The Federal Government needs to be put back on its Constitutional leash.


We are Americans, not a collective society of sniveling nitwits begging the government to screw everything up for everyone,
trying to reach a number that doesn't give a shit about the individual ...


That seems to be a right wing talking point. My politician buddy who now has to defend pro life (when he was always pro choice), is now telling us that we need to read the constitution.

Ha! As if you idiots have. And even if you have, you are interpreting it weird. You are reading it like radical right wing nutjobs.

Ok then. We'll try it your way for awhile. See how it works out. You just killed a bunch of woman to save some seeds. Creeps.
Tell us how we have “just killed a bunch of women”?
The "Founders" were old, rich, white, dead men. Many owned slaves. At the time the Constitution was ratified the population of the U.S. was a fraction of what it is now. Those over rated Founders were intelligent, and well educated for their time. We should not assume that they could predict what is best for us now.
They could certainly predict what is bad for us now. A powerful central government is a threat to the liberty of every American. The problem is that the liberals have quite cleverly used incremental changes to increase the power of the federal government. People from the fifties and even the sixties would be shocked at the power and intrusiveness of the feds today. In those days even someone as corrupt and powerful as J. Edgar Hoover had to hide his interference with public officials. Today the FBI and other agencies openly flaunt their misdeeds.
You proved me right, dumbass.
You're proving me right. You have nothing to say. I have reduced you to obscene words, insults, and name calling. Those are the lowest form of discourse. That is why you are resorting to them.
They could certainly predict what is bad for us now. A powerful central government is a threat to the liberty of every American. The problem is that the liberals have quite cleverly used incremental changes to increase the power of the federal government. People from the fifties and even the sixties would be shocked at the power and intrusiveness of the feds today. In those days even someone as corrupt and powerful as J. Edgar Hoover had to hide his interference with public officials. Today the FBI and other agencies openly flaunt their misdeeds.
I wish more American conservatives read Edmund Burke. He is the founder of Anglo Saxon conservatism. When many British and Americans were still enthusiastic about the French Revolution, he condemned it in his Reflections on the Revolution in France. I read a political thinker for insight, rather than doctrine, so I do not agree with everything he wrote. I agree with this:

"The effect of liberty is that they may do what they please: we ought to see what it will please them to do, before we risk congratulations, which may be soon turned into complaints."

Liberty for the rich means power over the rest of us. That is why we like a powerful central federal government that restricts the rich and corporations.
You're proving me right. You have nothing to say. I have reduced you to obscene words, insults, and name calling. Those are the lowest form of discourse. That is why you are resorting to them.
No, idiot. You posted hwo the govt cant do a budget because of monetary policies. Which is what i said.
That is agreeing with me.
Do you know what "agreement" means?
I wish more American conservatives read Edmund Burke. He is the founder of Anglo Saxon conservatism. When many British and Americans were still enthusiastic about the French Revolution, he condemned it in his Reflections on the Revolution in France. I read a political thinker for insight, rather than doctrine, so I do not agree with everything he wrote. I agree with this:

"The effect of liberty is that they may do what they please: we ought to see what it will please them to do, before we risk congratulations, which may be soon turned into complaints."

Liberty for the rich means power over the rest of us. That is why we like a powerful central federal government that restricts the rich and corporations.
We are a corporatist Nation.
You are so laughable :lol:
A new constitution would gut the federal government. You see, all those red fly over states would have to approve it and the citizens of those states are sick and tired of federal over each. In a constitutional convention, the population of the states doesn’t matter, just the number of states, one state, one vote. The handful of liberal, powerful states couldn’t use their population numbers to tilt the playing field like they normally do in D. C..
Beginning with Ronald Reagan the Republican Party has learned to exploit hostility to the government. However, the white working class, which has become a Republican constituency, and the Republican Donor Class, which benefits from the votes of white blue collar workers, are hostile to different parts of the government.

The white working class distrusts the Democrat Party on the issues of race, crime, and immigration, and has reason to. The Civil Rights Act of 1964, and the War on Poverty declared the same year, were followed by a black ghetto riot in Harlem in August of that year. The Voting Rights Act of 1965 was quickly followed by the more destructive Watts Riot. There were more serious riots in 1967, and still more serious riots in 1968.

The Kerner Report of 1968 blamed the riots on white racism. In other words, whites, who were obeying the law, were somehow forcing blacks to break the law.

When it became obvious that giving blacks equal rights would not achieve racial equality in incomes (because most blacks are less intelligent than most whites, but don't tell anyone I said so) Democrats decided to force whites to make sacrifices for blacks. These included forced school bussing and affirmative action. These were mainly forced on white blue collar workers.

So, I have a lot of sympathy for the alienation most lower income whites feel for the Democrat Party. Nevertheless, they are still in favor of domestic programs that obviously help them. These include Social Security, Medicare, unemployment compensation, minimum wage laws, and laws to protect labor unions.

The Republican Donor Class does not need the domestic sector of the economy, and does not like being taxed to fund it.
That is a bizarre article, and violates everything I have noticed during my life. Intelligent people can express their opinions calmly and rationally.

I just read that article. All it says is that those with larger vocabularies can recite more obscene words in a given period of time. It presents no evidence that they use those words.
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You do not prove that by asserting it.
So corporations dont get what they want?
Our federal policies dont center around corporations?
Corporations are people?
:rofl: :rofl:
DUDE, they cant even give relief to poor and low middle class families during a pandemic without having the biggest transfer of the wealth to the top in HISTORY.
They could certainly predict what is bad for us now. A powerful central government is a threat to the liberty of every American. The problem is that the liberals have quite cleverly used incremental changes to increase the power of the federal government. People from the fifties and even the sixties would be shocked at the power and intrusiveness of the feds today. In those days even someone as corrupt and powerful as J. Edgar Hoover had to hide his interference with public officials. Today the FBI and other agencies openly flaunt their misdeeds.
The government has grown to its present size in response to popular demand. Republican politicians discover that as soon as they get beyond vague generalities about "less government," and begin to try to cut specific items in the domestic budget. Every item in the domestic budget has a powerful political constituency to protect it. The largest and most expensive items are the most popular.
So corporations dont get what they want?
Our federal policies dont center around corporations?
Corporations are people?
:rofl: :rofl:
DUDE, they cant even give relief to poor and low middle class families during a pandemic without having the biggest transfer of the wealth to the top in HISTORY.
The transfer to the top is engineered by rich Republicans.

When the Democrats controlled the United States the rich were heavily taxed; the middle class benefited.
That is a bizarre article, and violates everything I have noticed during my life. Intelligent people can express their opinions calmly and rationally.

Inteligent people recognize variables inconsistent with the context and content of the argument others are trying to make.

I couldnt [sic] imagine going through life being such a pathetic hack. I feel sorry for you. You miss out on so much!
The Latin adverb sic ("thus", "just as"; in full: sic erat scriptum, "thus was it written")[1] inserted after a quoted word or passage indicates that the quoted matter has been transcribed or translated exactly as found in the source text, complete with any erroneous, archaic, or otherwise nonstandard spelling, punctuation, or grammar. It also applies to any surprising assertion, faulty reasoning, or other matter that might be interpreted as an error of transcription...

Sic may also be inserted derisively or sarcastically, to call attention to the original writer's spelling mistakes


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