online for thanking Eric Trump for $16 million in St. Jude support
July 2, 2018: Cher accuses ICE of “Gestapo tactics.”
July 2, 2018: Man accused of threatening to kill Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) and his family.
July 1, 2018: Washington Post reporter publicly calls on mobs to give Trump officials a “life sentence” of harassment.
July 1, 2018: Man wearing MAGA hat refused service in restaurant.
July 1, 2018: AntiFa terrorists attack Patriot Prayer rally in Portland.
June 30, 2018: Attorney Attacks Elderly Vet at “Keeping Families Together” March
June 29, 2018: Media falsely blame Trump for murder of five journalists in Maryland.
June 29, 2018: Hollywood actor calls on Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) to be harassed at “every meal.”
June 29, 2018: California man accused of threatening to kill FCC Chairman Ajit Pai’s children.
June 28, 2018: Reuters editor says Trump has blood on his hands for murder of five journalists in Maryland. He still has a job.
June 28, 2018: Singer John Legend praises and agrees with Rep. Maxine Waters for calling on mobs to publicly harass Trump officials out of public spaces like restaurants.
June 28, 2018: Journalist lies about Maryland mass-shooter being a Trump supporter.
June 28, 2018: Co-Chair of Women for Trump Receives Death Threats After CNN Appearance
June 28, 2018: Rep. Luis Gutierrez (D-IL) calls on “angry” Latinos to oust Trump.
June 27, 2018: Media defend and champion Virginia restaurant owner who kicked White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders and her family out, and then reportedly harassed them as they ate at a nearby restaurant.
June 26, 2018: Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao harassed at home by protesters.
June 26, 2018: Sen. Maggie Hassan (D-NH) blames President Trump for her intern yelling “Fuck you!” at him through the halls of the U.S. Capitol. The intern was not fired.
June 26, 2018: Comedienne Kathy Griffin attacks the Trump administration as “pro-Nazi.” Obviously, once you describe someone as a Nazi, you are calling for violence against them.
June 26, 2018: Chicago bar refuses to serve Trump supporters.
June 26, 2018: Singer John Legend calls on Trump officials to be harassed until our immigration policies are weakened.
June 26, 2018: Late night comedians celebrate the harassment of Sarah Sanders and her family.
June 25, 2018: Burned animal carcass left on Trump staffer’s porch.
June 25, 2018: After refusing to serve Sarah Sanders and the family, we learn a restaurant owner then organized a mob to harass Sanders’ family at a nearby restaurant.
June 25, 2018: Sen. Cory Booker (D-NJ) calls on mobs to confront Trump officials over immigration policies.
June 25, 2018: CNN contributor attacks those on the right calling for civility.
June 25, 2018: CNN’s Jake Tapper dismisses harassment of Sarah Sanders as a political ploy on Sander’s part.
June 24, 2018: Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) publicly calls on mobs to “turn on” Trump officials, to “harass” them, ensure they “they won’t be able to go to a restaurant, they won’t be able to stop at a gas station, they’re not going to be able to shop at a department store.”
June 23, 2018: Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi harassed, menaced, and reportedly spit at by left-wing protesters at movie theater.
June 22, 2018: Sarah Sanders and her family booted out of restaurant by left-wing owner.
June 22, 2018: Member of Canadian media, Patrick Dussault, threatens Don Jr.s 4-year-old daughter
June 22, 2018: Kirstjen Nielsen harassed by protesters outside her private home.
June 22, 2018: Rep. Jackie Sperier (D-CA), compares border enforcement to Auschwitz.
June 22, 2018: Left-wing activists vandalize billboard.
June 22, 2018: On Morning Joe, Donny Deutsch smears Trump and his supporters as “Nazis.”
June 21, 2018: Democrat state legislator in Pennsylvania greets Vice President Mike Pence with a “middle finger salute.”
June 21, 2018: White House Senior Adviser Stephen Miller heckled and harassed at restaurant.
June 21, 2018: Actor Adam Scott compares Tucker Carlson to a Nazi.
June 20, 2018: Left-wing AntiFa terrorists publish list of ICE agents for harassment purposes.
Jun 20, 2018: Florida man accused of threatening to kill Rep. Brian Mast (R-FL), a U.S. combat veteran, and his children in a series of nearly 500 calls to his office.
June 20, 2018: Actor Peter Fonda calls for a mob to kidnap President Trump’s 11-year-old son and throw him in a cage with pedophiles.
June 20, 2018: Actor Peter Fonda calls for a mob to sexually humiliate and abuse Sarah Sanders and Department of Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen.
June 20, 2018: Nancy Sinatra praises Peter Fonda for his tweets.
June 20, 2018: Manhunt Underway For Central Pa. Man Accused Of Threatening To Kill President Trump, Other Officials
June 20, 2018: Documentary filmmaker Josh Fox praises Peter Fonda for his tweets.
June 20, 2018: Arnold Schwarzenegger calls for politicians in favor of border security to be put in cages.
June 19, 2018: Kirstjen Nielsen harassed out of restaurant.
June 19, 2018: Democrat interns screams “Fuck you!” at Trump through the halls of the U.S. Capitol. She was not fired.
June 19, 2018: New Yorker fact checker publicly (and falsely) accuses a disabled war veteran who works for ICE of being a Nazi.
June 16, 2018: Jewish Trump Supporter Attacked Outside Kathy Griffin Show In San Francisco
June 15, 2018: Man has MAGA flag stolen at rally.
June 15, 2018: CNN analyst heckles and screams at Sarah Sanders.
June 14, 2018: Nancy Pelosi wonders why there ‘aren’t uprisings’ across nation: ‘Maybe there will be’
May 30, 2018: Anti-Trump Band NOFX Tells Vegas Audience ‘At Least It Was Country Fans’ Killed in Oct. Shooting
May 24, 2018: Anti-Trump forces threaten lawmakers’ lives in name of #Resistance
May 23, 2018: Tomi Lahren has water thrown at her at Minnesota restaurant
May 22, 2018: Trump supporter suspended from school over border wall t-shirt.
May 21, 2018: 14 threats reported against EPA chief Scott Pruitt.
May 18, 2018: Gunman shot at Trump golf club
May 16, 2018: CNN’s Chris Cillizza puts Trump in crosshairs.
May 14, 2018: Black man in MAGA hat harassed, threatened, called “******” at Cheesecake Factory.
May 12, 2018: MSNBC’s Nicolle Wallace asks “How do you resist the temptation to run up and wring [Sarah Sanders’] neck?”
May 4, 2018: Chula Vista school mural depicts severed, speared Trump head
May 2, 2018: San Antonio elected official threatens to poison Republicans’ food
April 23, 2018: Trump supporter shouted out of bar in New York.
April 13, 2018: Tourist in NY mugged at knifepoint while wearing MAGA hat — attackers wouldn’t give hat back
April 8, 2018: David Crosby celebrates fatal Trump Tower fire: ‘oh boy 
 burn baby burn’
April 7, 2018: Mental Health Expert who hates POTUS cheers Fire at Trump Tower-Jeffrey Guterman
April 6, 2018: During Ellen appearance, Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) “jokes” about killing Trump, Pence, Sessions on elevator.
April 5, 2018: Orange Park, FL Trump supporter spends two hours in surgery after attack
April 4, 2018: Councilwoman accused of yelling obscenities at teen wearing Trump shirt
April 3, 2018: Woman brutally attacked in restaurant over support for Trump.
April 1, 2018: Trump golf course sign vandalized.
May 22, 2018: CNN guest on Trump: “If you’re going to shoot him, you have to shoot to kill.”
March 21, 2018: Former VP Joe Biden says he beat the hell’ out of Trump if in high school
March 19, 2018: Democratic Congressman Hints at Armed Rebellion Against Trump
March 19, 2018: Trump supporters attacked for protesting anti-police coffee shop.
March 17, 2018: Trump Staffer Heather Swift assaulted by ShareBlue/American Bridge operative Wilfred “Mike” Stark.
March 16, 2018: Capitol police arrest male democrat operative over assault of Trump official
March 15, 2018: Student with ‘Trump’ flag assaulted by mob during National School Walkout
March 8, 2018: Female Trump supporter assaulted while staging Oscars boycott in LA
March 4, 2018: WATCH: MSNBC Joy Reid Panel Hopes Conservatives ‘Die Off’
February 27, 2018: Trump supporter threatened with knife.
February 23, 2018: Spanish teachers have students hit Trump piñata in Laguna Hills
February 22, 2018: Guardian, HuffPost Contributor Karen Geier: ‘Hopefully’ Kim Jong Un ‘Can Drop a Bomb on CPAC’
February 21, 2018: CNN audience shouts “murderer” at Dana Loesch
February 21, 2018: CNN publicly smears elderly Trump supporter as Russian plant, death threats follow
February 8, 2018: Northeastern University wishes death on Trump during lecture
February 8, 2018: Journalist calls for profs to drown conservative students
February 7, 2018: Trump supporters’ home vandalized in Oceanside CA
February 7, 2018: Democrat attested for sending white powder to Donald Trump Jr.
February 2, 2018: CNN Writer Thanks God for Fatal GOP Train Wreck
January 31, 2018: Party thrown to hurl stuff at television image of Trump.
January 29, 2018: Saginaw, MI businessman’s Trump sign vandalized.
January 24, 2018: Portland, OR, Trump supporter punched in head at protest
January 22, 2018: AntiFa calls for “riot porn” against Trump supporter Tom, Brady
January 21, 2018: NY: Protester charged in Trump supporter attack tried to put cop in headlock

SINCE 2015

Rap Sheet: ***555** Acts of Media-Approved Violence and Harassment Against Trump Supporters | Breitbart

Violent anti-Trump rhetoric, harassment of White House officials and attacks on the president’s supporters have seemingly become the new norm since Trump took office.

In the latest incident on Sunday, Democratic Rep. Alcee Hastings joked that it would be a “catastrophe” if anyone saved President Trump from drowning. (RELATED: Dem Rep. Alcee Hastings Jokes About Trump Drowning In The Potomac River)

The Daily Caller compiled a list of nearly two-dozen incidents alone since January in which Democratic officials made violent jokes about the president and his supporters, Trump officials were harassed in public and other disturbing incidents that lowered the state of discourse.

Here’s the full list:


1/02: Police discover FB live of people beating disabled man while shouting “Fuck Trump!”

1/12: CNN guest Rick Wilson threatens to “gut” a Trump supporter “like a fish”


3/15: Capitol police arrest Democratic operative for assaulting female Interior Department communications official


4/28: Comedienne Michelle Wolf jokes about Kellyanne Conway getting “stuck under a tree”


5/03: CNN’s April Ryan jokes about getting into a “street fight” with Sarah Sanders

5/08: Woman charged with felony reckless endangerment for trying to run Rep. David Kustoff (R-Tenn.) and an aide off the road

5/11: MSNBC’s Nicolle Wallace suggests “wringing” Sarah Sanders’ neck


6/18: Stephen Miller called a “fascist” while eating at Mexican restaurant

6/20: Kirstjen Nielsen driven out of Mexican restaurant

6/22: Red Hen restaurant owner refuses to serve Sarah Sanders

6/23: Rep. Maxine Waters calls on supporters to harass Trump officials in public, says “God is on [their] side”

6/23: Florida AG Pam Bondi confronted, spit on at movie theater

6/25: DHS warns employees of sharp increase in threats after official finds decapitated animal on front porch

6/29: Feds arrest man threatening to kill Ajit Pai’s children


7/6: Man arrested for making “terroristic threats” against Rep. Zeldin staffer, Trump supporters

7/16: Rep. Cohen tells “military folks” to stop Trump

7/25: Sen. Cory Booker tells people to “get up in the face of some congresspeople”


8/1: CNN’s Symone Sanders says Trump officials getting harassed is the “name of the game”

8/2: Democrat drives to man’s home and shoots him over political disagreement on Facebook

8/9: Newly uncovered audio reveals Dem Rep. Steve Cohen joking about GOP Rep. Marsha Blackburn jumping off a bridge

8/12: Antifa protesters say they would like to “murder” Trump — “do him like Gaddafi”

8/13: Pearl Jam depicts dead Trump on concert poster for fundraiser for Dem Senate candidate Jon Tester

8/19: Rep. Hastings (D-Fla.): It would be a “catastrophe” if someone saved Trump from drowning

The Daily Caller ^ | 8/20/2018
If trump stayed out of politics and did not try to usurp our new government with false accusations and tacit attempts at disruption, maybe his horrific presidency would take a back seat. However, he has not removed himself. And let us not forget the trumpeciles and their morbid attacks.
Why are we standing for this. It’s our time to go to these rallies and show our support for the flag and our President. Simple as that. I need to get in touch with the Navy Seal who spoke to the news about what we to do to protect our President and our Country as well as our Flag.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
If you are referring to trump's photo ops, they are not "rallies." These are only ways for trump to satisfy
his immense ego at your expense. Trump does not love any flag. He loves himself and uses your ilk to promote that love for himself. Grifter
Last edited:

August 18, 2018: Trump supporter assaulted by aging punk rocker.
August 14, 2018: CNN’s Chris Cuomo justifies and encourages violence against Trump supporters.
August 12, 2018: TX Restaurant forced to close social media accounts over photo of Jeff Sessions
August 9, 2018: FBI announce arrest for contract killing threat of ICE agent via Twitter
August 9, 2018: Antifa blocks Infowars reporter’s access to park
August 8, 2018: Democrat protester harass GOP rep. “Shame on your Mexican wife!”
August 6, 2018: Infowars reported harassed by Antifa in Portland
August 6, 2018: FL: Vandals throw dead fish on Lee Co. Republican headquarters
August 4, 2018: Trump supporter’s car has all 4 tires slashed in Philly.
August 4, 2018: Left-wing terrorists Antifa follow and harass Candace Owens
August 2, 2018: Man arrested for threatening Rep. SteveScalise
August 1, 2018: Woman charged with trying to hit man with her car over Trump sticker
July 26, 2018: KY: Fayette County GOP headquarters vandalized
July 26, 2018: Trump supporter punched in Hollywood
July 25, 2018: Trump’s Hollywood Walk of Fame star destroyed 
July 25, 2018: Man arrested, indicted on charges after allegedly threatening Congresswoman Diane Black
July 24, 2018: Sen Cory Booker (D-NJ) Says Brett Kavanaugh supporters are “complicit in evil”
July 23, 2018: Denver Post Runs Letter to Editor Suggesting Trump Should Be Executed
July 23, 2018: Elizabeth Warren Supporter Shoves Challenger
July 20, 2018: Green-Haired “Gender Fluid” Guy Spits All Over Teen’s MAGA Hat
July 20, 2018: ‘Hang Trump’ Shirt Peddled on Facebook
July 19, 2018: ‘New Yorker’ Kills Trump
July 19, 2018: CA Anti-Trump Protesters Target Legal Immigrant’s Cafe Over Trump Support, Hurl Feces
July 17, 2018: Uber Driver Refuses to Serve Black Conservatives Over MAGA Hat
July 17, 2018: Gory Trump Throat-Cutting Art Decorates Portland Gallery
July 16, 2018: House Democrat Calls For ‘Military Folks’ To ‘Stop Trump’
July 16, 2018: Mob chases pro-Trump group out of Los Angeles bar
July 15, 2018: Anti-Trump Paraglider Who Buzzed Trump Visit Arrested in Britain
July 15, 2018: Former Clinton WH Staffer: It’s ‘Tempting’ to Beat up Rand Paul
July 13, 2018: Anti-Israel protesters harass Jared and Ivanka with loud speakers outside their home
July 13, 2018: 76-year-old man assaulted by anti-Trump thugs in San Diego.
July 11, 2018: ABC’s Terry Moran shames Fox News’s Shannon Bream for feeling threatened at SCOTUS protest
July 10, 2018: Protesters arrested, accused of assaulting officer at Portland ICE office
July 10, 2018: Man threatens to ‘curb stomp’ Trump supporter at Disneyland
July 10, 2018: Fox News Reporter Harassed, Threatened And Forced To Leave Supreme Court By Leftist Mob
July 9, 2018: Far-left blog Talking Points Memo mocks Stephen Miller over report of confrontation with bartender.
July 9, 2018: Trump senior aide Stephen Miller harassed on street by angry bartender.
July 9, 2018: Motorists scream curse words at Sean Spicer in his yard.
July 9, 2018: Trump senior aide Kellyanne Conway harassed in grocery store
July 9, 2018: Anti-Trump activists vandalize New York DHS office
July 8, 2018: LISTEN: Idaho GOP Rep. Receives Threatening Voicemails, Emails Because of This Facebook Post
July 8, 2018: Longtime Hillary Clinton aide publishes contact information about bookstore owner who stopped the harassment of Steve Bannon, Reines’s obvious goal is to see the bookstore owner harassed.
July 8, 2018: Far-left Daily Beast writer defends public harassment of Steve Bannon
July 7, 2018: Sen. Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) menaced outside restaurant. We know where you live!
July 7, 2018: Steve Bannon harassed at bookstore; police called
July 7, 2018: Left-wing AntiFa terrorists attack peaceful Tommy Robinson supporters in San Francisco
July 7, 2018: New York Times editorial calls for Dems to “take a page from The Godfather” to “go to the mattresses” to stop Trump’s Supreme Court nominee.
July 6, 2018: BLM activist calls for assassination of Supreme Court Justice
July 6, 2018: Brick Thrown Through Front Door Of Wheeling, IL, Township Republican Headquarters
July 6, 2018: CNN analyst justifies violence against Trump supporters
July 6, 2018: Long Island Man Threatened to Kill Supporters of Republican Congressman, Trump: Police
July 6, 2018: Florida man attacked over Trump flag in yard.
July 6, 2018: Woman threatens to stab Alan Dershowitz in heart.
July 5, 2018: Founder of #WalkAway campaign refused service at camera store.
July 5, 2018: Trump supporter wearing Make America Great Again hat allegedly assaulted in burger joint (video at link).
July 4, 2018: Paul Begala Reportedly Sending Serial-Harasser Mike Stark To Harass Barbara Comstock July 4th
July 3, 2018: Left-wing Catholic calls for sending Trump supporters to the guillotine
July 3, 2018: Nebraska GOP office vandalized.
July 3, 2018: EPA head Scott Pruitt harassed at restaurant.
July 2, 2018: MAGA hat wearer harassed at seafood restaurant
July 2, 2018: Mother of cancer survivor harassed online for thanking Eric Trump for $16 million in St. Jude support
July 2, 2018: Cher accuses ICE of “Gestapo tactics.”
July 2, 2018: Man accused of threatening to kill Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) and his family.
July 1, 2018: Washington Post reporter publicly calls on mobs to give Trump officials a “life sentence” of harassment.
July 1, 2018: Man wearing MAGA hat refused service in restaurant.
July 1, 2018: AntiFa terrorists attack Patriot Prayer rally in Portland.
June 30, 2018: Attorney Attacks Elderly Vet at “Keeping Families Together” March
June 29, 2018: Media falsely blame Trump for murder of five journalists in Maryland.
June 29, 2018: Hollywood actor calls on Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) to be harassed at “every meal.”
June 29, 2018: California man accused of threatening to kill FCC Chairman Ajit Pai’s children.
June 28, 2018: Reuters editor says Trump has blood on his hands for murder of five journalists in Maryland. He still has a job.
June 28, 2018: Singer John Legend praises and agrees with Rep. Maxine Waters for calling on mobs to publicly harass Trump officials out of public spaces like restaurants.
June 28, 2018: Journalist lies about Maryland mass-shooter being a Trump supporter.
June 28, 2018: Co-Chair of Women for Trump Receives Death Threats After CNN Appearance
June 28, 2018: Rep. Luis Gutierrez (D-IL) calls on “angry” Latinos to oust Trump.
June 27, 2018: Media defend and champion Virginia restaurant owner who kicked White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders and her family out, and then reportedly harassed them as they ate at a nearby restaurant.
June 26, 2018: Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao harassed at home by protesters.
June 26, 2018: Sen. Maggie Hassan (D-NH) blames President Trump for her intern yelling “Fuck you!” at him through the halls of the U.S. Capitol. The intern was not fired.
June 26, 2018: Comedienne Kathy Griffin attacks the Trump administration as “pro-Nazi.” Obviously, once you describe someone as a Nazi, you are calling for violence against them.
June 26, 2018: Chicago bar refuses to serve Trump supporters.
June 26, 2018: Singer John Legend calls on Trump officials to be harassed until our immigration policies are weakened.
June 26, 2018: Late night comedians celebrate the harassment of Sarah Sanders and her family.
June 25, 2018: Burned animal carcass left on Trump staffer’s porch.
June 25, 2018: After refusing to serve Sarah Sanders and the family, we learn a restaurant owner then organized a mob to harass Sanders’ family at a nearby restaurant.
June 25, 2018: Sen. Cory Booker (D-NJ) calls on mobs to confront Trump officials over immigration policies.
June 25, 2018: CNN contributor attacks those on the right calling for civility.
June 25, 2018: CNN’s Jake Tapper dismisses harassment of Sarah Sanders as a political ploy on Sander’s part.
June 24, 2018: Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) publicly calls on mobs to “turn on” Trump officials, to “harass” them, ensure they “they won’t be able to go to a restaurant, they won’t be able to stop at a gas station, they’re not going to be able to shop at a department store.”
June 23, 2018: Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi harassed, menaced, and reportedly spit at by left-wing protesters at movie theater.
June 22, 2018: Sarah Sanders and her family booted out of restaurant by left-wing owner.
June 22, 2018: Member of Canadian media, Patrick Dussault, threatens Don Jr.s 4-year-old daughter
June 22, 2018: Kirstjen Nielsen harassed by protesters outside her private home.
June 22, 2018: Rep. Jackie Sperier (D-CA), compares border enforcement to Auschwitz.
June 22, 2018: Left-wing activists vandalize billboard.
June 22, 2018: On Morning Joe, Donny Deutsch smears Trump and his supporters as “Nazis.”
June 21, 2018: Democrat state legislator in Pennsylvania greets Vice President Mike Pence with a “middle finger salute.”
June 21, 2018: White House Senior Adviser Stephen Miller heckled and harassed at restaurant.
June 21, 2018: Actor Adam Scott compares Tucker Carlson to a Nazi.
June 20, 2018: Left-wing AntiFa terrorists publish list of ICE agents for harassment purposes.
Jun 20, 2018: Florida man accused of threatening to kill Rep. Brian Mast (R-FL), a U.S. combat veteran, and his children in a series of nearly 500 calls to his office.
June 20, 2018: Actor Peter Fonda calls for a mob to kidnap President Trump’s 11-year-old son and throw him in a cage with pedophiles.
June 20, 2018: Actor Peter Fonda calls for a mob to sexually humiliate and abuse Sarah Sanders and Department of Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen.
June 20, 2018: Nancy Sinatra praises Peter Fonda for his tweets.
June 20, 2018: Manhunt Underway For Central Pa. Man Accused Of Threatening To Kill President Trump, Other Officials
June 20, 2018: Documentary filmmaker Josh Fox praises Peter Fonda for his tweets.
June 20, 2018: Arnold Schwarzenegger calls for politicians in favor of border security to be put in cages.
June 19, 2018: Kirstjen Nielsen harassed out of restaurant.
June 19, 2018: Democrat interns screams “Fuck you!” at Trump through the halls of the U.S. Capitol. She was not fired.
June 19, 2018: New Yorker fact checker publicly (and falsely) accuses a disabled war veteran who works for ICE of being a Nazi.
June 16, 2018: Jewish Trump Supporter Attacked Outside Kathy Griffin Show In San Francisco
June 15, 2018: Man has MAGA flag stolen at rally.
June 15, 2018: CNN analyst heckles and screams at Sarah Sanders.
June 14, 2018: Nancy Pelosi wonders why there ‘aren’t uprisings’ across nation: ‘Maybe there will be’
May 30, 2018: Anti-Trump Band NOFX Tells Vegas Audience ‘At Least It Was Country Fans’ Killed in Oct. Shooting
May 24, 2018: Anti-Trump forces threaten lawmakers’ lives in name of #Resistance
May 23, 2018: Tomi Lahren has water thrown at her at Minnesota restaurant
May 22, 2018: Trump supporter suspended from school over border wall t-shirt.
May 21, 2018: 14 threats reported against EPA chief Scott Pruitt.
May 18, 2018: Gunman shot at Trump golf club
May 16, 2018: CNN’s Chris Cillizza puts Trump in crosshairs.
May 14, 2018: Black man in MAGA hat harassed, threatened, called “******” at Cheesecake Factory.
May 12, 2018: MSNBC’s Nicolle Wallace asks “How do you resist the temptation to run up and wring [Sarah Sanders’] neck?”
May 4, 2018: Chula Vista school mural depicts severed, speared Trump head
May 2, 2018: San Antonio elected official threatens to poison Republicans’ food
April 23, 2018: Trump supporter shouted out of bar in New York.
April 13, 2018: Tourist in NY mugged at knifepoint while wearing MAGA hat — attackers wouldn’t give hat back
April 8, 2018: David Crosby celebrates fatal Trump Tower fire: ‘oh boy 
 burn baby burn’
April 7, 2018: Mental Health Expert who hates POTUS cheers Fire at Trump Tower-Jeffrey Guterman
April 6, 2018: During Ellen appearance, Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) “jokes” about killing Trump, Pence, Sessions on elevator.
April 5, 2018: Orange Park, FL Trump supporter spends two hours in surgery after attack
April 4, 2018: Councilwoman accused of yelling obscenities at teen wearing Trump shirt
April 3, 2018: Woman brutally attacked in restaurant over support for Trump.
April 1, 2018: Trump golf course sign vandalized.
May 22, 2018: CNN guest on Trump: “If you’re going to shoot him, you have to shoot to kill.”
March 21, 2018: Former VP Joe Biden says he beat the hell’ out of Trump if in high school
March 19, 2018: Democratic Congressman Hints at Armed Rebellion Against Trump
March 19, 2018: Trump supporters attacked for protesting anti-police coffee shop.
March 17, 2018: Trump Staffer Heather Swift assaulted by ShareBlue/American Bridge operative Wilfred “Mike” Stark.
March 16, 2018: Capitol police arrest male democrat operative over assault of Trump official
March 15, 2018: Student with ‘Trump’ flag assaulted by mob during National School Walkout
March 8, 2018: Female Trump supporter assaulted while staging Oscars boycott in LA
March 4, 2018: WATCH: MSNBC Joy Reid Panel Hopes Conservatives ‘Die Off’
February 27, 2018: Trump supporter threatened with knife.
February 23, 2018: Spanish teachers have students hit Trump piñata in Laguna Hills
February 22, 2018: Guardian, HuffPost Contributor Karen Geier: ‘Hopefully’ Kim Jong Un ‘Can Drop a Bomb on CPAC’
February 21, 2018: CNN audience shouts “murderer” at Dana Loesch
February 21, 2018: CNN publicly smears elderly Trump supporter as Russian plant, death threats follow
February 8, 2018: Northeastern University wishes death on Trump during lecture
February 8, 2018: Journalist calls for profs to drown conservative students
February 7, 2018: Trump supporters’ home vandalized in Oceanside CA
February 7, 2018: Democrat attested for sending white powder to Donald Trump Jr.
February 2, 2018: CNN Writer Thanks God for Fatal GOP Train Wreck
January 31, 2018: Party thrown to hurl stuff at television image of Trump.
January 29, 2018: Saginaw, MI businessman’s Trump sign vandalized.
January 24, 2018: Portland, OR, Trump supporter punched in head at protest
January 22, 2018: AntiFa calls for “riot porn” against Trump supporter Tom, Brady
January 21, 2018: NY: Protester charged in Trump supporter attack tried to put cop in headlock

SINCE 2015

Rap Sheet: ***555** Acts of Media-Approved Violence and Harassment Against Trump Supporters | Breitbart

Violent anti-Trump rhetoric, harassment of White House officials and attacks on the president’s supporters have seemingly become the new norm since Trump took office.

In the latest incident on Sunday, Democratic Rep. Alcee Hastings joked that it would be a “catastrophe” if anyone saved President Trump from drowning. (RELATED: Dem Rep. Alcee Hastings Jokes About Trump Drowning In The Potomac River)

The Daily Caller compiled a list of nearly two-dozen incidents alone since January in which Democratic officials made violent jokes about the president and his supporters, Trump officials were harassed in public and other disturbing incidents that lowered the state of discourse.

Here’s the full list:


1/02: Police discover FB live of people beating disabled man while shouting “Fuck Trump!”

1/12: CNN guest Rick Wilson threatens to “gut” a Trump supporter “like a fish”


3/15: Capitol police arrest Democratic operative for assaulting female Interior Department communications official


4/28: Comedienne Michelle Wolf jokes about Kellyanne Conway getting “stuck under a tree”


5/03: CNN’s April Ryan jokes about getting into a “street fight” with Sarah Sanders

5/08: Woman charged with felony reckless endangerment for trying to run Rep. David Kustoff (R-Tenn.) and an aide off the road

5/11: MSNBC’s Nicolle Wallace suggests “wringing” Sarah Sanders’ neck


6/18: Stephen Miller called a “fascist” while eating at Mexican restaurant

6/20: Kirstjen Nielsen driven out of Mexican restaurant

6/22: Red Hen restaurant owner refuses to serve Sarah Sanders

6/23: Rep. Maxine Waters calls on supporters to harass Trump officials in public, says “God is on [their] side”

6/23: Florida AG Pam Bondi confronted, spit on at movie theater

6/25: DHS warns employees of sharp increase in threats after official finds decapitated animal on front porch

6/29: Feds arrest man threatening to kill Ajit Pai’s children


7/6: Man arrested for making “terroristic threats” against Rep. Zeldin staffer, Trump supporters

7/16: Rep. Cohen tells “military folks” to stop Trump

7/25: Sen. Cory Booker tells people to “get up in the face of some congresspeople”


8/1: CNN’s Symone Sanders says Trump officials getting harassed is the “name of the game”

8/2: Democrat drives to man’s home and shoots him over political disagreement on Facebook

8/9: Newly uncovered audio reveals Dem Rep. Steve Cohen joking about GOP Rep. Marsha Blackburn jumping off a bridge

8/12: Antifa protesters say they would like to “murder” Trump — “do him like Gaddafi”

8/13: Pearl Jam depicts dead Trump on concert poster for fundraiser for Dem Senate candidate Jon Tester

8/19: Rep. Hastings (D-Fla.): It would be a “catastrophe” if someone saved Trump from drowning

The Daily Caller ^ | 8/20/2018
Why the unjustified attack on the Party of Peace and Tolerance? :auiqs.jpg:
Really indefensible. Goes to show the Left have totally lost it. They are nothing but punks and thugs now with no respect for anything and need to be beat down and arrested. NOTHING like this was ever done to Obama by the right. This nation is under ASSAULT.
By extremists. In both parties. Nothing changes until you realize that.
And it will continue. The left in this country are unhinged, and as long as their leaders give a nod and wink and look the other way the attacks will go on.
And it will continue. The rightt in this country are unhinged, and as long as their leaders give a nod and wink and look the other way the attacks will go on.
If you are referring to trump's photo ops, they are not "rallies." These are only ways for trump to satisfy
his immense ego at your expense. Trump does not love any flag. He loves himself and uses your ilk to promote that love for himself. Grifter

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