The Federal Government needs to be put back on its Constitutional leash.

When the Federal government passed Medicare, The Unaffordable Care Act, and even Social Security, they exceeded their Constitutional authority.
gmeyers1944, I can think of an excellent career for you. You should write campaign speeches and campaign literature for Republican politicians. I recommend that career, because I trust your integrity. You say what Republican politicians really think. If the voters knew what the GOP really stands for, the Democrats would control the United States.
You do not prove that by asserting it.

Every country has different healthcare costs. Twenty-three countries spend more than $3,000 on healthcare per capita based on 2018 data. According to the OECD, the ten countries that spend the most on healthcare per person are:

  1. United States ($10,586)
  2. Switzerland ($7,317)
  3. Norway ($6,187)
  4. Germany ($5,986)
  5. Sweden ($5,447)
  6. Austria ($5,395)
  7. Denmark ($5,299)
  8. Netherlands ($5,288)
  9. Health Care Costs by Country 2022

The other countries have socialized medicine. They have lower infant mortality rates,

and higher life expectancy.

The reason health care costs so much in the United States and gives such bad results is the insurance industry. In the United States money goes to insurance companies, which in civilized countries goes to health care.

We need to get the insurance companies out of health care, and let the government take care of everything, like it does in the civilized world. And do you know something? I do not care that the over rated "Founding Fathers" would have disapproved.
Costs started going up when the federal govt got involved with healthcare. Just like education.

Notice when medicare was introduced?
gmeyers1944, I can think of an excellent career for you. You should write campaign speeches and campaign literature for Republican politicians. I recommend that career, because I trust your integrity. You say what Republican politicians really think. If the voters knew what the GOP really stands for, the Democrats would control the United States.
Are you saying the republicans follow the Constitution? :lol:
Govt cant even do a budget and this dumbass wants them to control our healthcare :lol:
Just think, a bunch of corrupt, dumb, farmers and lawyers, controlling our HEALTH.
Americans, by a majority, are stupid as fuck.
Are you saying the republicans follow the Constitution? :lol:
No politician follows your interpretation of the Constitution because he would not be elected. The American consensus has moved far beyond what the over rated "Founding Fathers" had in mind.
No politician follows your interpretation of the Constitution because he would not be elected. The American consensus has moved far beyond what the over rated "Founding Fathers" had in mind.
It was simply a check on govt. The wording is clear for the most part.
People are too stupid to understand that and allow the govt to do whatever it wants as long as they agree with it.
Stupid, ignorant people like you, is why this country is like it is right now.
People like you cant wipe their own ass. You are regressive, illiberal and authoritarian.
Its disgusting.
Govt cant even do a budget and this dumbass wants them to control our healthcare :lol:
Just think, a bunch of corrupt, dumb, farmers and lawyers, controlling our HEALTH.
Americans, by a majority, are stupid as fuck.
Budgetary problems are caused by Republican tax cuts for the rich. Republican politicians pretend that tax cuts for the rich will pay for themselves. When this does not happen, the blame the resulting deficits on the Democrats.

In 1945 the national debt as a percentage of gross domestic product (GDP) was 114%. By the time President Carter, of beloved memory, left office this had declined to 32%. The decline continued during the wars in Korea and Vietnam. During this time the top tax rate never declined below 70%, and was often much higher. Reagan cut the top tax rate to 28%. The national debt as a percentage of GDP rose to 50%.

President Clinton increased the top tax rate somewhat. During his presidency the national debt as a percentage of GDP declined somewhat. Then President George W. Bush cut taxes for the rich, while starting two expensive wars he could not win. Trump cut taxes for the rich even more. When he left office the national debt as a percentage of GDP had risen to 129%.

For years public opinion surveys have indicated popular support for a more progressive tax system.

poll + tax + rich - Google Search

I agree with the consensus. I do not care one bit that the over rated "Founding Fathers" would have disapproved.
It was simply a check on govt. The wording is clear for the most part.
People are too stupid to understand that and allow the govt to do whatever it wants as long as they agree with it.
Stupid, ignorant people like you, is why this country is like it is right now.
People like you cant [sic] wipe their own ass. You are regressive, illiberal and authoritarian.
Its disgusting.
Please get a job writing campaign speeches and campaign literature for Republican politicians. The voters have the intelligence to realize that what you recommend will harm them.

One more thing, the Constitutional Convention of 1787 was not called to restrict the government. It was called to strengthen the government. The government under the Articles of Confederation, which had been established in 1777, had proven to be too weak.
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Budgetary problems are caused by Republican tax cuts for the rich. Republican politicians pretend that tax cuts for the rich will pay for themselves. When this does not happen, the blame the resulting deficits on the Democrats.

In 1945 the national debt as a percentage of gross domestic product (GDP) was 114%. By the time President Carter, of beloved memory, left office this had declined to 32%. The decline continued during the wars in Korea and Vietnam. During this time the top tax rate never declined below 70%, and was often much higher. Reagan cut the top tax rate to 28%. The national debt as a percentage of GDP rose to 50%.

President Clinton increased the top tax rate somewhat. During his presidency the national debt as a percentage of GDP declined somewhat. Then President George W. Bush cut taxes for the rich, while starting two expensive wars he could not win. Trump cut taxes for the rich even more. When he left office the national debt as a percentage of GDP had risen to 129%.

For years public opinion surveys have indicated popular support for a more progressive tax system.

poll + tax + rich - Google Search

I agree with the consensus. I do not care one bit that the over rated "Founding Fathers" would have disapproved.
IE the govt cant budget. Jesus 🥴
Stupid, ignorant people like you, is why this country is like it is right now.
People like you cant wipe their own ass. You are regressive, illiberal and authoritarian.
Its disgusting.
I was wondering when the insults would start. When they start I know I have won the argument.
Why do countries that spend less per capita on health care than we do get better results?

Because the results are collective, where our healthcare is individual and allows choices.

We are Americans, not a collective society of sniveling nitwits begging the government to screw everything up for everyone,
trying to reach a number that doesn't give a shit about the individual ... You don't have to stay, and we aren't asking you for anything.

The United States Constitution was written and signed by rich white men who wished to keep power in the hands of rich white men. The Constitution has lasted as long as it has because interpretations have changed in response to changes in popular opinion.

Is the Constitution a "living document?" That depends on how "living document" is defined. I am opposed to the United States Supreme Court inventing rights that were not intended by the original authors and which are unpopular at the time of their invention. The right of blacks to attend integrated schools was one of these rights. The right to an abortion is another of these rights.

My interpretation of the Constitution is fairly simple: unless the Constitution clearly says something, We should assume that the Constitution is silent on the matter, and leave it up to the voters.
What you are overlooking is that the segregated schools were the result of another “popular” SCOTUS decision. Going that route is a really bad idea. The courts must limit themselves and the government to things that are clearly allowed by the Tenth Amendment.
This is the Tenth Amendment:

"The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people.”

The Supreme Court has had the good sense to ignore the Tenth Amendment. A reactionary Supreme Court could use the Tenth Amendment to overturn much of the popular legislation passed since the inauguration of Teddy Roosevelt in 1902. If it did there would be a Constitutional crises leading to end or the weakening of the Supreme Court.

There might be a completely new United States Constitution, one giving the federal government much more power.
A new constitution would gut the federal government. You see, all those red fly over states would have to approve it and the citizens of those states are sick and tired of federal over each. In a constitutional convention, the population of the states doesn’t matter, just the number of states, one state, one vote. The handful of liberal, powerful states couldn’t use their population numbers to tilt the playing field like they normally do in D. C..

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